The CBSE Class 9 can be called as the foundation for higher classes and thus it is very important for students to learn the topics thoroughly. For example, if a student takes up science after their board exams, topics like mechanics and waves, etc. would also be included in higher classes. So, learning the topics properly from an early stage is very crucial. The curriculum is designed in a way that the students learn and develop their sense of individuality which naturally shapes their future. The guidelines for CBSE Class 9 are issued by the board and the NCERT. So, the schools affiliated to the CBSE board follows the NCERT syllabus. It is important that subjects like science and maths are learnt properly by understanding each concept and topic as these topics would be included in higher standards. For proper preparation, knowing the syllabus is very important along with solving various sample questions.
Note: As per the latest notification dated 6th April 2023, there are a few changes in the CBSE Class 9 Examination and Assessment practices for the academic session 2023-24 to align assessment to Competency Focused Education. The changes are as mentioned below,
Particulars | Academic Session 2023-24 |
Composition of question paper year-end examination/ Board Examination (Theory) |

CBSE Class 9 Subjects
The CBSE Board make education accessible for each and every student. CBSE 9th Class can be called as the foundation of higher classes and thus it is important for students to learn and understand the concepts thoroughly. So, to help you with Class 9 subjects below we have listed the subjects included in the respective academic year.
Social Science
CBSE syllabus for Class 9
The CBSE Board designs the syllabus of Class 9 and each and every subject syllabus is structured in such a way that it conveys the subject matter clearly and concisely to students. A well-evaluated syllabus describes each and every topic of textbooks with marking scheme.
CBSE class 9 Syllabus All Subject
CBSE Class 9 Social Science Syllabus
CBSE study materials for class 9
CBSE study materials for Class 9 will help students to prepare well for the exam. Understand the concepts in an easy and interesting way and finish your studies weeks before the exam so that you have enough time to revise. So to help you with the same, below we have provided the notes for class 9 maths and science syllabus.
CBSE Class 9 Science Detailed Notes
CBSE Class 9 Maths Detailed Notes
CBSE Unseen Passages for Class 9
CBSE Class 9 Social Science Notes
CBSE Class 9 Political Science Notes
CBSE Class 9 Science Revision Notes
CBSE Class 9 Maths Revision Notes
CBSE Class 9 Books
CBSE books of Class 9 are provided below for students of the CBSE board. The CBSE books are selected such that they cover the CBSE syllabus. Class 9 books are listed in such a way that the complete requirements of the CBSE syllabus are contained in the textbooks in an easy to understand way.
CBSE 9th Class Social Science Book
CBSE Class 9 Textbooks Solutions
Class 9 textbook solutions give invaluable help to the students when they are in need of help with their exam preparation and when learning. So to help you with the same, below we have provided the CBSE Class 9 Textbook Solutions for Maths and Science.
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Histroy
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Geography
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Political Science
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Economics
RD Sharma Solutions for class 9
CBSE Class 9 Important Questions
Important questions of Class 9 gives an idea of questions that can be framed in an examination, marking scheme, important topics, etc. So, we have listed below the important questions of CBSE Class 9 as per the marking scheme for Maths and Science.
CBSE class 9 Science Important Questions
CBSE class 9 Science 2 Marks Important Questions
CBSE class 9 Science 3 Marks Important Questions
CBSE class 9 Science 5 Marks Important Questions
CBSE Class 9 Maths Important Questions
CBSE class 9 Maths 2 Marks Important Questions
CBSE class 9 Maths 3 Marks Important Questions
CBSE class 9 Maths 5 Marks Important Questions
CBSE class 9 Social Science Important Questions
CBSE Class 9 Sample Papers
Class 9 sample papers for all the subjects will help students to get an idea of the marking scheme, important questions, difficulty level of the paper, time management, etc. Students of 9th Class are advised to practice the below-mentioned sample paper before the final exam.
CBSE Sample Paper for Class 9 Maths
CBSE Sample Paper for Class 9 Science
CBSE Sample Paper for Class 9 English
CBSE Sample Paper for Class 9 Social Science
CBSE Class 9 Exam Papers
Class 9 exam papers is a fruitful resource for the students as it will provide students a brief structure of the questions asked in the examination which will in return help them study accordingly. It is advised to add these exam papers in your preparation checklist.
CBSE Class 9 Sciecne Exam Papers
CBSE Class 9 Maths Exam Papers
CBSE Class 9 Science Experiments
For Class 9 students, science is an important subject as it gives the basic understanding of the topics to be covered in Class 9. Along with the theory, practicals are also important part of the syllabus. So, we have provided below a few of the practical experiments which might come in your final practical exam. Along with this, we have also provided the Class 9 Science Lab Manual which contains the activities, science experiments and project works.
Wave Particle Duality of Light
Acid Test – How to spot minerals separately
Elastic Collision of Equal Masses Using Pool
How to make a Fireproof balloon
CBSE Class 9 Science Lab Manual
We have also provided the Maths Lab Manual to help students in performing the Maths activities and making the projects.
CBSE Class 9 Science Projects
For Class 9 students science project is a part of their curriculum. It’s mandatory to do a science project as it is a part of the syllabus. Here on the list, we have provided two science projects to help students to get an idea about what kind of project they can expect.
Observations of Magnetic Permeability
Science Project on Water Pollution
CBSE Class 9 working Models
Working models for Class 9 will help students in terms of learning and preparing for their exam. By going through the below-listed working models students will understand the concepts clearly and can also try making at it home.
How to make a Wooden Generator
How to Make a model of Seasons
CBSE Class 9 Videos
Video learning has become a trend in today’s educational field. Learning through video will help students of Class 9 to understand the concepts and topics clearly and can also get the idea of how the concepts are practically used in our day to day life.
How to Study in CBSE class 9 (Preparation Tips )
Class 9 CBSE is an important year in the life of a student. It forms the foundation of everything that follows. Given below are few points about CBSE Class 9 preparation. Read on to find out.
- It is essential for CBSE 9th Class students to follow a proper timetable and ensure that you study every subject evenly throughout the week.
- Make proper notes while studying and highlight the important points. These important points will help you remember important concepts faster.
- Practicing past year question papers or sample papers will help you to get an idea of the type of questions you will face. Even you will get an idea of the time required for can question to solve.
- Never ignore any topic and understand each and every topic and concepts clearly so that at the time of exam you don’t have any doubt.
- Apart from study material, refer NCERT textbooks because most of the questions are directly asked from these NCERT textbooks.