NCERT Exemplar Class 10 Science – Free PDF Download (Updated for 2023-24)
NCERT Exemplar Class 10 Science is among the most popular study materials. Every year, 2 or more questions in the board exam are asked from NCERT Class 10 Science Exemplars. Practising these questions will help to get acquainted with the latest question pattern and the types of questions asked in the examination.
Solving these questions will give a deeper insight into the different Science concepts included in the NCERT Class 10 book. These questions will also help the students to understand the concepts in an effective way, which is very essential to score good marks in the Class 10 CBSE examination. Scoring good marks in Class 10 is very important because the marks scored in Class 10 will help you get admission to your desired stream.
Class 10 Science NCERT Exemplar questions will help to develop your problem-solving abilities, which will eventually help you in the board exams and in the different competitive exams. The NCERT Science Exemplar books and solutions for Class 10 can be checked from the links given below.
NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapters Description
The chapter descriptions of all the chapters present in NCERT Exemplar Class 10 Science have been provided below. Practising NCERT Exemplar Solutions will surely help the students in their preparation for the board examination to achieve a high score.
Chapter 1 – Chemical Reactions and Equations
The first chapter of NCERT Exemplar Class 10 Science Solutions deals with the definition of chemical equations, writing a chemical equation, balanced chemical equations, types of chemical reactions, combination reaction, decomposition reaction, displacement reaction, double displacement reaction, have you observed the effects of oxidation reactions in everyday life?, and corrosion and rancidity. Solving this chapter will ensure that students can procure good marks in the board exams as well as in class tests.
Chapter 2 – Acids, Bases and Salts
Chapter 2, Acids, Bases and Salts of NCERT Exemplar Science Class 10 Solutions, deals with understanding the chemical properties of bases and acids. The main topics included in this chapter are how do acids and bases react with metals?, how do metal carbonates and metal hydrogen carbonates react with acids?, how do acids and bases react with each other?, the reaction of metallic oxides with acids, the reaction of non-metallic oxide with base, what do all acids and all bases have in common?, what happens to an acid or base in a water solution?, how strong are acid or base solutions?, importance of pH in everyday life and about salts. For effective preparation for the board exam, students should follow BYJU’S NCERT Exemplar Solutions Science for Class 10.
Chapter 3 – Metals and Non-metals
Chapter 3 of NCERT Exemplar Science for Class 10 Solutions explains the definition of metals, non-metals, chemical properties of metals, what happens when metals are burnt in air?, what happens when metals react with water?, what happens when metals react with acids?, and how do metals react with solutions of other metal salts?.
Chapter 4 – Carbon and Its Compounds
In Chapter 4, students will learn about the definition of bonding in carbon – the covalent bond, the versatile nature of carbon with example, saturated and unsaturated carbon compounds, chains, branches and rings, homologous series, nomenclature of carbon compounds, chemical properties of carbon compounds, combustion, oxidation, addition reaction, substitution reaction, some important carbon compounds – ethanol and ethanoic acid, properties of ethanol, properties of ethanoic acid, soaps and detergents. By learning these concepts properly, students will be able to solve questions accurately from this chapter in the board exam.
Chapter 5 – Periodic Classification of Elements
Chapter 5 of NCERT Exemplar Science Solutions for Class 10 explains periodic classifications of elements. The main topics of this chapter are making order out of Chaos – early attempts at the classification of elements, dobereiner’s triads, Newlands’ law of octaves, making order out of Chaos – Mendeleev’s periodic table, achievements of Mendeleev’s periodic table, limitations of Mendeleev’s classification, making order out of Chaos – the modern periodic, position of elements in the modern periodic and trends in the modern periodic table. These concepts are effectively explained by the expert faculty at BYJU’S in a student-friendly language.
Chapter 6 – Life Processes
In Chapter 6, students will learn about what is the life process?, nutrition, autotrophic nutrition, heterotrophic nutrition, how do organisms obtain their nutrition?, nutrition in human beings, respiration, transportation, excretion, excretion in human beings and excretion in plants.
Chapter 7 – Control and Coordination
This chapter is about control and coordination of life processes. This chapter deals with the topics discussed in the previous class and also concentrates on the animals – nervous system, what happens in reflex actions?, human brain, how are these tissues protected?, how does the nervous tissue cause action?, coordination in plants, immediate response to stimulus, and movement due to growth and hormones in animals.
Chapter 8 – How Do Organisms Reproduce?
Chapter 8 of NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 10 Science deals with do organisms create exact copies of themselves?, the importance of variation, modes of reproduction used by single organisms, fission, fragmentation, regeneration, budding, vegetative propagation, spore formation, sexual reproduction and why the sexual mode of reproduction?. By practising these solutions, students will be thorough with the basics of Biology.
Chapter 9 – Heredity and Evolution
In this chapter, students are introduced to the accumulation of variation during reproduction along with heredity. The concepts covered in this chapter are inherited traits, rules for the inheritance of traits, Mendel’s contributions, how do these traits get expressed?, sex determination, evolution, acquired and inherited traits, speciation, evolution and classification, tracing evolutionary relationships, and fossils and evolution should not be equated with progress. Besides, in this chapter, students get to learn about human evolution and evolution by stages.
Chapter 10 – Light Reflection and Refraction
In this chapter, students get familiarised with the reflection of light. Important topics of this chapter are spherical mirrors, image formation by spherical mirrors, representation of images formed by spherical mirrors using ray diagrams, sign convention for reflection by spherical mirrors, mirror formula and magnification, refraction of light, refraction through a rectangular glass slab, the refractive index, refraction by spherical lenses, image formation by lenses, image formation in lenses using ray diagrams, sign convention for spherical lenses, lens formula and magnification and power of a lens. By going through these topics, students can easily get familiar with how the questions are being answered in the board exam.
Chapter 11 – Human Eye and Colourful World
Chapter 11 NCERT Exemplar Class 10 Science Solutions discusses the topic of the human eye. Students get to learn about the power of accommodation, defects of vision and their correction, refraction of light through a prism, dispersion of white light by a glass prism, atmospheric refraction, scattering of light, Tyndall effect, why is the colour of the clear sky blue? and the colour of the sun at sunrise and sunset.
Chapter 12 – Electricity
In Chapter 12, students will be thorough about Electricity. This chapter also deals with current, the potential difference – definition of volt and voltmeter, Ohm’s law – ohm and resistance, factors on which the resistance of the conductor depends – resistivity, resistors in series – total or resultant or overall and voltage across each resistor, resistors in parallel, The advantage of parallel combination over the series combination, heating effect of an electric circuit – Joule’s law of heating effect of electric current, electric fuse, electric power. Also, here we have given solutions based on these topics from the chapter.
Chapter 13 – Magnetic Effects of Electric Current
Learn about the magnetic effects of electric current in Chapter 13 of the NCERT Exemplar Class 10 Science textbook. Other subtopics include magnetic field and field lines, magnetic field due to current carrying conductor, magnetic field due to the current through a straight conductor, right-hand thumb rule, magnetic field due to a current through a circular loop, magnetic field due to a current in a solenoid, force on a current-carrying conductor in a magnetic field, electric motor, electromagnetic induction, electric generator, and lastly, questions related to the domestic electric circuits.
Chapter 14 – Sources of Energy
This chapter deals with sources of energy. In this chapter, students will learn about what is a good source of energy?, conventional sources of energy, fossil fuels, thermal power plant, hydropower plants, improvements in technology for using conventional sources of energy, alternative or non-conventional sources of energy, solar energy, energy from the sea, geothermal energy, nuclear energy, environmental consequences and how long will an energy source last us?, which students will further study in the higher grades.
Chapter 15 – Our Environment
Chapter 15 of the NCERT Exemplar textbook continues with discussions on our environment, starting with the definition, what happens when we add our waste to the environment?, ecosystem – what are its components?, food chains and webs, how do our activities affect the environment?, ozone layer and how it is getting depleted and so on. This chapter also deals with managing the garbage we produce.
Chapter 16 – Management and Natural Resources
Chapter 16 of NCERT Exemplar Science Class 10 Solutions, Management and Natural Resources explains why do we need to manage our resources?, forests and wildlife, stakeholders, sustainable management, water for all, dams, water harvesting, coal and petroleum and an overview of natural resource management.
Students can also access and download NCERT Class 10 Books here.
Some Benefits of Using NCERT Exemplar Class 10 Science
- Information credibility – The NCERT exemplar, which is provided by the NCERT, is in accordance with the CBSE curriculum. Therefore, all the information given is authentic, and will guide you in the right direction.
- Strong foundation – NCERT Exemplar for Class 10 Science covers all the basics and fundamentals on topics for students to make it easy to understand when promoted to a higher level.
- Questions – Students who refer to this Class 10 Science NCERT Exemplar will easily be able to score good marks in the board exam. This is because most questions that appear in the board exam are directly taken from them.
- Easy to study – The chapters and concepts explained are in a simple language which can easily be understood by the students of Class 10. Also, this study material will help students to prepare for JEE.
Stay tuned to BYJU’S to get more NCERT Exemplar problems and solutions.
Frequently Asked Questions on NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 10 Science
Is it necessary to use the NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 10 Science PDFs?
What is the use of practising NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 10 Science?
Is it required to solve each and every problem of NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 10 Science?
What are the key features of NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 10 Science?
1. Highly experienced subject-matter experts have designed the solutions as per the CBSE syllabus and guidelines.
2. The solutions are based on the NCERT Exemplar textbook prescribed by the CBSE Board.
3. PDFs of solutions are available with a free download option.
4. Each and every problem is solved precisely as per the marks weightage allotted.