The UPSC conducted the Civil Services Preliminary Exam 2020 on 4th October 2020. BYJU’S has uploaded the UPSC Prelims question papers along with the answer keys. You can download the PDFs of both the IAS GS 1 Paper and CSAT from the links provided on this page.
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UPSC CSE 2020 Prelims Question Paper
The UPSC Prelims GS Paper 1 comprises 100 questions from the UPSC Prelims Syllabus for GS 1. It covers various topics from history, economy, polity, geography, science and technology, environment and ecology, etc.
UPSC Prelims 2020 GS 1 Question Paper:- Download PDF Here
You can download the UPSC Prelims 2020 Answer Key for GS Paper 1 and CSAT from the linked article.
The CSAT paper is basically an aptitude test where the UPSC evaluates the candidates on comprehension skills, logical reasoning, analytical and communication skills, decision-making, problem-solving, basic numeracy and mental ability. There are 80 questions in this paper.
Also, check:
UPSC Prelims 2020 GS 2 (CSAT) Question Paper:- Download PDF Here
The CSAT paper is only a qualifying paper and is not counted for the merit ranking. The GS paper 1 is counted for the merit ranking. In order to clear the IAS Prelims exam, candidates should get the qualifying score for the CSAT and get a score above the cut-off marks in the GS 1 paper. Read more about UPSC Cut-off in the linked article.
Thinking about UPSC 2023, check our IAS 2023 Prelims Test Series !
Watch UPSC CSE 2020 Discussion, Analysis & Expected Cut-Off LIVE below:

Aspirants can download the 2019 UPSC Prelims question papers from the link.
You can also download the UPSC Mains 2020 Question Papers from the link.
These UPSC 2020 prelims question papers are of immense help to someone who is either analysing the trend or revising the syllabus.
Candidates should know that the UPSC has negative marking in both GS 1 and CSAT papers. For more information on how to calculate your score after the negative marking scheme of the UPSC, click on the linked article.
UPSC Prelims is the first hurdle to leap over if you want to realize your IAS dreams. The following table gives a few important links for successfully preparing for the IAS prelims exam.
1. Understand UPSC Syllabus
2. Start with NCERTs and complement with daily newspaper.
3. Refer to UPSC previous years’ question papers.
4. Read Rajiv Ahir’s Brief of Modern History, M. Laxmikanth’s Indian Polity for GS 1 and 2 respectively.
5. Revise often.
6. Take mock tests periodically.
There are two papers in UPSC Prelims and nine theory papers in UPSC Mains. For further clarity, check UPSC Exam Pattern.
As im studying 3rd year BE CSE can i apply for UPSC in final year
can u notify me
You can apply in final year provided you meet all the eligibility criteria. Read more here
Hlo sir I’m in 9th class and I want to became an IPS officer so can u plz tell me that from when I should start preparing for upsc ?
And maths is here in upsc or not ??
Hi Janvi, If you want to become an IPS officer you can start your preparation after class 12th. For now you can read your NCERTs and build a strong foundation for the UPSC Exam.
Yes, Maths as an optional subject is available to appear for UPSC Mains Exam. Other than that questions from basic mathematics are asked in the UPSC CSAT Paper II. For more details you can visit List Of Optional Subjects in UPSC.
Hi I can choose botany as optional subject in upsc mains exam
Yes, you can check the Botany Optional Syllabus for UPSC at the linked article.
I m a student of class 9 and i want to become an ias officer how can i start preparing from class 9? And which subjects are important for upsc?
Hi Rishita
Focus on all the subjects so that your fundamentals are clear. Put more emphasis on history, polity, geography. There is a lot of time for you to sit in UPSC Exam, hence, make sure you do good in your academics too.
I am in class 11th (biology) I want to clear upsc exam which books is useful for upsc preparation.
1. NCERT Books (History, Geography, Polity and Economics). Read the last four chapters of class 12 biology for environment-related topics.
2. Reference Books mentioned here.
I am a bams first year student so how i should prepare for upsc
1. Understand UPSC Syllabus
2. Start with NCERTs and complement with daily newspaper.
3. Refer to UPSC previous years’ question papers.
4. Read Rajiv Ahir’s Brief of Modern History, M. Laxmikanth’s Indian Polity for GS 1 and 2 respectively.
5. Revise often.
6. Take mock tests periodically.
Iam prashanth Degree 2nd year student(maths)i want to clear upsc exam which books is useful for upsc preparation.
Hi, Prashanth
You can go through the list of UPSC Books given in the linked article.
Hi , im 11th student i have a dream to clear ias
But im willing to clear after my mbbs , so how i can study for ias , because in medial field we wont be knowing much about history , political
It is a myth that only humanities-background candidates can tackle UPSC history, polity. The subjects are general in nature. A perfect blend of strategies and effort can help any aspirant clear the exam. If you want to know more about IAS preparation, reach us at +919243500460.
And how to prepare gs paper1 and gs paper2 along with
Please go through the below-mentioned links:
1. UPSC Mains GS 1 Strategy
2. UPSC Mains GS 2 Strategy