
During adolescence, the body of boys and girls undergoes certain changes. Given below are a few of those changes. (a) Broad shoulders (b) Wider chests (c) The wider region below the waist (d) Development of muscles (e) Development of mammary glands (f) Growth of facial hair (g) Acne and pimples on the face (h) Development of sex organs (i) High-pitched voice (j) Growth of pubic hair. Categorise these changes according to their occurrence in boys and those that occur in girls and fill in the table given below.

Boys Girls Broad Shoulders Wider region below waist Wilder Chest Development of mammary glands Growth of muscles Acne and pimples on... View Article

Name the following (a) The process in plants that links light energy with chemical energy (b) Organisms that can prepare their own food (c) The cell organelle where photosynthesis occurs (d) Cells that surround a stomatal pore (e) Organisms that cannot prepare their own food (f) An enzyme secreted from gastric glands in the stomach that acts on proteins.

(i) Photosynthesis: It is a process by which green plants having chlorophyll synthesise simple sugar (glucose) from water and CO2 using the... View Article

Seema visited a Natural Gas Compressing Unit and found that the gas can be liquefied under specific conditions of temperature and pressure. While sharing her experience with friends she got confused. Help her to identify the correct set of conditions (a) Low temperature, low pressure (b) High temperature, low pressure (c) Low temperature, high pressure (d) High temperature, high pressure

(c) Low temperature and high pressure are required to liquefy gases to liquids. There is a lot of space between the particles of a gas. On... View Article

Classify the following into osmosis/diffusion (a) Swelling up of a raisin on keeping in water. (b) Spreading of virus on sneezing. (c) Earthworm dying on coming in contact with common salt. (d) Shrinking of grapes kept in thick sugar syrup. (e) Preserving pickles in salt. (f) Spreading of smell of cake being baked throughout the house. (g) Aquatic animals using oxygen dissolved in water during respiration

(a) The swelling up of a raisin on keeping in water is Osmosis The concentration of solutes in raisin is more than outside water. Hence, water... View Article

In the following statements, the underlined words are jumbled up. Write them in their correct form. (a) Air contains 78% ginroten and 21% gonexy. (b) Vehicles produce high level of pollutants like carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, nobrac moondexi and mosek. (c) Carbon dioxide, thaneme, nitrous oxide and water vapour are known as heengrouse sesga. (d) Gangotri glacier in Himalaya has started melting because of lablog ringwam. (e) Whenever harmful substances such as wagese, toxic chemicals, silt, etc. get mixed with water, the water becomes potdulle.

(a) Air contains 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen. (b) Vehicles produce high level of pollutants like carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide... View Article