IBPS PO Notification 2023

The IBPS PO Notification is released by the conducting body, which is the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS). Candidates willing to apply for the upcoming IBPS PO exam can refer to this article for all the information regarding the IBPS PO notification 2023.

Latest Update: The IBPS PO exam dates are announced by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection. Candidates willing to apply for the exam can fill in the IBPS PO Application Form once the official notification is out. 

Candidates can refer to previous year notification for better understanding of the IBPS PO 2023 exam.

IBPS PO Notification PDF 2022:-Download PDF Here

Candidates can check the detailed exam schedule for the Probationary Officer and other posts at the IBPS Exam Dates page.

Table of Contents:

  1. IBPS PO Recruitment 2023
  2. IBPS PO Exam Dates
  3. IBPS PO Apply Online
  4. IBPS PO Eligibility Criteria
  5. IBPS PO Vacancy
  6. IBPS PO Salary
  7. IBPS PO Syllabus & Exam Pattern
  8. IBPS PO Admit Card
  9. IBPS PO Result
  10. IBPS PO Preparation

The conducting body releases the IBPS PO notification for all IBPS exams. The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection is the body that is responsible for conducting the IBPS exam for the post of Probationary Officer.

Get updates and latest notifications regarding the Government exams 2023-24 at the linked article.

Given below are some important details regarding the IBPS PO exam:

IBPS PO Recruitment
Post Probationary Officer
Conducting body Institute of Banking Personnel Selection
IBPS PO Notification 2023 August 2023 (tentative)
Official Website ibps.in
Job Location Across India
Level of Exam National Level

Aspirants with any queries regarding the IBPS notification 2023, can visit the linked article.

The IBPS PO Notification 2021 was released on October 19, 2021, to fill up over 4000 vacancies. Given below is the IBPS PO notification for the previous recruitment, candidates willing to apply for the upcoming examination can refer to the notification PDF below:

IBPS PO Notification PDF 2021:-Download PDF Here

Test your preparation for the upcoming Bank exam and solve Free IBPS PO Mock Tests Now!

Also, visit the below-mentioned links and ace the upcoming IBPS PO exam:

IBPS PO Recruitment 2023

The IBPS recruitment is an annually conducted procedure which is held to appoint Probationary Officers in various participating Public Sector Banks under IBPS.

The list of participating bodies, salary, probation, selection process, etc. are mentioned in the notification.

Aspirants must keep in mind that the IBPS PO recruitment is a 6 to 7 months procedure and the Commission ensures that all fair and just measures are taken to conduct the exam every year. However, the government has announced for establishing the National Recruitment Agency (NRA) which shall soon be responsible to conduct a Common Eligibility Test (CET) for IBPS, SSC and RRB exams to shorten and simplify the recruitment process.

IBPS PO Exam Dates

The IBPS calendar 2023 has been released with the exam dates for different IBPS exams scheduled to be conducted in 2023. 

The IBPS PO exam is conducted in three stages. This includes:

  1. IBPS PO Prelims
  2. IBPS PO Mains
  3. Interview

The important dates for the IBPS PO recruitment 2023, 2022, 2021 and 2020 are given in the table below:

IBPS PO Recruitment
IBPS PO Events Important Dates
2023 2022 2021 2020
IBPS PO Notification August 2023 August 1st 2022 October 19, 2021 August 4, 2020
IBPS PO Notification [Supplementary] – – — October 26, 2020
IBPS PO Prelims Exam September 23, 2023

September 30, 2023

 October 01, 2023

October 2022 December 4 & 11, 2021 October 3rd, 10th & 11th, 2020
IBPS PO Mains Exam November 05, 2023 November 2022 January 2022 February 2, 2021
Interview Jan/Feb 2024 January / February 2023 February/March 2022 March 2021

For information related to the
IBPS Apply Online, candidates can visit the linked article.

Candidates can check the IBPS PO exam dates at the linked article and prepare themselves accordingly.

IBPS PO Apply Online

The IBPS PO Apply Online procedure is easy and requires candidates to fill in the application form through online mode only. Given below are the steps that a candidate can follow to apply online for the IBPS PO exam:

  1. Visit the official website of IBPS
  2. Fill in all the required fields
  3. Upload a passport size photo and signature
  4. Fill in the Application Fee

Once the application fee is paid the online application process for the IBPS PO is also complete.

IBPS PO Eligibility Criteria

The IBPS PO notification clearly states a set of eligibility criteria that a candidate needs to fulfil to apply for the exam. Given below is the IBPS PO eligibility criteria as prescribed by IBPS:

  1. Nationality- Candidate must be a citizen of India, Subject of Nepal or Bhutan or a Tibetan Refugee.
  2. Age Limit- The upper age limit for the IBPS PO exam is 30 years, and the lower age limit is 20 years. Certain age relaxations are available for candidates belonging to different categories.
  3. Educational Qualification- Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s degree from any Government recognised University. Final Year students cannot apply for the IBPS PO exam.

Candidates can know the detailed IBPS PO eligibility criteria at the linked article.

IBPS PO Vacancy

The 2023 vacancy details will be released with the official notification. Candidates can refer to previous year details to get an idea about it.

The 2021 notification for the recruitment of Probationary Officers released close to 4000 IBPS PO vacancies. Whereas this year more vacancies have been released by the participating Public Sector Banks.

As per the IBPS PO notification 2022, 6432 vacancies have been released by the conducting body to appoint Probationary Officers/ Management Trainees.

IBPS PO Participating Organisations

The IBPS is a conducting body. The recruitment of Probationary Officers is done for various Participating Organisations. These include several Public Sector Banks. Given below is a list of the participating Organisations:

Indian Bank UCO Bank Bank of Baroda Bank of India
Bank of Maharashtra Canara Bank Central Bank of India Punjab National Bank
Punjab & Sind Bank Union Bank of India Indian Overseas Bank

Given below is the detailed vacancy distribution for the IBPS PO exam 2022, as per the updated notification released on August 1st 2022.IBPS PO 2022 Vacancy

Given below is the detailed vacancy distribution for the IBPS PO exam 2021, as per the updated notification released on October 19, 2021:

IBPS PO Vacancy 2021

Government Exams 2023 Banner

IBPS PO Salary

The basic salary for a Probationary Officer recruited under IBPS is Rs. 23,700. After the third increment, the IBPS PO salary is approximately Rs. 42,020. 

Apart from this, various other benefits and perks are provided to a Probationary Officer by IBPS. This includes HRA, medical allowances, travel allowances, etc. To know the detailed IBPS PO salary structure, candidates can visit the linked article.

IBPS PO Syllabus & Exam Pattern

The Institute sets the IBPS PO exam pattern and syllabus, and it reserves the right to change the exam pattern as per its convenience. Given below is the latest IBPS PO exam pattern and syllabus:

IBPS PO Exam Pattern
IBPS PO Exam Subjects Number of Questions Marks
Preliminary Exam English Language 30 30 marks
Reasoning Ability 35 35 marks
Quantitative Aptitude 35 35 marks
Mains Exam English Language 35 40 marks
Quantitative Aptitude 35 60 marks
Reasoning Ability 45 60 marks
General Awareness 40 40 marks
Descriptive Paper 2 25 marks
Interview — — —

Candidates can know more about the IBPS PO syllabus and exam pattern at the linked article.

Interested candidates can also check the IBPS PO exam analysis, which may help them prepare better for the exam. Candidates can refer to the below-mentioned links:

  1. IBPS PO Prelims Exam Analysis
  2. IBPS PO Mains Exam Analysis

IBPS PO Admit Card

The IBPS PO Admit card is released 10 to 15 days before the date of examination, and it comprises information like the examination centre, candidate’s name & address, signature, and candidate’s photograph.

For more information regarding the IBPS PO Admit card or to download the admit card, candidates can visit the linked article.

IBPS PO Result

The IBPS PO result is based on the overall performance of candidates across the country. IBPS declares a sectional and overall cut off and candidates who manage to score the minimum cut off marks qualify for the next stage of the exam.

Candidates can check the IBPS PO result at the linked article.

The IBPS PO IBPS PO Final Result 2023 was declared by IBPS on 1 April 2023 on the official website of IBPS.

IBPS PO Preparation

The banking sector is one of the largest employment generating sectors in the country. And the IBPS PO exam is among the most sought after exams. 

To enter the bank industry as a Probationary Officer opens up opportunities for further growth in the Organisation. Thus, the competition for the IBPS PO exam is very tough. Hence candidates need to prepare themselves well for the IBPS PO exam 20223.

Given below are a few IBPS PO preparation tips for the convenience of candidates appearing for the upcoming IBPS PO exam:

  1. Make sure that you solve the IBPS PO mock test on a regular basis as it will help you apprehend the type of questions asked in the exam.
  2. Figure out a strategic study plan along with a time table and prepare for the IBPS PO exam 2023.
  3. Go through the IBPS PO syllabus and exam pattern carefully before starting the IBPS PO preparation.
  4. Solving the IBPS PO Previous Year question papers is also recommended. This will help candidates understand the exact exam pattern and the standard of the exam.

Candidates who are willing to apply for the upcoming IBPS PO exam can get the IBPS PO Preparation Tips at the linked article.

For more information regarding Bank PO, candidates can visit the linked article.

Related Links:

IBPS PO Exam Pattern Bank PO Preparation IBPS Syllabus
IBPS Selection Process SBI PO Notification SBI PO

Frequently Asked Questions on IBPS PO Notification


Q 1. When is the IBPS PO notification 2023 be released?

Ans. The IBPS PO notification 2023 will tentatively release in August 2023.

Q 2. Is there an offline mode to apply for the IBPS PO exam?

Ans. No, there is no offline mode to apply for the IBPS PO exam. The IBPS PO notification clearly states that candidates can fill in the application form only through online mode, and the application fee can also be paid online only.

Q 3. Which are the best books to prepare for the IBPS PO exam?

Ans. Given below is the list of books which are recommended to prepare for the IBPS PO exam:

  • Data Interpretation by Arun Sharma
  • Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning by R.S. Agarwal
  • A New Approach to Reasoning Verbal and Non-Verbal (English) 1st Edition by B.S Sijwali, Indu Sijwali
  • English Grammar by Wren & Martin
  • Pratiyogita Darpan (Monthly Edition)
  • Banking Awareness by Arihant Publications

Also, for general awareness preparation, candidates are suggested to read the newspaper daily.


Q 4. Is there a time limit to solve each section in the IBPS PO prelims exam?

Ans. Yes, there is a sectional time limit of 20 minutes to solve each section in the IBPS PO prelims exam. There is sectional time for the mains exam as well. Candidates must carefully go through the exam pattern, as mentioned in the official IBPS PO notification.

Q 5. Is there an interview stage in the IBPS PO exam?

Ans. Yes, there is an interview stage in the IBPS PO exam. The final stage of the IBPS PO selection process is the interview.


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  1. is this objective type exam pattern or descriptive ?