
Symbol Pd
Atomic Number 46
Atomic Mass 106.42g.mol-1
Discovered by William Hyde Wollaston

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Chemical Properties of Palladium

Group 10 Melting point 1554.8°C, 2830.6°F, 1828 K
Period 5 Boiling point 2963°C, 5365°F, 3236 K
Block d Density (g cm−3) 12.0
Atomic number 46 Relative atomic mass 106.42  
State at 20°C Solid Key isotopes 106Pd
Electron configuration [Kr] 4d10 CAS number 7440-05-3
ChemSpider ID 22380 ChemSpider is a free chemical structure database

What is Palladium?

  • Palladium(Pd), the chemical element with an atomic number of 46, is a rare element and has a lustrous silver appearance.
  • Discovered by William Hyde Wollaston in the year 1803.
  • The metal was named after the asteroid Pallas of the Greek goddess Athena.

Uses of Palladium

  • The metal serves as a catalyst in many chemical processes like hydrogenation, petroleum cracking, and dehydrogenation.
  • Palladium is a Lindlar catalyst and is sometimes referred to as Lindlar Palladium.
  • Used in electrodes and also being a major component for multi-layer ceramic capacitors.
  • Being an absorbent of hydrogen, used for storage of the same.
  • Used for jewellery making since time immemorial.
  • Used by photographers in making fine art with black and white prints using palladium salts.

Properties of Palladium

  • The metal is highly resistant to corrosion in the air and some acids at room temperatures.
  • It will dissolve in aqua regia and can be attacked by hot acids.
  • It can form several salts and also form different compounds.
  • A special feature of Palladium is that it absorbs hydrogen to a great extent (nearly 900 times its own volume).

Certain Facts About Palladium

  • The metal has an incredible capacity to absorb hydrogen 900 times more than any other metal.
  • Despite the metal being biologically inactive, it triggers allergies among certain people.
  • Palladium is a fairly non-toxic metal.
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