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SSC Eligibility - SSC Age Limit, Qualification & Reservation For All SSC Exams

SSC Eligibility 2023 – The criteria for SSC qualification is set by the Staff Selection Commission. The recruitment of candidates happens once they fulfil the desired SSC eligibility criteria like nationality, educational details, age Limit for SSC exams.

The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) conducts many exams to recruiting staff to various posts in ministries, departments and organizations of the Government of India. Established in 1975, the SSC has been instrumental in selecting staff for various Group B and Group C posts.

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SSC Exam Eligibility

The common SSC eligibility criteria for most of the SSC exams are Age Limit, Educational Qualification and Nationality or Citizenship.

The nationality criteria for SSC exam eligibility is very simple that the candidate appearing for SSC exam must be an Indian citizen. The SSC eligibility in terms of educational qualification varies for different SSC exams and posts. The SSC age limit for most of the exams conducted by the Staff Selection Commission is a minimum of 18 years to a maximum of 32 years.

The SSC age limit and other SSC qualification criteria are discussed for these exams:

  1. SSC GD
  3. SSC JE
  4. SSC CPO
  5. SSC CGL
  6. SSC MTS
  7. SSC Stenographer

Daily News

SSC Eligibility – GD Exam

The Staff Selection Commission sets the Eligibility Criteria for the General Duty( GD) exam.

Candidates who appear for the SSC GD exam are required to check the SSC GD eligibility criteria prior to filling up the Application Form.

The Eligibility Criteria for SSC GD Exam are as follows:

  1. Educational Qualifications: Candidates must hold the essential educational qualification i.e., Matriculation or 10th class pass from a recognized Board/ University before applying for the GD post.
  2. Nationality: The candidate must be an Indian citizen. For migrated candidates, they must submit domicile/ PRC against his/ her state/ UT.
  3. Age Limit: The candidates who took the SSC GD exam 2018-19 should fulfil the age requirement of 18-23 years as on 1st August 2018, which implies that they should not have been born earlier than 2nd August 1995 and later than 1st August 2000.

There is certain age relaxation in the upper age limit for SC, ST, OBC, Ex-Servicemen and other categories of persons.

To know more about the SSC GD salary, refer to the linked article.

The relaxation on SSC GD age limit for the different categories of candidates are listed below:

Code Number Category Permissible SSC Age Limit Relaxation
01 SC/ ST 5 years
02 OBC 3 years
03 Ex-Servicemen 3 years after deduction of the military service rendered from the actual age as on the date of reckoning.
04 Children and dependents of victims killed in the 1984 riots or communal riots of 2002 in Gujarat (Unreserved) 5 years
05 Children and dependents of victims killed in the 1984 riots or communal riots of 2002 in Gujarat (OBC) 8 years
06 Children and dependents of victims killed in the 1984 riots or communal riots of 2002 in Gujarat (SC/ ST) 10 years
07 Candidates who had ordinarily been domiciled in the State of Jammu & Kashmir during the period from 1st Jan 1980 to 31st Dec 1989. 5 years

For more details on the eligibility criteria for SSC GD, refer to the official notification of General Duty Constable exam.

Candidates willing to apply for the various SSC exams can visit the SSC Mock Tests page to get mock tests based on the latest exam pattern and analyze their preparation.

Daily News

SSC Eligibility – CHSL Exam

The Staff Selection Commission sets the eligibility criteria for the Combined Higher Secondary Level (CHSL) exam.

Candidates who appear for the SSC CHSL exam are required to check the SSC CHSL eligibility criteria prior to filling up the Application Form.

The eligibility criteria for SSC CHSL Exam are as follows:

SSC Nationality/ Citizenship:

A candidate must be either:

  • (a) a citizen of India
  • or (b) a subject of Nepal
  • or (c) a subject of Bhutan
  • or (d) a Tibetan refugee who came over to India, before the 1st January 1962, with the intention of permanently settling in India
  • or (e) a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania(Formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India.
  • Provided that a candidate belonging to categories (b), (c), (d) and (e) above shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India.

To know more about the SSC CHSL salary, check the linked article.

SSC Age Limit

The SSC Age limit for the posts is 18-27 years.

There is a certain SSC CHSL age limit relaxation for candidates belonging to various categories.

The permissible SSC Age Limit relaxation for the reserved section of candidates is given below:

SSC Eligibility- SSC CHSL Age Limit Age Relaxation-1

SSC Eligibility- SSC CHSL Age Limit Age Relaxation-2

SSC Eligibility- SSC CHSL Age Limit Age Relaxation-3

SSC Educational Qualification:

The required SSC CHSL Educational qualification is as follows:

  • For LDC/ JSA, PA/ SA, DEO (except DEOs in C&AG): The candidates must have passed 12th Standard or equivalent examination from a recognized Board or University.
  • For Data Entry Operator (DEO) in the Office of Comptroller and Auditor General of India (C&AG): 12th Standard pass in Science stream with Mathematics as a subject from a recognized Board or equivalent.

For more details on the SSC CHSL Eligibility, refer to the linked article.

Related Links

SSC Online SSC Exam Date SSC Syllabus
SSC Recruitment SSC Preparation SSC Notification
SSC Exam Pattern SSC Results SSC Admit Card

SSC Eligibility –  JE Exam

The criteria for SSC JE eligibility are assigned by the Staff Selection Commission to recruit candidates as Junior Engineer in various departments under the Government of India.

The SSC JE Exam is conducted to recruit candidates as Junior Engineers in various organization and offices under the Government of India.

The Criteria for the SSC JE eligibility is as follows:

SSC Nationality/ Citizenship:

A candidate must be either:

  • (a) a citizen of India
  • or (b) a subject of Nepal
  • or (c) a subject of Bhutan
  • or (d) a Tibetan refugee who came over to India, before the 1st January 1962, with the intention of permanently settling in India
  • or (e) a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania(Formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India.
  • Provided that a candidate belonging to categories (b), (c), (d) and (e) above shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India.

For details on SSC JE salary, check the linked article.

SSC Age Limit

SSC Age limit for the posts of Junior Engineers is given below:

SSC Eligibility- SSC JE Age Limit

There is certain age relaxation for the reserved group of candidates.

The SSC age limit relaxation for JE exam is as follows:

SSC Eligibility- SSC JE Age Limit - SSC JE Age Relaxation

SSC Educational Qualification:

Essential Educational Qualification required for the SSC JE Eligibility is as follows:

SSC Eligibility- SSC JE Age Limit - SSC JE Age Relaxation

For more details on the SSC JE Eligibility, candidates can refer to the linked article.

The SSC JE official notification gives an elaborate idea on the SSC eligibility of Junior Engineer exam.

SSC JE Notification 2019:- Download PDF Here

Online Quiz 2022

SSC Eligibility – CPO Exam

Candidates should check the SSC exam eligibility properly before applying for the SSC CPO exam as the Staff Selection Commission might cancel the application at the last moment if the CPO eligibility criteria are not met.

The SSC CPO exam has certain eligibility criteria for candidates aspiring for the exam.

The SSC exam eligibility for the CPO exam is as follows:

SSC Nationality/ Citizenship:

A candidate must be either:

  • (a) a citizen of India
  • or (b) a subject of Nepal
  • or (c) a subject of Bhutan
  • or (d) a Tibetan refugee who came over to India, before the 1st January 1962, with the intention of permanently settling in India
  • or (e) a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania(Formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India.
  • Provided that a candidate belonging to categories (b), (c), (d) and (e) above shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India.

For details on SSC CPO salary, check the linked article.

SSC Age Limit:

The SSC age limit for applying for the CPO exam is 20-25 years.

There is a certain age relaxation mentioned in the SSC CPO age limit for the reserved group of candidates.

The SSC CPO age limit relaxation is as follows:

SSC Eligibility- SSC CPO Age Limit - SSC CPO Age Relaxation

SSC Educational Qualification

The educational qualification for all posts under the CPO is a Bachelor’s degree from a recognized university or equivalent.

For the post of Sub Inspector in Delhi Police only:

  • Male candidates must possess a valid Driving License for LMV (Motorcycle and Car) on the date fixed for Physical Endurance and Measurement Tests.
  • However, the candidates who do not have a Valid Driving License for LMV (Motorcycle and Car) are eligible for all other posts in CAPFs.

For more details on the SSC CPO eligibility, refer to the official notification.

The official notification 2023 can be used as a reference for checking the details on the SSC eligibility for CPO exam.

SSC CPO Notification 2023 PDF:- Download PDF Here

SSC Eligibility – CGL Exam

The SSC Combined Graduate Level (CGL) Eligibility Criteria is assigned by the Staff Selection Commission to recruit candidates in various departments under the Government of India.

Candidates applying for the SSC CGL Exam need to fulfil the necessary criteria set by the Staff Selection Commission.

Any changes in the SSC CGL eligibility criteria will be updated through an official notification on the SSC official website.

The SSC eligibility criteria for SSC CGL exam is as follows:

SSC Nationality/ Citizenship:

A candidate must be either:

  • (a) a citizen of India
  • or (b) a subject of Nepal
  • or (c) a subject of Bhutan
  • or (d) a Tibetan refugee who came over to India, before the 1st January 1962, with the intention of permanently settling in India
  • or (e) a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania(Formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India.
  • Provided that a candidate belonging to categories (b), (c), (d) and (e) above shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India.

SSC Age Limit

The age limit of SSC CGL for various posts is within 18 years to 32 years.

There is a certain SSC CGL age limit relaxation for candidates belonging to special categories.

The relaxation on the SSC Age Limit for SSC CGL exam is as follows:

SSC Eligibility Criteria- SSC CGL Age Limit

SSC Educational Qualification

Essential Educational Qualifications for the SSC CGL Exam is as follows:

  • Assistant Audit Officer/ Assistant Accounts Officer:–
    • Essential Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or Institute
    • Desirable Qualifications: Chartered Accountant or cost & Management Accountant or Company Secretary or Masters in Commerce or Masters in Business Studies or Masters in Business Administration (Finance) or Masters in Business Economics.
  • Junior Statistical Officer: Bachelor’s Degree in any subject from a recognized University or Institute with at least 60% Marks in Mathematics at the 12th standard level. OR Bachelor’s Degree in any subject with Statistics as one of the subjects at degree level.
  • All other Posts: Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent.

For more details on the SSC CGL eligibility criteria, refer to the linked article.

SSC Eligibility – MTS Exam

SSC MTS Exam is a national level exam held for recruitment of personnel in General Group-C Central Service non-ministerial and non-gazetted posts in various departments, ministries, and offices of the Government of India.

Candidates willing to apply for the SSC MTS Exam need to fulfil the necessary SSC Qualification criteria set by the Staff Selection Commission.

SSC Age Limit & Relaxation for MTS Exam

Candidates who wish to appear for SSC MTS 2023 exam must be not less than 18 years of age and not more than 25 years of age as on August 1, 2023. i.e.

  • SSC MTS Lower Age limit – 18 years
  • SSC MTS Upper Age Limit – 25 years

However, for candidates belonging to reserved categories such as PwD, SC/ST and OBC categories, there is an upper age limit relaxation being given by the commission.

SSC eligibility in terms of Nationality for MTS exam

A candidate must be a citizen of India, either/or a subject of Nepal/Bhutan, Tibetan refugee settled in India before January 1, 1962, or any person of Indian origin.

Candidates are required to present the Certificate of Eligibility issued by the Indian Government (if he/she belongs to a country other than India i.e. Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet, Pakistan, Burma, etc.)

SSC Eligibility in terms of Educational Qualification for MTS Exam

Candidates willing to appear for SSC MTS 2023 examination must possess a pass certificate of matriculation or an equivalent examination from a government recognized board as on August 1, 2022.

In case any candidate does not possess the qualifying examination before the closing date of application form receipt, that candidate is not permitted to apply.

SSC Eligibility for Stenographer Exam

SSC Stenographer exam is an All India level examination that recruits candidates for Stenographer Grade C (non-gazetted post) and Grade D posts in various departments, ministries and organizations of the Government of India.

The minimum SSC Qualification requires for the Stenographer examination conducted by the Staff Selection Commission are as follows –

  1. Education Qualification – SSC eligibility condition for the Stenographer exam says that candidates who have completed or passed class 12th or equivalent examination from a government recognized board or university are eligible to apply for the SSC Stenographer Exam.
  2. SSC Qualification in terms of Nationality – Any candidates who are a Citizen of India/subject of Nepal/ Citizen of Bhutan. A person of Indian origin or Tibetian refugee.
  3. SSC Qualification for Stenographer Age Limit –
    Stenographer Grade C SSC Stenographer Lower age limit

    SSC Stenographer Upper age limit

    18 Years

    30 Years

    Stenographer Grade D SSC Stenographer Lower age limit

    SSC Stenographer Upper age limit

    18 Years

    27 Years

Candidates should thoroughly do their preparation for getting a good score in the SSC Exams.

Candidates preparing for various SSC exams can visit the online quiz page, where they can find government exams quiz and evaluate their performance based on the marks scored in each quiz.

The SSC eligibility criteria for various SSC exams must be properly checked to avoid rejection of the online application form by the Staff Selection Commission.

Frequently Asked Question – SSC Eligibility Criteria


Q.1. A 12th pass candidate can apply for SSC exam eligibility?

Ans. Yes, there is a huge scope for 12th pass candidates in Staff Selection Commissions. Also, The minimum age required to apply for SSC exams is 18 years.

Q.2. What is the minimum SSC CGL Salary?

Ans. After the 7th pay commission, there has been an increase of 3% in SSC CGL salaries of employees working for different SSC CGL posts. Detailed information on SSC CGL salary can be checked here.

Q.3. What is the selection process of SSC exams?

Ans. The selection procedure for different SSC exams are different. For SSC CGL comprises 4 stages of selection, SSC CHSL has 3 stages, SSC CPO & SSC JE both have 2 papers but CPO selection comprise Physical and Medical test also. SSC GD selection is based on one objective type test. You can check SSC exam pattern for detailed information on the selection process of various SSC exams.

Q.4. Is there any interview round in SSC exams?

Ans. No there is no interview or personality test in SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC CPO and SSC GD but SSC JE exam has a personality test of 100 marks. Candidates who score minimum qualifying marks in the written exam will be eligible to appear for the interview round.

Q.5. Is there a sectional cut-off in SSC exams?

Ans. Yes, there is a sectional cut-off in all Staff Selection Commission exams. Marks scored by candidates in Paper I will be used to determine the final merit and cut-off marks.

Q 6. What are the topics covered in SSC Syllabus?

Ans. The SSC Syllabus covers major topics related to various subjects like reasoning, aptitude, current affairs, English Language and Comprehension. You can check topic-wise SSC Syllabus for different SSC exams below:


  1. I got 49% in graduation can I eligible for this exam?

    • Hi,
      Generally, any candidate who possesses graduation degree can apply for the exams but education qualification for different SSC exams is different but there is no minimum percentage requirement for different posts in various SSC exams.

  2. I am an engineering student 3rd year .Can I write this exam

    • Hi,
      The minimum educational qualification for different posts in SSC exams is different. Few exams require candidates to possess a graduation degree in order to apply for the exam.

  3. can BE final year students apply for SSC CGL exams?

    • Hi,
      Minimum education qualification required to appear for Combined Graduate Level Exam is a bachelor’s degree from a government recognized university. You can check SSC CGL Eligibility in detail here.

  4. Hello
    I am a girl and studying architecture and want to go in defence . Can you guide me properly for which test i am eligible.

  5. Can 12th student apply for SSC exam

    • Hi,
      SSC conducts two exams for which the eligibility criteria is 12th standard or any equivalent exam from a recognized body – Combined Higher Secondary Level (CHSL) exam, and Stenographer Grade ‘C’ and ‘D’ exam.