A high level of SSC CGL preparation strategy is required to get a good score in the SSC CGL Exam.  This article will provide the list of SSC CGL Books, PDF for different SSC CGL subjects including important SSC CGL study material in a proper format for SSC CGL Preparation.

The SSC Combined Graduate Level (CGL) Exam is one of the most sought-after exams for aspirants whose dream is to get recruited into the various organizations, Ministries, departments under the Government of India.

These SSC Exams are a great opportunity for candidates wanting to work in various departments, offices, organizations under the Government of India.

SSC CGL Booklist:-Download PDF Here

The strategy for SSC CGL Preparation is given in brief below:

  1. Having a clear concept on the various topics in the SSC CGL Exam
  2. Check the SSC CGL Eligibility Criteria
  3. Understanding the SSC CGL Exam Pattern properly
  4. Go through the detailed SSC CGL Syllabus.
  5. Referring to important SSC CGL Study materials related to the topics in the exam
  6. Focusing on the SSC CGL preparation Strategies

Check SSC CGL Exam Analysis for a better understanding of the scope and difficulty level of the Combined Graduate Level Examination.

Government Exam 2023

The SSC CGL Exam is conducted in 4 stages, and each stage has a different exam pattern. The SSC CGL Exam pattern is as follows:

Tier Subject Number of Questions Maximum Marks Time allowed
Tier I General Intelligence and Reasoning 25 50 60 Minutes (Total)

For VH/ OH (afflicted with Cerebral Palsy/ deformity in writing hand- Pl 80 Minutes

General Awareness 25 50
Quantitative Aptitude 25 50
English Comprehension 25 50
Tier II Paper-I: Quantitative Abilities 100 200 120Minutes

For VH/ OH (afflicted with Cerebral Palsy/ deformity in writing hand- 160 Minutes

Paper-II: English Language and Comprehension 200 200
Paper-III: Statistics 100 200
Paper-IV: General Studies (Finance and Economics) 100 200
Tier III Descriptive Paper in Hindi/English( Essay, Letter, applications, precis) 100 60 Minutes

For VH/ OH (afflicted with Cerebral Palsy/ deformity in writing hand- 80 Minutes

Tier IV Exam evaluates the Computer Proficiency Test/ Skill Test (wherever applicable) of candidates. Post this; Document Verification is done as per the provisions of the notice of examination.

Candidates should refer to the SSC CGL official notification regularly to understand the exam in-depth and to make the preparation better and easier.

For more details on the SSC Preparation for other exams, refer to the linked article.

For comprehensive SSC CGL preparation refer the links for assistance-

Important Topics for SSC CGL Preparation for the Exam

There are many relevant topics for the SSC CGL Exam, according to the Tiers. The highlights of important topics for the SSC CGL Exam are as follows:

Tier I Exam

  • General Intelligence and Reasoning:- It would include questions of both verbal and non-verbal type. Important questions on analogies, similarities and differences, space visualization, spatial orientation, problem-solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory, discrimination, arithmetic number series, non-verbal series, coding and decoding, statement conclusion, syllogistic reasoning, etc.

Given below are few relevant links that can assist candidates in gaining conceptual clarity on various topics as well as understand the type of reasoning questions asked in SSC CGL examination.

More such concept-based articles on reasoning topics can be found on the Logical Reasoning page linked here.

Candidates can check the 3 sutras to prepare for reasoning ability to know important strategies with which they should start with the CGL reasoning preparation.

  • General Awareness: This section is designed to test the general knowledge of candidates. It will include all important topics related to History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, General Policy & Scientific Research. For the preparation of current affairs, candidates can check the following links.

For the preparation of the General Awareness section, important topics that candidates must go through are listed below:

More such topics on general awareness are given on the Static GK page, check the link provided.

  • Quantitative Aptitude: This section is designed to test the number sense and calculation skills of the candidates. The important topics in this section are whole numbers, decimals, fractions and relationships between numbers, Percentage. Ratio & Proportion, Square roots, Averages, Interest, Profit and Loss, Discount, Partnership Business, Mixture and Alligation, Time and distance, Time & Work, Basic algebraic identities, geometrical problems, etc.

For the SSC CGL preparation of Quantitative Aptitude section, check the following links for assistance.

For more relevant topics on Quantitative Aptitude, check the linked page.

  • English Comprehension: This section is prepared to test the candidates writing and comprehension abilities. SSC CGL English preparation will cover essays, grammar, passages, etc.

Given below are a few relevant topics of English language that are sure to be asked in the examination:

For more important topics on English For Competitive exams, such as letter writing format, rules and list of prepositions, articles conjunctions etc. candidates can check the link provided.

Tier-II Exam

  • Paper-I (Quantitative Abilities): This paper will evaluate a candidate’s calculation and numeric skills. The relevant topics that should be covered are whole numbers, decimals, fractions and relationships between numbers, Percentage, Ratio & Proportion, Square roots, Averages, Interest, Profit and Loss, Discount, distance, surds, Graphs of Linear Equations, Complementary angles, Heights and Distances, Histogram, Frequency polygon, Bar diagram & Pie chart, etc.
  • Paper-II (English Language and Comprehension): Paper-II of SSC CGL English preparation is designed to evaluate a candidate’s grammar and language skills. The important topics of SSC CGL English preparation in Paper II are – spotting the error, fill in the blanks, synonyms and antonyms, spelling/ detecting misspelt words, idioms & phrases, one word substitution, active/ passive voice of verbs, conversion into direct/ indirect narration, shuffling of sentence parts, shuffling of sentences in a passage, etc.

Check out important questions and answers on relevant English Topics.

For more question and answer articles on important topics of the Verbal Ability section, candidates can visit the linked article.

  • Paper-III (Statistics): This paper will have topics related to Collection and Representation of data, Skewness & kurtosis, Measures of Central Tendency, correlation & regression, Probability Theory, time series analysis, Index numbers, etc.
  • Paper-IV (General Studies-Finance and Economics):
  • Part – A- (Finance & Accounts): This paper will be for 80 marks, and it includes topics related to Rectification of Errors, Manufacturing, Trading, Profit & Loss Appropriation Accounts, Balance Sheet Distinction between Capital and Revenue Expenditure, Depreciation Accounting, Valuation of Inventories, Non-profit Organizations Accounts, Receipts and Payments and Income & Expenditure Accounts, Bills of Exchange, Self-Balancing Ledgers, etc.
  • Part -B- (Economics and Governance): This paper will be for the remaining 120 marks and it includes topic related to Money & Banking, Economic reforms, Theory of demand and supply, Economics- Micro & macro, Market supply analysis, etc.

Tier III Exam

This exam will be a subjective paper and can be attempted in Hindi/English. Candidates need to prepare for applications, letters, essays, etc.

Tier IV Exam

This exam will be done to evaluate a candidate’s typing and basic computer-related skills.

The “Data Entry Speed Test” Skill Test will be conducted for a passage of about 2000 (two thousand) key depressions for a duration of 15 (fifteen) minutes.

The Computer Proficiency Test (CPT), will have Word Processing, Spreadsheet and Generation of Slides as the test topics.

There are certain tests reserved for specific candidates and posts. Referring to the SSC CGL Eligibility criteria would help the candidates a lot in knowing the details regarding those tests.


The SSC CGL preparation will require a reference to many books.

The important SSC CGL books will help the candidates to focus on the relevant topics, and they will ultimately score well.

SSC CGL Books for English

Candidates must leave no stone unturned for SSC CGL English Preparation both in Paper I and Paper II. The important SSC CGL Books for English are given below:

  • Objective General English by SPBakshi (Arihant)
  • Quick Learning Objective General English by RS Aggarwal & Vikas Aggarwal
  • Objective English for Competitive Examinations by H M Prasad
  • How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension – By Arun Sharma
  • Wren & Martin – High School English Grammar and Composition
  • Perfect Competitive English V.K. Sinha
  • Competitive General English Kiran Prakashan
  • From Plinth to Paramount- Neetu Singh
  • A Mirror of Common Errors- Dr Ashok Kumar Singh

Best Books For SSC CGL Maths

Given below are the best books for SSC CGL Maths:

  • Advance Maths by Rakesh Yadav
  • Magical Book on Quicker Maths by M Tyra:
  • SSC Elementary and Advanced Maths BY Kiran
  • NCERT Maths from Grade 6 to Grade 11
  • Quantitative Aptitude by Dr R.S Agarwal is also one of the best books for SSC CGL Maths.

SSC CGL Reasoning Books

The important SSC CGL Reasoning Books are given below:

  • Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning by Dr R.S. Aggarwal
  • Analytical Reasoning by M.K. Pandey
  • Logical and Analytical Reasoning by A.K. Gupta
  • How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning by Arun Sharma

SSC CGL General Awareness Books

The important SSC CGL General Awareness Books are given below:

  • Manorama Yearbook
  • General Knowledge- Lucent Publication
  • NCERT Books of Class X, XII- History, Geography, Economics

The above SSC CGL books list and information have already given a lot of data about the exam. Candidates preparing for other examination conducted by SSC can go through the SSC Mock Test for practice and revision.

For a successful SSC CGL Preparation, certain pointers can be followed by the candidates to make the whole process of learning, more relaxed and smarter. The SSC CGL books pdf will be a great help to candidates for a better and easier preparation of the topics.

SSC CGL Books PDF –Download PDF Here

Candidates willing to appear for the next recruitment of CGL examination can check the related links for important information:

SSC CGL Exam Date SSC CGL Cut Off
SSC CGL Result SSC CGL Apply Online
SSC CGL Posts SSC CGL Admit Card
SSC CGL Salary SSC CGL Answer Key

10 essential tips related to the SSC CGL Preparation are:

  1. Have a well-planned study routine with proper duration for each topic.
  2. A thorough study of the subjects and relevant topics as per the latest SSC CGL syllabus and pattern is necessary.
  3. Have the collection of important SSC CGL preparation books and study material.
  4. Get online and offline help whenever required.
  5. Solving SSC CGL previous years’ exam papers and making a flow chart of the concepts.
  6. Numerous practices and prepare separately for the online and offline exam.
  7. Improve on solving strategies and devise an exclusive SSC CGL study plan.
  8. Try avoiding random preparation on the subject.
  9. Try to understand a concept in detail.
  10. Try to resolve any subject, concept related doubts long before the exams.

Candidates willing to do SSC CGL Preparation can go through the given links:

  1. Tips for Working Professoional on SSC CGL Preparation
  2. How to Prepare for SSC CGL in 30 days?
  3. Last one-week study plan for SSC CGL
  4. Last-minute preparation tips for SSC CGL examination.

Getting good marks in the exam is possible if a thorough SSC CGL preparation is done. Candidates applying for the SSC CGL exam should always have the proper SSC CGL study material to make a great start for the exam preparation.

Candidates willing to prepare for any other exam apart from CGL that is conducted by the selection board can check the given links for assistance:

The information mentioned above will be a great help for achieving success in the exam.

For more details on other SSC Exams, refer to the table below:

SSC Exam Date SSC Exam Pattern
SSC Results SSC Online
SSC Notification SSC Admit Card
SSC Recruitment SSC Eligibility
SSC Salary SSC Cut Off

Frequently Asked Question – SSC CGL Preparation


Q.1. Is it possible to clear the SSC CGL exam in just 6 months?

Ans. Yes, a candidate can qualify the CGL exam with just 6 months of preparation. SSC CGL is an excellent opportunity for candidates and requires a systematic preparation strategy to get a good score. Candidates appearing for this exam must keep abreast with SSC CGL Exam Pattern and syllabus. They should refer to relevant SSC CGL Study materials related to the topics in the exam. For exam pattern, SSC CGL Syllabus and Important study materials check the SSC CGL preparation page.

Q.2. Which newspaper is best to read for SSC CGL preparation?

Ans. To prepare for SSC CGL Current Affairs section, candidates can refer to the following newspapers: The Hindu, The Times Of India and The Hindustan Times. All these are daily newspapers in the English language. For SSC CGL English Preparation, candidates can check important SSC CGL Books for English here.

Q.3.Is maths compulsory in SSC CGL exam?

Ans. Yes, there is a separate section of Quantitative Aptitude in Tier I and Tier II exam of SSC CGL. The important topics in the quantitative aptitude section and the best books for SSC CGL Maths preparation are given in the SSC CGL preparation page.

Q.4. What is the negative marking scheme in the SSC CGL exam?

Ans. 0.25 marks will be deducted for wrong attempts in the SSC CGL examination.


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  1. which book is best for preparation of ssc cgl???

    • Hi Praksh,
      For English, you can check Objective General English by SPBakshi (Arihant)
      For Quantitative check Quantitative Aptitude by Dr R.S Agarwal
      For reasoning also you can go with Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning by Dr R.S. Aggarwal
      And Manorama Yearbook for General Awareness.
      other important SSC books you can check on the given link.

  2. I am graduating in may 2021 . Whether i am eligible for SSC cgl 2021.