CBSE Science Projects

Science Projects
A CBSE Science fair project allows you to pose your own questions and answer them. Science is a very useful and fascinating subject, but its most amazing aspect is that despite it being very close to us “in our day-to-day lives”, many of us choose to keep ourselves ignorant about even its most basic principles. Doing a CBSE Science project involves several steps that include developing and “owning” the question; researching literature; forming a hypothesis; experimenting and designing; organising and gathering data etc. Given its crucial importance in understanding our technical world and our function within it, you develop and apply skills in literary and laboratory research, statistical analysis, and public speaking while gaining a sense of empowerment and building self-esteem.

Here, we have compiled a list of Science projects for CBSE students. These CBSE Science projects are for students of Classes 6 to 10.

Here are a few examples from which you can pick the best-suited CBSE Science projects for your school Science fair.


How to Make a Windmill

Free energy is what the world needs right now, and wind turbines or windmills are the best sources of natural energy the world has right now. What can be a better idea than building a small-scale windmill for your science project?

How to Make a Volcano

Ever wondered how a volcano works? Did you ever want to build a working model of a volcano? Now you can build your very own volcano model for the Science projects of CBSE.
Water Clock

How to Make a Water Clock

Time is an essential part of life, and clocks give us an accurate value of it. Ever wondered how people measured time before the wooden, plastic or metal clocks that exist in your homes?
Potato Clock

How to Make a Potato Clock

Now you can build a clock that does not require any kind of batteries to run on, but simply regular potatoes. Did you know that potatoes are a great conductor of electricity? Learn how to make a clock with the help of just a potato.

CBSE Science Working Models

CBSE Science Exhibition Models


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