Prithvi II is a single-stage missile that falls under the liquid fuelling category and is known to have a maximum warhead mounting capability of 500 kg and a range of 250 km (160 mi). It was developed by DRDO and was first used by the Indian Air Force.
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How Many Prithvi Missile India have?
There are 3 Prithvi missiles with India with Prithvi I having a range of 150 km, Prithvi II with 250 km range and Prithvi III with 350 km range.
What is the Range of Prithvi II?
The range of Prithvi II missile is 250 km.
Who Invented the Prithvi Missile?
The Prithvi Missile is an indigenously developed missile by DRDO (Defence Research & Development Organization) under the flagship of the Integrated Guided Missile Development Program (IGMDP).
Multiple Choice Question
Consider the following statements
- Prahaar (“Strike”) is an Indian solid-fuel road-mobile tactical ballistic missile developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO). Prahaar is expected to replace the Prithvi-I short-range ballistic missile in Indian service
- The Nag missile, also called “Prospina” for the land-attack version, is an Indian third-generation, all-weather, fire-and-forget, lock-on after launch, anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) with an operational range of 500 m to 20 km.
- The Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme (IGMDP) was an Indian Ministry of Defence programme for the research and development of the comprehensive range of missiles. The programme was managed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and Ordnance Factories Board.
- Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL) is one of India’s manufacturers of munitions and missile systems. BDL has three manufacturing units, located at Kanchanbagh, Hyderabad; Bhanur, Medak district, Telangana and Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh.
Choose the correct answer from the below-given options
A) Only Statements 1, 2 and 3 are true.
B) Only Statements 1, 3 and 4 are true.
C) Only Statements 2, 3 and 4 are true.
D) All the above statements are true.
Answer: D
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