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    6th Grade Dividing Decimals Worksheets Explained:

    A decimal is a number that consists of a whole number and a fractional part. Decimal numbers lie between integers and represent the numerical value for quantities that are whole plus some part of a whole. The grade 6 dividing decimals worksheets provide a variety of questions such as, division of decimals by whole numbers, division of decimals by decimals and division of a whole number by decimals. Worksheets for dividing decimals in grade 6 assist the student in recalling and thoroughly examining the terms and concepts associated with decimals.

    The sixth grade dividing decimals worksheets consist of questions based on the following topics:

    • Dividing decimals by whole numbers: Place the decimal point in the quotient above the decimal point in the dividend. Then divide as you would with whole numbers. Continue until there is no remainder. 
    • Dividing decimals by decimals: Multiply the divisor and the dividend by a power of 10 to make the divisor a whole number. Then place the decimal point in the quotient above the decimal point in the dividend and divide as you would with whole numbers.
    • Dividing whole numbers by decimals: Multiply the divisor and the dividend by a power of 10 to make the divisor a whole number. Then place the decimal point in the quotient above the decimal point in the dividend and divide as you would with whole numbers. Continue until the remainder becomes zero.

    If you feel the need to refresh your understanding of decimals as a concept, click on the following links:

    Benefits of 6th Grade Dividing Decimals Worksheets

    • Decimal worksheets (Easy): The sixth grade dividing decimals worksheets help students recall how to divide decimals in a step by step manner. The problems begin with straightforward division operation since the divisor and dividend are both whole numbers or decimal numbers. As they finish solving the problems in the worksheets, students progress to increasingly complicated operations.


    • Decimal worksheets (Medium): A student can relate to situations in everyday life where decimals are frequently used by using printable and online dividing decimals worksheets for grade 6. Additionally, the worksheets help students in developing a quick method of solving problems and building skills for a variety of operations related to decimals.
    • Decimal worksheets (Hard): The free online as well as printable dividing decimals worksheets for sixth grade assist students in understanding the many types of situations that require the use of multi-step solutions. These worksheets also assist students in developing their problem solving skills for upcoming grades.     

    Printable PDFs and Online Worksheets:

    Free printable dividing decimals worksheets for 6th grade act as excellent resources to boost skills related to solving problems on the division of decimal numbers, and to prepare students for school tests and other aptitude exams. These 6th grade dividing decimals worksheets support the student in comprehensively grasping the steps that are a part of performing division operations on decimals. The questions in the worksheets contain situations in which decimals are used to represent quantities. A major impact of solving the worksheets is the application of the understanding of decimals to real life situations such as weight or measurement. Attempting hard level worksheets prepares students to solve problems that will appear in higher grades. Students can therefore test their knowledge on decimals by applying the most appropriate steps to solve division problems. Timed worksheets also help a student to enhance time management skills, especially while solving particular types of questions. Students can challenge classmates and compare results and the amount of time it takes to complete a worksheet because of the timed worksheets.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Sixth grade dividing decimals worksheets help the student to reinforce the knowledge on:

    • Dividing decimals by whole numbers
    • Dividing decimals by decimals
    • Dividing whole numbers by decimals

    These free online grade 6 dividing decimals worksheets link learning multiple concepts with a fun element. These worksheets follow the common core math structure and assist the student to be completely familiar with the methods and terms used in the topic of decimals in the 6th grade.

    We employ decimals on a daily basis while dealing with things like money, weight, and length. Additionally, decimal numbers are utilized when greater accuracy is needed as whole number values may offer limited accuracy in terms of quantities. For instance, we do not always find the weight on the scale to be equivalent to a whole number when we calculate our weight on a weighing machine. We need to comprehend the decimal value on the scale and this determines our exact weight.

    Hard level problems are context based and may have solutions with multiple steps. Students will have to apply basic concepts as well as two or more operations to solve problems. Hard level problems prepare a student to enhance aptitude skills and gear up for future grades.

    When students solve worksheets on their own, it promotes active learning as they feel a sense of accomplishment. It raises the curiosity level about decimals, especially in relation to specific topics within this chapter, and in turn, enables them to take up more challenging questions. Dividing decimals worksheets for grade 6 by BYJU’S Math prompts students to apply methods that involve stepwise solutions that further strengthens their understanding of operations related to decimals.