RBSE Solutions For Class 10 Social Science Chapter 6: Central Government | Textbook Important Questions & Answers

The state is an abstract concept, which is an intangible and invisible institution. The organisation which gives it a concrete shape is called the government. The overall will of the state is determined, expressed and implemented by the government; we can say that the government is the only expression of that abstract concept of the state. So, to understand the concepts of Central Government, these RBSE Class 10 solutions of Social Science prove to be a perfect study material. These solutions are well constructed in a proper stepwise format using simple language.

RBSE Class 10 Social Science Chapter 6 Very Short Answer Type Questions

Q1. Which method is the election of the President based on?

Answer: The method of indirect election has been adopted for the Presidential election, and this election is held on the basis of Single Transferable Vote method.

Q2. Who appoints the Prime Minister?

Answer: The Prime Minister is appointed by the President.

Q3. Who is the ex officio Chairman of Rajya Sabha?

Answer: The ex officio Chairman of Rajya Sabha is Vice – President.

Q4. Who presides over the Union Cabinet?

Answer: The Prime Minister presides over the Union Cabinet.

Q5. Who can be appointed as a Judge of the Supreme Court?

Answer: A person who has 10 years of experience as an advocate can be appointed as a Judge of the Supreme Court.

RBSE Class 10 Social Science Chapter 6 Short Answer Type Questions: Textbook Important Questions and Solutions

Q6. Explain the process of election for Vice – President?

Answer: In article 63 of the Indian Constitution there is a provision for the post of Vice President. The Vice President is elected during the joint sitting of both the houses of Parliament, and this election is performed by the Single Transferable Vote system of proportional representation method with the secret ballot.

Following qualifications are required for the post of Vice President-

  • He must be a citizen of India.
  • He must be not less than 35 years.
  • He should meet all the qualifications, which have been fixed for the members of Rajya Sabha

Q7. What qualifications are required for the Presidential candidate?

Answer: In the Constitution of India following qualifications are determined to get elected for the post of the President:

  • He must be a citizen of India.
  • He has completed 35 years of age or above.
  • He holds the qualification to become a member of Lok Sabha.

Apart from that, if a person holds office of profit under Government of India or the Government of any state or under any local or other authority, cannot be a contestant for the post of the President. The President of India won’t be a member of Parliament of India or any state Legislative Assembly.

Q8. By which process can the President be removed from his post?

Answer: The term of office for The President of India is 5 years, but according to the article 61 of the Indian Constitution, he can be deposed through the process of impeachment mentioned in the Constitution of India, in case of transgression of the Constitution by him. Each house of the Indian Parliament has the right to prosecute him, for the permission of prosecution the signatures of one fourth members of the house concerned is required. Then, 14 days after the receipt of the proposal, it will be considered in the house which has indicted him. The house will make consideration over it if the proposal is accepted by two third of total members of the house, then the proposal is forwarded to the second house.

The second house will either investigate itself or appoint a special committee for this task. If the charges against The President are proved and the Second House also accepts the proposal of impeachment by at least two third majority of its members, then The President is deemed to have deposed off from his post from the date of acceptance of the proposal. By implementing the above mentioned method the President can be removed from his post.

Q9. Why is the Supreme Court called the Court of Record?

Answer: The Supreme Court is called the Court of Record as per article 129. There are two meanings for Court of Record:

  • First, all the decisions of this court will be accepted as evidences everywhere and no question of validity would be raised regarding the passing of these decisions, when presented in any Court:
  • Second, any type of sentence can be awarded for the Contempt of court by this court.

Q10. Describe the Appellate Jurisdiction of Supreme Court?

Answer: The Supreme Court has also been granted the appellate jurisdiction by the Constitution along with the original jurisdiction and this is the last appellate Court of India. It has the authority to hear the appeals against the decisions of the High court of all the states. The appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court can be divided into the following categories; constitutional, civil, criminal and special.

Constitutional – According to article 132 of the Constitution, if the High court proves that there is no significant question included in the dispute regarding the interpretation of the Constitution, then the appeal of the decision of the High court can be filed in the Supreme Court too.

Civil – The original Constitution had the arrangement in this regard that the appeal for only those civil cases could be made in the Supreme Court from the High court where the disputed amount was more than Rs 20000. But by the 30th Constitutional amendment of 1973, the article 133 is amended by removing the limit of Rs 20000, with determining that all the civil disputes are appealable in the Supreme Court.

Criminal – Criminal appeal can be filed in the Supreme Court against the decision of High court when

(1) The accused has been awarded capital punishment by High court after overruling of the decision of lower court, while the Lower court had already acquitted the criminal or

(2) The High court has awarded capital punishment to the accused by hearing the case already filed in a lower court or

(3) If the High court proves that the case is appealable in the Supreme Court.

Special – There may be some cases which are not included in the above category but the intervention of the Supreme Court could be essential for them. So, according to article 135, the Supreme Court has been granted the authority to permit for appeal in Supreme Court against the decision of any other Indian court or Tribunal except the Military Court.


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