IBPS Mock Tests - Free Online Mock Tests For IBPS 2023 Exam

Solving the IBPS mock test series is the most recommended option for all aspirants preparing for the upcoming IBPS exams. The free IBPS Mock Tests provided by BYJU’S are best for candidates to practice for the actual exam.

Attempt free IBPS Mock tests for different exams to strengthen your preparation and confidence level.

Since there is intense competition for IBPS Exam, aspirants of the various bank exams need to practice rigorously through IBPS Online Test Series to ace the examination.

The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection conducts various IBPS exams every year such as IBPS PO, IBPS SO, IBPS Clerk and IBPS RRB. All the IBPS exams are conducted in an Online Mode. Therefore, aspirants of the same are suggested to take IBPS free online mock tests before the final examination to get the real-time feel of IBPS exams.

For more information regarding IBPS exams, candidates can visit the linked article.

This article talks about IBPS mock tests (as per previous year IBPS question papers) and its importance for the exam takers.

Lakhs of candidates appear for the IBPS exam every year. Candidates who want to apprehend their performances and understand the type and pattern of questions asked in the IBPS exams must take the IBPS Free Mock Tests on a regular basis.

Results from the past years show that candidates who take IBPS Online Mock Tests religiously and prepare themselves for the actual face-off stand to outshine the competition.

Candidates willing to know the salary range for Bank Employees can visit the linked article and get a detailed salary structure for various IBPS posts.

IBPS online test series for various IBPS exams comprises Free Mock Tests provided by BYJU’s that contain 25 questions of each section. The free IBPS sample papers for various exams come along with the answers and detailed solutions to each question.

Assess your preparation with IBPS sample papers for various exams conducted by IBPS covering model questions from the three main sections of the syllabus based on the IBPS previous years’ question papers.

Along with the IBPS Mock Tests, refer to the following links for the upcoming IBPS exam preparation:

IBPS Free Mock Tests

IBPS Mock Tests – What & Why?

IBPS online mock tests are nothing but the online test that is a simulation of real-time exams that a candidate takes before appearing for the final exam to assess their preparation level.

Why Free Online  IBPS Mock Test?

Studying night and day for bank exams and practising offline is ineffectual when all the bank exams are conducted online.

IBPS online mock tests play a crucial role at this juncture. For candidates who are looking out to ace bank exams, IBPS online test series are incredibly beneficial as the questions are at the same difficulty level as of previous years’ IBPS question papers.

Candidates can also check the detailed Preparation Strategy for competitive exams at the linked article and prepare themselves not just for the IBPS exams but for the upcoming Government exams as well.

Importance of IBPS Free Mock Tests

  • IBPS online mock test is a platform to analyse the preparation level. It gives a complete performance analysis and helps to analyse mistakes.
  • Candidates can identify their strong and weak sections by practising IBPS sample papers. The area where a candidate can fetch more marks and he needs to focus more and practice.
  • Proper time management in any exam is half the work done. IBPS free mock tests help to manage time, increase speed and accuracy and adjust the candidates with the online mode.
  • Practising more IBPS online test series of online mock acquaints the exam takers with the updated paper pattern, the scope and style of questions that can be expected in the exam.
  • Exam taking strategy is a must, especially when there is both sectional and overall cutoff. The order and time to spend on each section are sorted when candidates attempt several IBPS free online mock tests.
  • Revision is the key to remember all that is studied. IBPS practice papers help the candidate to revise the entire syllabus in the simulated setting of the actual exam.
  • The best thing about IBPS online mock tests is that candidates get to know their ranking among competitors preparing for the same exam and can boost their preparation accordingly.
  • The sample papers in IBPS Online test series helps to boost the confidence level and gain self-control during the final examination.

Hence, attempting IBPS mock tests is a must if you are appearing for any IBPS 2021 exam. BYJU’s provides free mock tests for various IBPS exam.

For details on upcoming bank exams, refer to the linked article.

Apart from the IBPS Free Online Mock tests, candidates can also refer to IBPS Question Papers with Solutions for their reference.

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IBPS Exam Dates

IBPS stands for Institute of Banking Personnel Selection. It is a body that conducts various banking exams like IBPS PO Exam, IBPS Clerk Exam, IBPS SO and RRB, to recruit personnel in the banking sector.

Candidates can refer to the IBPS Exam Dates Calendar for 2021 exams to get complete details on the exams and various important instructions related to the same.

IBPS PO exam and IBPS Clerk exam is the most after exams by the candidates, therefore they must start their preparation well in advance. Candidates can pick the IBPS free mock test for the exam they are preparing and gear up their banking exam preparation.

The IBPS Exam Pattern gives a complete idea of the exam based on the expectation level of the candidates.

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Frequently Asked Question – Free Online IBPS Mock Tests


Q.1. Which subjects are included in the IBPS Exam Syllabus?

Ans. The major subjects that are included in the IBPS exam syllabus are reasoning ability, general awareness, quantitative aptitude, English language, and banking awareness. Apart from this, a section of professional knowledge is included in the IBPS exam syllabus for the SO exam.

Q.2. Does BYJU’S provide solutions to IBPS Free Mock Tests?

Ans. Yes, each IBPS mock test comprises a detailed solution for every question asked in the practise paper.

Q.3. Is there a penalty for wrong answers in the IBPS exams?

Ans. Yes, there is negative marking in IBPS exams. A penalty of 0.25 marks is deducted for each wrongly answered question.

Q.4. Can I attempt IBPS Online Test series offline also?

Ans. Yes, You can download the IBPS Mock Tests PDF and can attempt it offline multiple times.

Q.5. Can a candidate attempt the IBPS mock test only once?

Ans. No, candidates can retake the IBPS PO mock tests as many times as they wish to. The free online IBPS mock tests are given in PDF format and candidates can download it and practise it to improve their performance.

Q.6. Why should I choose BYJU’S IBPS online test series?

Ans. BYJU’S IBPS Mock Tests are designed by the experts with an aim to provide the best preparation for IBPS 2021 exam. The full length and section-wise IBPS online mock tests simulate the real exam scenario. The detailed solution and answers after each practice paper give performance reports and help candidates to improve the weak sections to score better marks in the final exams.

Q 7. How can I choose the right IBPS Sample Papers?

Ans. There are various sources online to get IBPS mock tests and practise papers. It is important that an individual chooses the best out of all the available options. Given below are certain requirements to select the best IBPS sample paper online:

  • Firstly, ensure the IBPS  mock tests are aligned with the latest exam pattern and syllabus.
  • The level of questions included in the IBPS  practice papers must not be very easy.
  • The free mock tests for IBPS  must not have monotonous questions.
  • The IBPS practice papers must be available free of cost and must be easily accessible.
  • A final report or scorecard must be provided at the end of each mock test. 

Q 8. Which are the best books to prepare for the IBPS exams?

Ans. Based on the latest exam pattern and IBPS exam syllabus, given below is the list of books that candidates can refer to for preparing the IBPS exams:

  • Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Exams by R.S. Agarwal.
  • Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning by R.S. Agarwal.
  • Banking Awareness by Arihant Publications.
  • Pratiyogita Darpan for Current Affairs.
  • Wren and Martin for English Grammar.