WBCS Exam Preparation - Booklist & Strategies

West Bengal Public Service Commission (WBPSC) conducts the WBCS exam. The three stages – Preliminary, Mains and Interview, have defined syllabus.

In this article, an aspirant will get to know detailed WBCS exam preparation strategy and a comprehensive booklist. There are few books that will work for both WBCS prelims and Mains, and then there are few that will exclusively work for each Exam.

To get the details of WBCS 2022, check the linked article.

Before we discuss preparation for WBCS Exam Preparation, check below important information about WBCS 2020-21:

  • Be updated with current WBPSC Notification 2022.
  • An aspirant should go through the WBCS Eligibility criteria for WBCS Exam.
  • Understand the WBCS Exam Syllabus as WBCS Exam is a three-tier examination- Preliminary, Mains and Interview.
  • Learn how to download the WBCS admit card to sit for the state administrative examination. Check other important details related to the admit card in the linked article.
  • WBCS Syllabus 2022 will be released with 2022 notification. Download WBCS Syllabus 2020 from the link provided below:

WBCS Syllabus 2022:- Download PDF Here

The WBCS Exam is conducted annually or when announced by West Bengal Public Service Commission (WBPSC.) The commission recruits for groups A, B, C and D and various posts under these groups.

Refer to the official website of the commission – https://pscwbonline.gov.in/ for more updates.
Daily News

WBCS Preparation

The civil services examination is an eminent one and the standard of papers designed for it, are such that test analytical and conceptual clarity of the candidates.

Few tips that can help candidates track their preparation are:

  • Each topic that finds its place in WBCS syllabus is important, and an aspirant should never skip any of those.
  • For State Service Exams, a candidate should read the state board textbooks as these give pertinent information on various topics mentioned in the syllabus.
  • Each topic like History, Geography, Polity, etc. should also be read, keeping in mind the state’s aspects.
  • Source of practice is past years’ question papers. Find those in the official websites.

Let us decode each topic for you and provide you with the best possible manner in which you can prepare for the same.

WBCS Prelims has below-given topics:

  • English composition â€“ Candidates should know that the standard of questions asked under this section lies between moderate and difficult. Segregating the section into topics would help applicants simplify their preparation. Topics included under English composition are given in the table below:
Topics WBCS Preparation Books
Synonyms and Antonyms Choose any one from the following:

  • S.P Bakshi (Arihant Publication)
  • K D Sarkar
  • High School English Grammar and Composition by Wren and Martin
Idioms and Phrases
Vocabulary Test
Phrasal Verbs
Fill in the qualifying words

The above-mentioned English Composition topics can also be prepared using our BYJU’S Classroom notes. Candidates can check the table below:

Synonyms and Antonyms Idioms and Phrases
Homophones One Word Substitution
  • General Science
Topics WBCS Preparation Books
General appreciation Choose any one from the following:

  • Magazine- Chronicle (Science)
  • State Board Textbooks
Understanding of science
Matters of everyday observation
Experience as expected from an educated person not having made special studies of scientific disciplines
  • Current Events of National and International Importance
Topics WBCS Preparation Books
Social, Political, Economic or Geographical issue that affects India and its policies in the national and international front Choose any one from the following:

  • Pratiyogita Darpan (Magazine)
  • Yojana (Magazine)
  • Competition Success Review (Magazine)
  • The Hindu (Newspaper)
  • Telegraph (Newspaper)

To complement current events preparation, candidates can take help of the following links:

Daily News Analysis (DNA) Gist of Yojana
  • History of India
Topics WBCS Preparation Books
Ancient Choose state board textbook or Magbook India History
  • Geography of India with special reference to West Bengal
Topics WBCS Preparation Books
Physical Geography Choose state board textbook or read Majid Hussain or Orient Longman
Social Geography
Economic Geography
  • Indian Polity and Economy
Topics WBCS Preparation Books
Indian Constitution Read Laxmikant for Indian Polity and can go through Ramesh Singh for Economics. Aspirant can go through school textbooks to understand basic concepts.
Panchayati Raj
Constitutional Bodies, etc.

We have BYJU’S Classroom notes on Polity. To get important Polity articles and notes in one place, candidates can check the Polity Notes page.

  • Indian National Movement
Topics WBCS Preparation Books
Nature and character of Nineteenth-Century Resurgence Read school textbooks and refer one from the below:

  • Bipin Chandra
  • Romila Thapar
Growth of Nationalism
Attainment of Independence
  • General Mental Ability
Topics WBCS Preparation Books
Logical Reasoning Practising from R.S. Aggarwal will suffice
Common Aptitude

Candidates can refer to our overview of Logical Reasoning from the linked article. Here, you will get the basics straight, and this can help you with WBCS preparation too.
UPSC 2022

WBCS Mains

The important topics given in WBCS Syllabus are History, Geography, Polity, Economics and Current Affairs.

WBCS Preparation books for Mains are:

  • History- Bipin Chandra
  • Polity- Laxmikant
  • Geography- Lexicon or Majid Hussain or G.c. Leong
  • Economy- School Textbooks or Ramesh Singh
  • Current Affairs- The Hindu/ Monthly Compilation of any good magazine

Apart from the books above, a few other recommended reading sources are:

  1. Budget and Economic Survey
  2. State Board books
  3. NCERT books – Download NCERT books PDF here (only English medium)
  4. To prepare for a compulsory paper number I and II where knowledge of Bengali language is significant, candidates should practice report-writing and translations from school textbooks and Bengali newspapers.
  5. Candidates can also check some important differences between articles that can help them differentiate between two and more important terms that are seen in the syllabus.

Some important points to keep in mind regarding WBCS Exam Preparation:

  1. Practice previous years’ question papers
  2. Do MCQ solving practice for Prelims
  3. Do answer writing practice for Mains

WBCS Study Material

Recently, WBCS prelims 2020 has been successfully conducted and the results have been declared too. WBCS prelims 2021 took place on 7th February 2021. The prelims for WBCS 2022 is expected to take place in May 2022 as per the notification.

Hence, candidates should revise important topics that are frequently asked in the preliminary examinations. We are listing down section-wise topics that have been asked in the exam before, along with the related articles that have the probability to be asked in the next prelims paper. Such topics are general in nature and overlap with UPSC syllabus.

Important WBCS Questions on History

  1. Which leader died on the day the Non-Cooperation movement was launched in 1920?
  2. Who is the founder of Ghadar party?
  3. At which session of Indian national congress, Vande Mataram was sung for the first time?
  4. Where was the provisional government of Independent India formed?
  5. The first INC session was presided by?
  6. Who set up the Indian Independence League?
  7. The provisions for separate electorate for Hindus and Muslims was made in?
  8. In which session did the INC declare Poorna Swaraj to be its goal?
  9. The Khilafat movement was started by?
  10. Which important event immediately preceded the Jallianwala Bagh massacre?
  11. Which battle established the supremacy of the British rule in India?
  12. Which day is declared as the direct action day by the Muslim League?
  13. Kuka Movement is associated with which of the following states?
  14. The Rowlatt Act was passed in the year?

The above topics that have been asked in the history section are very important and for that aspirants can revise these along with the new set of relevant topics from the links provided in the table below:

WBCS Notes For Previous Year Questions

WBCS Notes For Expected Questions in Prelims 2022

Non-Cooperation Movement Salt Satyagraha
List of Indian National Congress Sessions Formation of Indian National Congress
Rash Behari Bose Bhagat Singh
Rowlatt Act & Jallianwala Bagh Massacre Gandhi-Irwin Pact
Battle of Buxar Formation of British East India Company
Popular Uprisings in 18th & 19th Century Peasant Movements of 18th & 19th Century
Ghadar Party All India Muslim League
Indian National Army Subhash Chandra Bose
Government of India Act, 1919 Morley Minto Reforms
Battle of Plassey Robert Clive
Direct Action Day Indian Independence Act 1947

Important WBCS Questions on Polity

  1. Which is the amendment of the Indian constitution related to reservation of SCs & STs and representation of Anglo-Indians in the Lok Sabha and State Assembly?
  2. The Panchayati Raj of India has how many tiers?
  3. Article 280 of the Indian Constitution lays down the establishment of?
  4. Power to grant pardons is enjoyed by which constitutional authority?
  5. Which statements are correct regarding Public Accounts Committee?
  6. The impeachment of the President can be initiated in?
  7. Which article of the Indian Constitution guarantees to all its citizens the freedom of speech and expression?
  8. 86th Amendment of the Indian Constitution altered DPSP to provide for?
  9. Which schedule of the Indian Constitution distributes powers between the Union & the states?
  10. Mark the correct date on which the Indian Constitution came into being?
  11. The power to increase the number of judges in the Supreme Court is vested in?
  12. What will follow if the monetary bill is substantially amended by the Rajya Sabha?

The above topics that have been asked in the polity section are very important and for that aspirants can revise these along with the new set of relevant topics from the links provided in the table below:

WBCS Notes For Previous Year Questions

WBCS Notes For Expected Questions in Prelims 2022

Important Amendments of Indian Constitution Types of Amendments in Indian Constitution
Panchayati Raj 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act
Important Articles of Indian Constitution How is a bill made an act?
President Pardoning Power Pardoning Powers of Governor
Public Accounts Committee
Right to Freedom of Speech & Expression Fundamental Rights
Directive Principles of State Policy Fundamental Duties
7th Schedule of Indian Constitution Schedules of Indian Constitution
Constitution of India Sources of Indian Constitution
Supreme Court of India High Courts of India
Money Bill Finance Bill

Important WBCS Questions on Geography

  1. Sunderbans is declared the world heritage site for?
  2. Rammam hydroelectric power plant is located in?
  3. The tropic of cancer does not pass through?
  4. Shola forest is found in?
  5. Kolleru lake is located between?
  6. What is the demographic dividend?
  7. Lakshadweep is an island of?
  8. In India, which type of forest occupies the largest area?

The above topics that have been asked in the geography section are very important and for that aspirants can revise these along with the new set of relevant topics from the links provided in the table below:

WBCS Notes For Previous Year Questions

WBCS Notes For Expected Questions in Prelims 2022

Hydroelectric Power Plants in India List List of Nuclear Power Plants in India
World Heritage Sites in India List Thermal Power Plants in India
Important Lakes in India Ramsar Sites in India
Natural Vegetation in India Mangroves in India
Demographic Dividend Major Indian River Systems

Important WBCS Questions on Current Events

  1. Which day is marked as the World Orphans’ Day?
  2. Which province of India is the first to have complete organic farming?
  3. Who was honoured with 54th Jnanpith Award?

The above topics that have been asked in the current events and general knowledge sections are very important and for that aspirants can revise these along with the new set of relevant topics from the links provided in the table below:

WBCS Notes For Previous Year Questions

WBCS Notes For Expected Questions in Prelims 2022

Important National & International Dates International Organisations & their Headquarters
Organic Farming – Gist of Kurukshetra Zero Budget Natural Farming
Jnanpith Awardees Bharat Ratna Awardees

List of Current Affairs Articles for UPSC

To get information about PSC and other government exams and their preparation in one place, candidates can check the table below:

KAS Preparation UPPSC PCS Preparation
MPSC Preparation TNPSC Group 1 Preparation
APPSC Study Material BPSC Preparation
JPSC Preparation GPSC Preparation
MPPSC Preparation PSC Exams


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