
Symbol B
Atomic Number 5
Atomic Mass 10.811 amu
Discovered by Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac in 1808

Chemical Properties of Boron

Group 13 (Boron Group) Melting point 2349K
Period 2 Boiling point 4200K
Block p-block Density (g cm−3) 2.08 (when liquid)
Atomic number 5 Electron configuration [He]2s22p1
State at 20°C Solid

What is Boron?

  • Boron is a chemical element with atomic number five and it is a trace element that is found in the earth’s crust and solar system. Boron is a metalloid.

Uses of Boron

  • Sodium tetraborate decahydrate or borax is the most important compound of boron, which is used to insulate fiber glass and sodium perborate bleach.
  • Boric acid is one of the important compounds in textile products. Boron compounds are also used in organic synthesis, in a particular type of glass manufacture and as a wood preservative.
  • Borax was earlier used to make perborate, which is the bleaching agent widely used in some detergents.
  • Boron compounds are also found in homes in the form of food preservatives, especially for fish and margarine.

Properties of Boron

  • It’s a poor conductor of electricity and can also be found in ceramics, flare guns, and fiber glasses.
  • Boron has several forms such as amorphous boron which is a dark powder and it is non-reactive to oxygen, water, alkalis, and acids are the most common. It forms borides when it reacts with metals.

Certain Facts About Boron

  • Boron is present over a hundred minerals on Earth. But it is extremely difficult to produce, even in laboratory conditions.
  • Boromycin is a boron-based natural antibiotic. It is a derivative of Streptomyces.

Related Elements

Hydrogen Nickel Neon Potassium
Helium Copper Sodium Calcium
Lithium Zinc Magnesium Scandium
Beryllium Gallium Aluminum Titanium
Cobalt Germanium Silicon Vanadium
Carbon Arsenic Phosphorus Chromium
Nitrogen Selenium Sulfur Manganese
Oxygen Bromine Chlorine Iron
Fluorine Krypton Argon
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