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SSC CGL Cut Off 2023

SSC CGL Cut Off 2023 – The Staff Selection Commission releases SSC CGL Cut Off along with the announcement of the result. SSC CGL 2023 (Tier 1) exam is scheduled from 14th July to 27th July 2023.

The Staff Selection Commission is the conducting body for the SSC CGL exam and the exam dates, exam pattern, eligibility, selection process, etc. are managed by the conducting body itself. To know in detail about the SSC CGL exam check the given link.

Since the SSC CGL 2023-24 recruitment is underway, students can go through SSC CGL Cut Off 2022 and previous years Combined Graduate Level Cut Off Marks to get an estimation of the standard of cut off marks.

SSC CGL Cut Off 2022 – The commission released the SSC CGL tier I Cut Off 2022 on February 9th 2023 along with the announcement of the result. Candidates can check SSC CGL result for Tier I exam in the given link.

Detail SSC CGL Cut Off Tier I 2021 is given here.

SSC CGL Cut Off 2020 – The SSC CGL Tier III Cut off for 2020 exam is announced by the commission on July 7th 2022. Detailed SSC CGL Cut Off 2020 can be checked here. The notification of SSC CGL 2020 is released on December 29th 2020. The exam date for Tier I is scheduled from May 29th 2021 onwards. Later it was postponed and conducted from 13th August to 24th August 2021.

For similar information about other SSC exams candidates can visit the linked article.

Government Exams 2023 Banner.

SSC CGL Cut Off 2023

The SSC CGL cut-off is announced with the declaration of result. The Commission releases the SSC CGL cut off on the official website ( As per the notification, separate cutoffs have been fixed for the posts of Assistant Audit Officer and Assistant Accounts Officer, Junior Statistical Officer (JSO) and Statistical Investigator (SI), Grade II and all other posts.

SSC CGL Cut Off 2022 Tier I

Given are the Tier I SSC CGL Cut Off 2021 for Candidates short-listed in Tier-I for appearing in Tier-II [Paper-I, Paper-II and Paper-IV {General Studies (Finance & Accounts)}] and Tier-III (for the post of Assistant Audit Officer and Assistant Accounts Officer)

SSC CGL Tier-1 Cut Off 2022 (Finance & Accounts, AAO)
Category Cut off  Candidates Available
SC  137.54533 4832
ST  131.03984 2325
OBC  152.92049 8469
EWS  154.80185 3485
UR  158.36560 4776
OH  128.59598 435
HH  96.45331 382
Others-PWD  72.79273 367
Total — 25071

Given are the Tier I SSC CGL Cut Off 2022 for Candidates qualified in Tier-I for appearing in Tier-II [Paper-I, Paper-II and Paper-III (Statistics)] and Tier-III (for the post of Junior Statistical Officer)

SSC CGL Tier-1 Cut Off 2022  (Statistics & JSO)
Category Cut off Candidates Available
SC  150.55987 455
ST  150.32888 123
OBC  167.19245 421
EWS  169.35896 150
Total — 1149

Given below are the Tier I SSC CGL Cut Off 2022 for Candidates short-listed in Tier-I for appearing in Tier-II [Paper-I, Paper-II and Paper-III (Statistics)] and Tier-III (for posts other
than AAO & JSO)

SSC CGL Tier-1 Cut Off 2022 (for posts other
than AAO & JSO)
Category Cut off Candidates Available
SC  89.08864 70739
ST  77.57858 35769
OBC  114.27651 98518
EWS  102.35275 53277
UR  114.27651 73065
OH  70.69038 5717
HH  40.00000 2803
VH 40.00000 3175
Others-PWD  40.00000 925
Total — 360432

SSC CGL Cut Off 2021

The SSC CGL cut off is announced with the declaration of result. The Commission releases the SSC CGL cut off on the official website ( As per the notification, separate cutoffs have been fixed for the posts of Assistant Audit Officer and Assistant Accounts Officer, Junior Statistical Officer (JSO) and Statistical Investigator (SI), Grade II and all other posts.

SSC CGL Cut Off 2021 Tier I

Given are the Tier I SSC CGL Cut Off 2021 for Candidates short-listed in Tier-I for appearing in Tier-II [Paper-I, Paper-II and Paper-IV {General Studies (Finance & Accounts)}] and Tier-III (for the post of Assistant Audit Officer and Assistant Accounts Officer)

SSC CGL Tier-1 Cut Off 2021 (Finance & Accounts, AAO)
Category Finance & Accounts  Candidates Available
SC  136.76 2062
ST  131.61 989
OBC  153.36 3738
EWS  156.80 1513
UR  159.07 2162
OH  124.29 207
HH  101.81 150
Others-PWD  65.27 150
Total — 10971

Given are the Tier I SSC CGL Cut Off 2021 for Candidates qualified in Tier-I for appearing in Tier-II [Paper-I, Paper-II and Paper-III (Statistics)] and Tier-III (for the post of Junior Statistical Officer)

SSC CGL Tier-1 Cut Off 2021  (Statistics & JSO)
Category Statistics Candidates Available
SC  139.09 803
ST  125.58 784
OBC  162.48 669
EWS  162.48 490
UR  162.48 790
Total — 3536

Given below are the Tier I SSC CGL Cut Off 2021 for Candidates short-listed in Tier-I for appearing in Tier-II [Paper-I, Paper-II and Paper-III (Statistics)] and Tier-III (for the post of Statistical Investigator Gr. II)

SSC CGL Tier-1 Cut Off 2021 (Statistics & Statistical Investigator Gr. II)
Category Finance & Accounts  Candidates Available
SC  75.77 5694
ST  62.81 3243
OBC  95.11 10496
EWS  104.63 3544
UR  114.84 4026
OH  47.42 582
HH  40 199
VH 40 179
Others-PWD  40 69
Total — 28032

Given below are the Tier I SSC CGL 2021 Cut Off for Candidates short-listed in Tier-I for appearing in Tier-II [Paper-I, Paper-II and Tier III (for all other posts)

SSC CGL Tier-1 Cut Off 2021 (All Other Posts)
Category Finance & Accounts  Candidates Available
SC  94.58 22355
ST  81.52 12784
OBC  117.87 32563
EWS  109.64 17979
UR  130.18 15904
ESM 42.54 7897
OH  77.22 1792
HH  40 1359
VH 64.77 841
Others-PWD  40 374
Total — 113848

SSC CGL Cut Off 2020

The Staff Selection commission announced the Tier III CGL Cut Off 2020 on July 7th 2022. Given below are the SSC Combined Graduate Level Cut Off marks for 4 posts of SSC CGL i.e. Assistant Audit Officer (AAO), Junior Statistical Officer (JSO), Posts requiring CPT, and all other Posts (including DEST) –

SSC CGL Tier III Cut Off 2020 – List 1

SSC CGL Cut Off 2020 Tier III – Assistant Audit Officer (AAO)
Category Cut-off Marks Candidates available
SC 518.67605 197
ST 510.33232 94
OBC 568.10931 438
EWS 567.25389 228
UR 625.56375 219*
OH 492.03587 21
HH 344.71110 15
Other PWD 374.66146 3
Total — 1215
SSC CGL Cut Off Marks – 2020 List 2 Tier III
SSC CGL Cut Off 2020 Tier III – Junior Statistical Officer (JSO)
Category Cut-off Marks Candidates available
SC 369.43087 504
ST 367.29098 244
OBC 428.93987 668
EWS 444.86507 406
UR 491.36372 435*
OH 411.31610 15
HH 339.80025 03
Total — 2275

SSC CGL Cut Off Marks – 2020 List 3 Tier III

SSC CGL Cut Off 2020 Tier III – All Posts requiring CPT
Category Cut-off Marks Candidates available
SC 435.37500 1956
ST 417.54931 972
OBC 486.32423 4602
EWS 488.68578 2121
UR 527.84348 2157*
OH 383.45344 187
HH 251.84424 180
VH 460.75661 22
Other PWD 235.53331 35
Total — 12232

SSC CGL Cut Off Marks – 2020 List 4 Tier III

SSC CGL Cut Off 2020 Tier III – Other Posts including (DEST)
Category Cut-off Marks Candidates available
SC 418.23543 2797
ST 398.19796 1324
OBC 460.93404 7102
EWS 464.27769 3149
UR 512.03603 3198*
ESM 197.69858 1201
OH 321.01969 389
HH 173.68964 226
VH 360.89894 110
Other PWD 183.78466 44
Total — 19540

SSC CGL Cut Off 2020 Tier I and Tier II

The Commission has released the SSC CGL cut off marks 2020 for Tier I and Tier II along with the result declaration on 26th November 2021 and 26th April 2022, respectively. Aspirants of SSC Combined Graduate Level Exam can go through the CGL cut off marks and do the preparations accordingly.

SSC CGL Cut Off Tier II

SSC CGL Cut Off Tier II 2020
Category AAO Candidates Available JSO Candidates Available Posts other than AAO and JSO Candidates Available
SC  369.29454 300 319.43087 512 331.52437 5253
ST  368.36577 145 323.84052 245 309.87681 2490
OBC  435.94647 540 390.93987 676 381.12415 11109
EWS  471.35718 255 394.22602 418 366.47505 5521
UR  471.35718 362* 445.23886 439* 433.61707 5448*
OH  388.84705 32 372.30742 16 287.10506 427
HH  301.71110 15 309.80025 03 133.20774 245
Others-PWD  331.66146 03 — — 148.94858 50
ESM — — — — 204.78638 1285
VH — — — — 317.48815 118
Total — 1652 — 2309 — 31946

SSC CGL Cut Off Tier I

SSC CGL Tier-1 Cut Off 2020
Category Finance & Accounts Candidates Available Statistics Candidates Available Other Posts Candidates Available
SC 145.28912 970 124.61824 2241 100.93079 21663
ST 140.97604 465 122.40547 958 93.75569 10351
OBC 161.36748 1784 147.63201 3395 119.23278 36611
EWS 164.00018 728 146.01050 1925 109.21110 15718
UR 167.45963 1228 153.08245 2544 132.37260 20572
OH 135.76854 102 120.17292 114 85.99074 1759
HH 109.04331 101 108.73007 35 40.00000 1357
VH — — — — 95.75915 488
ESM — — — — 74.87478 5216
Others-PWD 95.12633 51 — — 40.00000 400
Total — 5429 — 11212 – —

Only those candidates have been considered eligible for short-listing to the next stage, who have scored minimum marks in Tier-III Examination as follows:-

  1. UR: 30%
  2. OBC/ EWS: 25%
  3. Others: 20%

Candidates preparing for the next recruitment of SSC Combined Graduate Level exam should go through SSC CGL Exam Analysis, to check the difficulty level and the number of good attempts that is possible to attain in the exam.

SSC CGL Cut Off Marks Deciding Factors

The cut-off marks for CGL are the basis of qualification for the next round i.e. the candidate must obtain the minimum cut off marks in Tier I exam as decided by the Commission in order to appear for SSC CGL Tier-II exam.

Similarly, candidates who score the minimum SSC CGL cut off marks in Tier-II are called for Tier III of the examination. The Commission declares the cut off marks of SSC CGL separately for each stage, category and post.

Aspirants of Combined Graduate Level exam 2023 can check SSC CGL Notification for the latest information regarding the examination.

Aspirants who are willing to appear for the next recruitment of CGL examination can check the links important for convenience in understanding the examination.

SSC CGL Eligibility SSC CGL Salary
SSC CGL Answer Key SSC CGL Admit Card

There are a number of factors that affect SSC CGL cut off. These following factors are involved while determining the SSC CGL cut off:

  • Number of candidates writing the exam
  • Number of vacancy for each post
  • Region-wise vacancies issued
  • Candidates performance in the exam
  • The difficulty level of the exam
  • Use of SSC normalization rule
Score the minimum SSC CGL cut off and get through the SSC CGL exam! Fine-tune your CGL preparation with-

How to Calculate SSC CGL Tier I Cut Off?

Candidates willing to appear for SSC CGL Tier I exam have to score the overall cut off to pass CGL prelim exam.

Anyone can calculate the SSC CGL cut off Tier I. Candidates can calculate the cut-off marks following the below-mentioned process:

  • Sum up the total marks obtained in each section of the exam i.e. English + Quantitative Aptitude + General Reasoning + General Awareness.
  • Remember, the sum obtained in step one must be arrived after applying the negative marking of 0.50 marks for each wrong attempt.
  • The number now arrived will be the minimum qualifying marks for SSC CGL examination.

Candidates willing to appear for Combined Graduate Level Exam can check the following links for assistance:

SSC CGL Previous Year Cut Off

It is important for aspirants to go through the SSC CGL previous year cut off marks to get an idea of the difficulty level of the exam, expected cut off and to prepare accordingly for the CGL exam.

In order to assist the aspirants in their SSC CGL preparation, we are providing the SSC CGL previous year cut off marks for 2019, 2018, 2017 and 2016.

SSC CGL Cut Off 2019

For aspirants assistant given below are the final and Tier I SSC CGL Cut Off List for 2019 examination.

2019 Final SSC CGL Cut Off Marks

SSC CGL Cut Off- 2019
Category Assistant Audit Officer (AAO) Junior Statistical Officer (Grade-II)
UR 743.64723 710.04024
OBC 717.09534 684.77177
SC 649.10892 607.14661
ST 626.14329 577.33874
EWS 706.34389 669.11759
OH 603.83585 573.40214
HH 529.19391 –
For detailed CGL Cut Off List candidates can download the PDF given below –

SSC CGL Cut Off 2019 PDF (Final List):-Download PDF Here

SSC CGL Cut Off 2018

The result and cut-off list for SSC CGL Tier-III 2018 is not yet released by the Commission. However, the Commission has announced the date of release of the CGL Result 2018 Tier III exam. The result is expected to be out on October 4th 2020. As you know the Commission releases the cut off marks along with the result, hence SSC CGL Cut Off 2018 Tier III is expected soon.

The SSC CGL 2018 Tier I exam was conducted from June 4th to 19th, 2019. Candidates who secured the SSC CGL minimum qualifying marks in Tier I for different posts were called to appear for SSC CGL Tier-II exam.

Cut-off Marks of CGL 2018 [Official]:-Download PDF Here

The candidates can check the cut-off for different posts of the CGL Exam 2018 from the official PDF attached above.

Check SSC CGL exam dates for reference.

The SSC CGL Cut Off Tier I 2018 for different posts are mentioned below:

Tier I SSC CGL Cut Off 2018
Category Assistant Audit Officer-AAO Junior Statistical Officer- JSO (Grade-II) Other Posts
SC 148.97 140.11 111.10
ST 141.86 129.56 103.22
UR 170 165.96 137.07
OBC 165 162.35 131.18
OH 132.90 112.48 95.55
HH 102.45 51.99 40.00
VH – 64.57 70.25
Ex-S – – 40.00

Candidates who scored the minimum cut off marks and qualified in SSC CGL Tier-II exam conducted from 11th to 13th September 2019 were called for SSC CGL 2018 Tier III scheduled from December 29th, 2019.

The SSC CGL Cut Off marks for Tier II paper for the posts of Assistant Accounts Officer and Assistant Audit Officer are as mentioned below:

SSC CGL Cut Off Tier II 2018
Categories SSC CGL Cut-off 2018 Tier I+Tier-II (Paper I+II+IV) Number of Candidates
SC 463.15 841
ST 460.21 421
OBC 510.92 1,724
UR 572.51 1,762
OH 409.26 111
HH 347.35 100
PwD 168.04 50
Total – 5,009

The candidates who qualified for appearing in SSC CGL Tier III 2018 exam for the posts of Junior Statistical Officer, their cut-off marks are mentioned below:

SSC CGL Cut Off 2018 – Tier II JSO Post
Categories SSC CGL Cut-off 2018 Tier 1+Tier-II (PaperI+II+IV) Number of Candidates
SC 433.95 478
ST 403.95 301
OBC 517.76 583
UR 535.86 955
OH 348.50 112
HH 223.46 106
VH 267.51 121
PwD 165.04 16
Total – 2,672

The Cut Off marks for SSC CGL posts other than Assistant Accounts Officer, Assistant Audit Officer, and Junior Statistical Officer for the year 2018 are given below:

SSC CGL Cut Off Marks 2018 – Other SSC CGL Posts
Categories SSC CGL Cut-off 2018 Tier 1+Tier-II (PaperI+II+IV) Number of Candidates
SC 354.74 8,050
ST 327.05 4,022
OBC 400.33 15,359
UR 433.00 17,439
Ex-S 255.12 3,244
OH 302.50 859
HH 165.73 777
VH 280.98 404
PwD 122.58 86
Total – 50,240

Aspirants who appeared for CGL 2018 Tier III will be updated with the cut off marks once it is released. Meanwhile, you check SSC exam dates for various other SSC Exams.

Government Exam 2023

SSC CGL Cut Off 2017

The CGL cut off list for candidates shortlisted in Tier I of SSC CGL exam 2017 to appear for the Tier II exam is highlighted below:

SSC CGL Cut Off Tier-I 2017
Category Assistant Audit Officer -AAO Junior Statistical Officer -JSO (Grade-II) Other Posts
SC 125.50 123.50 98.00
ST 119.00 114.50 88.50
OBC 135.50 135.50 110.00
UR 148.00 146.50 126.50
HH 75.00 61.00 38.00
OH 111.50 102.00 84.50
Ex.S – – 69.00
VH – 116.00 89.50

The table below mentions the SSC CGL Cut off marks for Tier I and Tier II exam i.e. the candidates who were called for SSC CGL Tier III 2017 exam.

SSC CGL Cut Off Marks 2017 Tier I – Tier II
Category AAO Tier I-Tier II

Paper I+II+IV

JSO Tier I-Tier II Paper I+II+III Other Posts Tier I- Tier II Paper I+II
OH 458.00 200.00 294.00
HH 348.25 200.00 191.00
SC 500.50 200.00 338.25
ST 479.00 200.00 311.25
OBC 538.00 240.00 379.75
UR 573.00 280.00 415.50
Candidates can check the trend of cut off marks for various other SSC examinations on the SSC Cut Off page linked here.

SSC CGL Cut Off 2016

Candidates who scored the cut off marks out of the total 200 marks in SSC CGL Tier I 2016 exam qualified for the next stage.

The minimum cut off for SSC CGL 2016 exam Tier I projected by the Commission is as mentioned below:

SSC CGL Cut Off Tier I 2016 (All Posts):

SSC CGL Cut Off 2016 Tier-I
Categories Minimum Cut Off Marks
UR 137.00
OBC 125.50
SC 114.00
ST 103.00
Ex.S 92.00
OH 97.00
HH 20.00
VH 68.00

The SSC CGL Tier-II cut off 2016 is the combined merit of tier I and tier II and dominates the selection process.

The cut-off marks for tier II exam must not be taken lightly as it consists of total 600 marks which do not include paper I and Paper IV. The Tier II cut off marks decide the stay of the candidate in the battle.

The SSC CGL Tier-II Cut Off 2016 is highlighted below:

SSC CGL Tier-II Cut Off 2016
Categories JSO (Grade-II) Tier I-Tier II Paper I+II+III AAO Tier I -Tier II Paper I+II+IV ASO CSS and AO MEA Tier I – Tier II Paper I+II Other Posts Tier I -Tier II Paper I+II
SC 423.00 454.00 389.00 363.25
ST 397.00 427.00 370.00 341.00
OBC 471.00 493.75 424.50 397.00
UR 502.00 536.00 449.00 422.00
HH 230.25 264.00 262.00 216.00
VH 267.50 – 364.50 336.00
OH 364.00 411.00 366.50 333.00
Ex.S – – – –

Aspirants of SSC CGL or any other exams conducted by the Staff Selection Commission can check a few important links for better preparation of the exams:

How to start SSC Exam Preparation?
Mistakes to avoid in SSC exams
How to prepare For SSC Exams without Coaching?
Section-Wise SSC Exam Preparation Tips

Aspirants of the examination conducted by SSC other than the CGL can check SSC Mock Tests in the given link for practice and revision.
Candidates appearing for other SSC exams can go through the links for assistance:

SSC Notification SSC Preparation SSC Salary
SSC Admit Card SSC Exam Pattern SSC eligibility

For updates keep checking the page regularly.
Online Quiz 2023

Frequently Asked Question – SSC CGL Cut Off


Q.1. What is SSC CGL Cut Off?

Ans. SSC CGL cutoff is the minimum marks that candidates need to secure in order to qualify their respective stages or tiers of Combined Graduate Level exam.

Q.2. What is the expected SSC CGL Cut Off for Tier I Exam?

Ans. SSC CGL tier 1 cut off varies every year depending on various factors. However, based on the cut off trends of previous years, SSC CGL 2023 tier 1 expected cut-off for UR category can be between be 155-165 for AAO post,  and 110-120 for other remaining posts on the basis of vacancies and difficulty level of the exam.

Q.3. Does the Commission release SSC CGL cutoff for all the tiers of the exam?

Ans. There are a total of four tiers in SSC CGL exam. The cutoff is released for SSC CGL Tier I, Tier II and Tier III exams. SSC CGL Tier-IV is only a qualifying exam. Therefore, the Commission does not release cutoff for this stage.

Q.4. Are candidates required to clear the sectional cut off in SSC CGL Exam?

Ans. No, there is no Sectional Cut Off in Combined Graduate Level exam.

Q 5. Which post of CGL has the highest Combined Graduate Level Cutoff?

Ans. Based on the trend, SSC CGL cutoff for the post of Assistant Audit Officer – AAO is the highest followed by Junior Statistical Officer – JSO and other posts.

Q 6. Is it necessary for candidates to appear for Tier III if they have qualified the CGL Tier I and Tier II exam?

Ans. Yes. It is compulsory for candidates to appear for all the tiers of CGL exam otherwise they will not be qualified for the final selection. The SSC CGL final cut off is decided based on the score obtained by candidates in all the tiers of CGL.

Q 7. Is SSC CGL cutoff released region-wise?

Ans. No, the Staff Selection Commission releases SSC CGL Cut Off centrally on the official Website, it is not released region-wise.


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