IBPS Clerk Syllabus 2023 - Section-wise IBPS Clerk Syllabus

The IBPS Clerk syllabus is set as per the conventions set by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection.

The IBPS Clerk exam is conducted every year by the Institute of Banking Personnel selection to recruit clerks for Public Sector Banks.

This IBPS exam consists of two stages:

  1. IBPS Clerk Prelims
  2. IBPS Clerk Mains

For detailed information on upcoming bank exams, refer to the linked article.

In this article, we will discuss the IBPS Clerk syllabus 2023-24 for both stages of the examination.

For details on other bank exams, refer to the linked article.

IBPS Clerk Syllabus PDF:-Download PDF Here

Analyse the IBPS Clerk Syllabus and start your preparation now!!

Test your preparation for the upcoming clerical cadre exam with the Free Online IBPS Clerk Mock Tests.

Also, refer to the following links for preparation:

IBPS Clerk Exam Pattern

The IBPS Clerk Exam Pattern for Prelims and Mains is given in brief below:

IBPS Clerk Exam Pattern for Prelims is as follows:

Name of the Test Number of Questions Maximum Marks Duration for each exam
English Language 30 30 20 minutes
Numerical Ability 35 35 20 minutes
Reasoning Ability 35 35 20 minutes
Total 100 100 1 hour

IBPS Exam Pattern for Mains is as follows:

Name of the Test Number of Questions Maximum Marks Duration for each exam
General/Financial Awareness 50 50 35 minutes
General English 40 40 35 minutes
Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude 50 60 45 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude 50 50 45 minutes
Total 190 200 160 minutes

IBPS Clerk Exam Pattern- Salient Points

  • All the above tests will be conducted in English and Hindi except for the English Language.
  • There will be a deduction of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer in the Objective test
  • Unanswered questions will not be awarded marks.
  • The conducting body reserves to set the IBPS Clerk exam syllabus and exam pattern. One must clearly go through the official notification before starting with the preparation

For details on IBPS Clerk Exam Pattern, refer to the linked article.

Section-wise Preparation Related Links
Logical Reasoning Quantitative Aptitude
Verbal Ability Static GK
Current Affairs Computer Knowledge

Government Exam 2023

IBPS Clerk Syllabus- Prelims

The IBPS Clerk Prelims syllabus consists of three subjects making up the objective type paper.

There has not been a major change in the syllabus part in the past few years and the same is expected for the IBPS Clerk syllabus 2023.

The three main subjects which are a part of the IBPS Clerk prelims are as follows:

  • English Language
  • Reasoning Ability
  • Numerical Ability

The IBPS Clerk Syllabus for Prelims is as follows:

English Language Reasoning Ability Numerical Ability
Reading Comprehension

Tenses Rules

Cloze Test(Fill in the Blanks)

Jumbled Paragraphs

Idioms and Phrases

Multiple Meaning

Error Spotting Correction

Reading Comprehension

Preposition Rules

Logical Reasoning

Alphanumeric Series

Alphabetic Series


Data Sufficiency Tests

Coded Inequalities

Direction Test,

Seating Arrangements





Coding and Decoding

Blood Relations

Profit, Loss and Discounts

Quadratic Equations

Approximation and Simplification

Mixtures and Alligations

Simple and Compound Interest

Surds and Indices

Work and Time 

Speed, Time and Distance

Mensuration: Cone, Sphere, Cylinder

Data Interpretation

Ratio, Proportion and Percentage

Number Systems

Sequences and Series

Permutation, Combination and Probability

Candidates can check the Maths Tricks page to get shortcuts to solve questions from the quantitative aptitude section quicker and more efficiently.

IBPS Clerk Syllabus- Mains

The IBPS Clerk Mains syllabus covers the topics from prelims in a detailed manner.

As per the IBPS Clerk Mains Syllabus, the paper is divided into four sections.

The topics covered in the IBPS Clerk exam syllabus are as follows:

  • General and Financial Awareness
  • General English
  • Reasoning Ability and Computer Aptitude
  • Quantitative Aptitude
General And Financial Awareness General English Reasoning Ability

& Computer Aptitude

Quantitative Aptitude
Static GK â€“ Static General Knowledge

Current Affairs

Banking Awareness

India’s Financial and Banking System

Budget and Monetary Plans of the Government

Key National Institutions

Basics of Banking


Tenses Rules


Idioms & Phrases

Reading Comprehension

Reasoning Ability


Assumptions and Statements


Coding and Decoding

Blood Relations

Sense of Direction and Distance

Alphanumeric Series

Non-Verbal Reasoning

Computer Aptitude

Basics of Hardware and Software

Operating Systems

Internet and associated topics

Microsoft Office and other word processing software

History of Computing

Basic Computer Networking

Basics of Databases

Basics of Cyber Security Tools and Processes

Ratio and Proportion

Time, Speed and Distance

Work and Time Equations

Mixtures and Alligations

Measures of Central Tendency and Basic Statistics( Mean, Average, Median and Variance etc.)

Stocks, Shares and Debentures


Clock Ray Questions

Volume and Surface Area


Permutation and Combination


Heights and Distances


Simple and Compound Interest

Profit, Loss and Discounts

Basic Algebra

Basic Trigonometry

Charts, Bars and Graphs

Data Interpretation

Candidates must take IBPS Clerk Mock Tests on a regular basis to understand the difficulty level and learn time management during the exam.

Candidates who are preparing for the upcoming recruitment and download the IBPS Clerk Syllabus 2023 PDF given below and get the list of section-wise topics included in the prelims and mains exam:

IBPS Clerk Syllabus PDF:-Download PDF Here

IBPS Clerk Syllabus – Important Pointers

Familiarity with the syllabus is an important aspect of success in the IBPS Clerk exam.

Aspirants should cover all topics thoroughly and practice previous years’ papers to be successful in the bank clerk exam and make it to the final merit list. Aspirants are advised to go through IBPS Clerk Previous Year Papers before appearing for the final exams in 2023.

A thorough IBPS Clerk Preparation will help them score well in the 2023 exam.

Related Links
IBPS Online Registration IBPS Clerk Admit Card
SBI Clerk Exam IBPS Notification
IBPS Clerk Eligibility IBPS RRB Exam

Frequently Asked Questions on IBPS Clerk Syllabus


Q 1. Is the IBPS Clerk syllabus tough?

Ans. The IBPS Clerk syllabus is comprehensive and if a candidate is well aware of the topics included in the syllabus and the latest exam pattern, they may not consider the syllabus to be tough.

Q 2. Where can I find the detailed IBPS Clerk syllabus?

Ans. The IBPS clerk exam pattern is mentioned in the official notification and the syllabus for the same can be found on various online platforms and can also be analysed based on the previous year question papers.

Q 3. What all subjects are included in the IBPS Clerk Syllabus?

Ans. Five major subjects are a part of the IBPS Clerk syllabus for prelims and mains combined together:

  • Reasoning Ability
  • Quantitative Aptitude
  • English Language
  • Banking and Financial Awareness/ Static GK/ Current Affairs
  • Computer Knowledge

Q 4. Is the syllabus for IBPS Clerk and PO the same?

Ans. The subjects included in the IBPS PO and Clerk syllabus are the same but the exam pattern is slightly different. Also, there is a descriptive English test which is included in IBPS PO mains but not in the clerical cadre exam.

Q 5. What is the distribution of marks in the IBPS Clerk prelims exam pattern?

Ans. The IBPS Clerk prelims exam is of 100 marks. The Reasoning Ability and Quantitative Aptitude sections are of 35 marks each and the English Language section is of 30 marks. 20 minutes are allotted to answer questions from each section.

Government Exam 2023


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