For a sound SSC CHSL Preparation strategy, having the best SSC CHSL study material, understanding both the syllabus and subsequent exam pattern is extremely important, especially when it is SSC CHSL exam. One of the most competitive exams which is a gateway to various government posts for those fortunate enough to crack it. It goes without saying that the SSC CHSL exam needs a committed strategy to crack it.
To that extent, applicants need to have a good SSC CHSL Book List to refer to and a thorough understanding of both the SSC CHSL syllabus will be easy to do SSC CHSL preparation deligently.
This article will give tips on how each topic can be tackled with ease. To know more about other SSC Exams, visit the linked article.
SSC CHSL Book List:-Download PDF Here
The strategy for SSC CHSL Exam preparation is given in brief below:
- Check the SSC CHSL Eligibility Criteria.
- Understanding the SSC CHSL exam pattern properly.
- Go through the detailed SSC CHSL Syllabus.
- Having a clear concept of the various topics in the CHSL Exam.
- Referring important study materials related to the topics in the exam.
- Focusing on certain exam preparation plans.
The SSC CHSL exam is conducted in three stages:
- Tier I (Computer Based Exam)
- Tier II ( Descriptive Exam)
- Tier III (Skill/Typing Test)
The SSC CHSL Exam Pattern for Tier I is as follows:
SSC CHSL Exam Pattern (Tier I) | ||
Subject | No of Questions | Maximum Marks |
General Intelligence | 25 | 50 |
English Language | 25 | 50 |
Quantitative Aptitude | 25 | 50 |
General Awareness | 25 | 50 |
The SSC CHSL Exam Pattern for Tier II is as follows:
SSC CHSL Exam Pattern (Tier-II) | |||
Topics | Word Count | Maximum Marks | Duration |
Essay Writing | 200-250 | 100 | 60 minutes |
Letter/Application Writing | 150-200 | 100 | 60 minutes |
SSC CHSL Exam Pattern for Tier III is as follows:
This is a Skill/Typing test that is of qualifying nature. The marks from this test will not be included in the final merit list.
- Typing Test: To be qualified for the exam, English typing- test will require a speed of 35 words per minute and Hindi typing- the test will require a mandatory speed of 30 words per minute. Typing test is applicable for Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant, LDC, and Court Clerk posts.
- Skill Test: This test demands data entry speed of 8,000 key depressions per hour on the computer. The skill test is conducted for Data Entry Operator post.
To understand more about the exam, candidates must keep referring the SSC CHSL Notification on a regular basis, which will ease the preparation to a large extent.
Aspirants can boost their SSC CHSL preparation with the help of following links – |
Important Topics for SSC CHSL Exam
There are many important topics for the SSC CHSL Exam. A brief description of each topic, tier-wise is as follows:
SSC CHSL Syllabus for Tier I Exam
- English Language: Designed to test the candidate’s ability in English. It will have topics like Reading Comprehension, Cloze Test, Para Jumbles, Fill in the Blanks, Multiple Meaning/Error Spotting, Paragraph Completion, One Word Substitution, etc.
Given below are a few relevant topics of English language that are sure to be asked in the examination:
- List of One Word Substitutions
- Adjective Degree Of Comparison Rules
- List of Homophones/Homonyms
- List of Synonyms and Antonyms
- Active And Passive Voice Rules
For more important topics on English For Competitive exams, such as Precis and letter writing format, rules and list of prepositions, articles, conjunctions etc., candidates can check the link provided.
- General Intelligence: This section will test the candidates factual and theoretical knowledge. For this effect, the topics for this exam are Symbolic/ Number Analogy, Trends, Figural Analogy, Space Orientation, Semantic Classification, Venn Diagrams, Symbolic/ Number Classification, Drawing inferences, Figural Classification, Punched hole/ pattern-folding & unfolding, Semantic Series, Figural Pattern-folding and completion, Number Series, etc.
Candidates can check the 3 sutras to prepare for reasoning ability to know important strategise with which they should start with the CHSL reasoning preparation.
Given below are few important links that can assist candidates to gain conceptual clarity on various topics as well as understand the type of reasoning questions asked in SSC CHSL examination.
More such concept-based articles on reasoning topics can be found on the Logical Reasoning page linked here.
- Quantitative Aptitude: The questions in quantitative aptitude are structured in such a way that the candidates understanding of the numerical sense and use of numbers will be tested. Topics in this exam are Percentages, Ratio and Proportion, Square roots, Averages, Interest (Simple and Compound), Profit and Loss, Discount, Partnership Business, Mixture and Allegation, Time and distance, Time and work, etc.
To start with SSC CHSL preparation of Quantitative Aptitude section check the following links for assistance.
- Shortcut tricks For Squares & Cube Roots
- Tips to solve Number Series
- Maths Tricks for Competitive Exams
Candidates can go through important quantitative aptitude topics given below:
Quadratic Equation | Problems on Train |
Problems on Age | Alligations and mixtures |
Problem on Time and Work | Questions on Number Series |
For more relevant topics on Quantitative Aptitude check the linked page.
- General Awareness: The questions in this section are designed to test the candidate’s general awareness of the environment around him and its application to society. The test will question pertaining to India and its neighbouring countries especially pertaining to History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, General policy, and scientific research.
For the preparation of the General Awareness section important topics that candidates must go through are listed below:
- List of Neighbouring Countries of India
- List of Highest Mountains in India
- List of Longest Rivers in the World
- Tennis Grand Slam Winners
- List Of Indian Ambassadors to Foreign Countries
- List of Indian Navy Chief Admirals
More such topics on general awareness are given on the Static GK page, check the link provided. For the preparation of current affairs candidates can check the following links-
To know more about the exam pattern of other SSC Exams, visit the SSC Exam Pattern page
SSC CHSL Syllabus for Tier-II Exam
This is a descriptive paper where candidates will be tested in English/Hindi language in writing Essays and Applications. The topic for the same will be given during the exam itself. They will be in the lines of National Interest, Finance & Economy, Ecological Issues, Social Issues, Politics, Schemes, and Governance, etc.
Check out important questions and answers on relevant English Topics
- One Word Substitution Questions & Answers
- Tenses Questions And Answers
- Direct & Indirect Speech Questions & Answers
For more question and answer articles on important topics of the Verbal Ability section, candidates can visit the linked article.
SSC CHSL Syllabus Tier III Exam
This exam will be done to evaluate candidates typing and basic computer skills. This skill test is of qualifying nature. The Skill Test for Data Entry Operators (DEO) will be set at 8000 Key Depressions per hour on the computer. Those who apply for the post of PA and Court Clerks Candidates opting for English medium should have a typing speed of 35 words per minute and those opting for Hindi medium should have a typing speed of 30 words per minute.
Aspirants preparing for the next recruitment of CHSL can refer the following links for assistance:
SSC CHSL Admit Card | SSC CHSL Exam Date | SSC CHSL Salary |
SSC CHSL Result | SSC CHSL Apply Online | SSC CHSL Exam Analysis |
Candidates can also go through the SSC CHSL Cut Off to analyse the previous year trend to strategize the preparation accordingly.
To prepare effectively for the SSC CHSL Exam one must have a lot of reference book handy. These books will help the candidates focus better on the subject matter at hand and thus ultimately score well in the exam.
The subject wise reference books are:
SSC CHSL Books for English
- Objective General English by SP Bakshi
- Quick Learning Objective General English by RS Aggarwal & Vikas Aggarwal
- Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis
- A Mirror of Common Errors by Dr Ashok Kumar Singh
- Common Errors in English by Kiran Prakashan
- Words Idioms & Phrases by Arihant Experts
- Plinth to Paramount by KD Campus
- Perfect Competitive English by Kiran Prakashan
SSC CHSL Books for Quantitative Aptitude
- Quantitative Aptitude by RS Aggarwal
- Fast Track by Rajesh Verma
- NCERT Maths from Grade 6 to Grade 11
- Magical Books on Quicker Maths by M Tyra
- Advance Maths by Rakesh Yadav
SSC CHSL Books for General Awareness
- General Knowledge by Lucent Publication
- Manorama Yearbook
- NCERT Books – Class X, XII
SSC CHSL Books for Logical Reasoning
- Analytical Reasoning by MK Pandey
- Test of Reasoning by Edgar Thorpe
- A Modern Approach to Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning by RS Aggarwal
- New Approach to Reasoning Verbal, Non-Verbal and Analytical by BS Sijwali and Indu Sijwali.
SSC CHSL Book List:-Download PDF Here
SSC CHSL Preparation Tips
Here are some useful preparation tips for the SSC CHSL Exam:
- Know the SSC CHSL Syllabus in and out: To score well in the SSC CHSL exam, it is important that you be well versed with SSC CHSL syllabus and the exam pattern. The topics and difficulty-wise segregation of different sections of the exam are highly advisable.
- Create a personalized Time Table and Study Plan: While preparing for the SSC CHSL it is important to prepare a study plan which will suit your requirements because an organized schedule will help in outlining a strategic plan of action and set certain learning goals.
- Make notes whenever possible: During your preparation try jotting down notes about important topics whenever possible. These notes will become easy to refer whenever a quick glance is required.
- Brush up your Basics: As an applicant writing the SSC CHSL exam, it is imperative that you be thorough with your basics so that you have a good grasp of the subject that you are studying during your preparation.
- Refer Previous Year’s Paper: The papers of the previous year are a very important part in your preparation. In addition to getting an idea about the difficulty level in each section, you will also know the weight of different questions. Try to solve as many practice questions as possible so that you are able to answer a particular question during the main exam without wasting much time in solving it.
- Take Mock Tests: Taking SSC CHSL mock tests will definitely help you get a fair understanding about the status of your preparation and highlight your strengths and weaknesses and thus, you can work on those areas which need improvement.
With a sound preparation strategy along with a clear understanding of basic concepts, it is possible for a candidate to crack this competitive exam with relative ease.
Candidates preparing for the Combined Higher Secondary Level Exam can check Last One-week study plan for SSC CHSL exam assistance in preparation.
To get more preparation tips on other SSC Exams, visit the SSC Preparation page.
For more details on other SSC Exams, refer to the table below:
SSC Exam Date | SSC Exam Pattern |
SSC Results | SSC Online |
SSC Notification | SSC Admit Card |
SSC Recruitment | SSC Eligibility |
SSC Salary | SSC Cut Off |
Candidates willing to prepare for any other exam that is conducted by the selection board can check the given links for assistance:
- How to start SSC exams preparation?
- Mistakes to avoid in SSC exams
- How to prepare for SSC exams without Coaching
For more preparation, related topics and study materials look no further than BYJU’S.