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RRB Preparation

RRB Preparation 2022 – Without a sound RRB preparation strategy, it will be monumentally difficult for candidates to pass as, the exams conducted by RRB are one of the most competitive exams in the country.

To know more about other RRB Exams, visit the linked article.

This article will give detail information regarding RRB preparation, candidates will get the RRB exams syllabus, RRB Booklist, section-wise RRB exam preparation along with RRB exam pattern. Also, candidates will be able to download the RRB exam books PDF from the link given below and at the bottom of the article.

RRB Books List 2021:-Download PDF Here

Table of Contents:
  1. RRB Exam Pattern
  2. RRB Preparation Section-Wise
  3. RRB Preparation Books

Government Exam 2023

RRB Exam Pattern

Before going into great detail about the RRB preparation strategy for the Railway exams, candidates must be well-versed with the aspects of the RRB exam pattern as a whole. The exam pattern for each exam is discussed in great detail below.

RRB NTPC Exam Pattern

The following table highlights, in brief, the exam pattern of RRB Non-Technical Popular Categories (NTPC) CBT -1:

RRB NTPC CBT – 1 Exam Pattern 2019
Sections Maximum Marks
General Awareness 40
Mathematics 30
General Intelligence and Reasoning 30
Total 100
No of Questions – 100 Time – 90 Minutes

*Note: Only candidates who clear the CBT- 1 exam will be qualified to appear in the next stage.

The exam date for Railway NTPC is scheduled from December 15th, 2020 onwards. Candidates appearing for NTPC exam this December can take Free RRB NTPC Online Live Course to give a boost to their preparation.

The following table highlights the exam pattern of RRB NTPC CBT -2

RRB NTPC CBT – 2 Exam Pattern 2021
Sections Maximum Marks
General Awareness 50
Mathematics 35
General Intelligence and Reasoning 35
Total 120
No of Questions – 120 Time – 90 Minutes

To know more about the specific topics of the exam, visit the RRB NTPC Syllabus page.

RRB JE Exam Pattern

The table below gives details about the CBT Stage – I of the RRB Junior Engineer (JE) which is common for all notified posts of the exam.

RRB JE Exam Pattern (CBT- I)
Subjects No of Questions Marks for Each Section
Stage – I Stage – I
Mathematics 30 30
General Intelligence & Reasoning 25 25
General Awareness 15 15
General Science 30 30
Total 100 100
Time in minutes 90

Note: Only candidates who clear the CBT- 1 exam will be qualified to appear in the next stage

The following table highlights the exam pattern of RRB JE CBT -2

RRB JE Exam Pattern (CBT- II)
Subjects No of Questions Marks for Each Section
Stage – I Stage – I
General Awareness 15 15
Physics & Chemistry 15 15
Basics of Computers and Applications 10 10
Basics of Environment and Pollution Control 10 10
Technical Abilities 100 100
Total 150 100
Time in minutes 120

To know more about the specific topics of the exam, visit the RRB JE Syllabus page.

RRB ALP Exam Pattern

The first stage of the RRB Assistant Loco Pilot (ALP) CBT Exam will be of the following pattern:

RRB ALP Exam Pattern – CBT I
Subjects No. of Questions Duration
Maths 20 60 Minutes
General Intelligence & Reasoning 25
General Science 20
General Awareness 10

The following table gives the exam pattern of the second stage of the RRB ALP CBT Exam:

RRB ALP Exam Pattern – CBT II
Part Subjects No of Questions Marks for Each Section Duration
Part A Maths 25 25 90 Minutes
General Intelligence & Reasoning 25 25
Basic Science and Engineering 40 40
General Awareness 10 10
Part B Relevant Trade 75 75 60 Minutes
Total 175 175 2 Hours 30 Minutes

For more details about the specific topic of the exam, visit the RRB ALP Syllabus page.

Aspirants can check the given links for important information about the Assistant Loco Pilot exam.

RRB ALP Eligibility RRB ALP Admit Card RRB ALP Exam Date
RRB ALP Result RRB ALP Cut Off  RRB ALP Salary

RRB Group D Exam Pattern

The selection process of the RRB Group D exam comprises four stages excluding the RRB Group D Apply Online process and issuance of the RRB Group D Admit Card.

The four stages of the RRB Group D Exam pattern are:

  1. A computer-Based Examination is conducted for 90 minutes. A total of 100 questions are asked on four different sections (English, Maths, GK & GS) and there is a negative marking of â…“ marks for each wrong attempt in the CBT.
  2. Physical Efficiency Test is qualifying in nature.
  3. Document Verification
  4. Medical Examination

The detailed exam pattern of the RRB Group D exam is given on the syllabus page, the link for the same is given below.

Check RRB Group D Syllabus for further details.

RRB Preparation 2022

The RRB exams are one of the most sought after exams in the country due to the prospect of getting a chance to work in one of the most prestigious government institutions.

A thorough understanding of the syllabus and exam pattern is the first step in making the ultimate preparation strategy. The other factor that goes into making a preparation strategy for the RRB exams is to ensure that negative marking is prevented. And of course, studying from day one also helps.

Organise your RRB Preparation now with Free Online RRB Mock Tests!

Refer to the following links for comprehensive preparation of RRB examinations

RRB Preparation | Mathematics

Preparing for the Mathematics section is not a difficult task, although it may seem like it. By devoting at least 3-4 hours per day to this section can enable candidates to crack this section with high marks easily. The following tips and tricks on the Mathematics section will prove useful for candidates:

  • The candidates do not need to prepare for higher-level mathematics subjects. Preparing up to the 12th standard level will be enough.
  • Candidates must ensure that they practice for at least 3 -4 hours per day and that no topic must be neglected during the practice sessions.
  • Candidates must have all the formulas and shortcuts on their fingertips.
  • More focus should be on difficult topics, and less time must be allotted for the manageable sections.

For the preparation of the Mathematics section of the RRB NTPC examination check the given links for convenience in preparation.

A few important mathematics topics that you can check to gain clarity of conceptual knowledge are given below:

Questions on Quadratic Equations Problems on Train
Problems on Age Problems on Data Interpretation
Problem on Time and Work Questions on Number Series

More important topics based on basic concepts with sample questions covered in the Quantitative Aptitude syllabus can be found in the linked page.

You can find out more about RRB Vacancy by visiting the linked article.

RRB Preparation | General Awareness

This section is where candidates face moderate difficulty. It is also the section where they can score the maximum number of marks so long as they stay updated with the daily news and current Affairs. Candidates can check the following links for daily current affairs preparation.

The candidates should keep the following tips and tricks in mind to help them crack the General Awareness Section easily:

  • Reading the newspaper every day is a crucial habit that one must develop and also watching the news.
  • Candidates should stay updated about national and international events with more emphasis on domestic affairs.
  • About 1-2 Mock Tests of the RRB Exam must be taken every day.
  • Candidates must also upkeep with various Static GK topics that are important from exam’s point of view.

Candidates can check a few Important, general awareness topics given below:

Longest Bridges in India Famous Books and Authors
World’s Largest Libraries List of Airports in India
IPL Winners List List of Companies Taglines
List of Country, Capital & Currency Important Inventions & Discoveries

Candidates can find more such relevant topics of Static GK, for convenient preparation of general awareness section. Visit the linked page.

RRB Preparation | General Intelligence and Reasoning

General Intelligence and Reasoning may look like a tricky subject to crack, but it is one of those subjects where the probability of scoring the maximum number of marks is quite high. Candidates can check out 3 sutras to prepare for reasoning ability which will definitely help to deal with obstacles in the RRB preparation.

There are many sure-fire methods to prepare for the reasoning section. One of them involves reading from the best books and taking regular mock tests. Candidates can also refer to previous years RRB exam papers to get a better understanding of the exam.

The following tips will prove useful while preparing for General Intelligence and Reasoning:

  • Once a thorough understanding of the subject has been achieved, candidates must segregate their weak and strong sections.
  • A preparation plan that focuses on the weak sections must be prepared.
  • The RRB Mock Tests must be taken regularly to get a proper understanding of the exam pattern of General Intelligence and Reasoning.

Given below are a few important Reasoning topics questions based on which are asked almost every year, check the links for RRB preparation for reasoning and general intelligence section:

Coding/Decoding Alphanumeric series Directions
Blood Relations Order & Ranking Seating Arrangements

To prepare well for reasoning sections go through the Logical Reasoning page to find more topics on basic concepts with detailed explanation and sample questions.
Check RRB Group D preparation for topic wise preparation tips. Candidates willing to appear for Railway Group D exam can go through the links for relevant details of the exam.

RRB Group D Exam Date RRB Group D Salary
RRB Group D Admit Card RRB Group D Result
RRB Group D Apply Online RRB Group D Notification

RRB Preparation | General Science

When it comes to preparing for the General Science section, candidates need to refer to the basic concept of science from 10th and 12th standard. Reading NCERT books during your RRB Preparation phase will help in improving subject knowledge as most of the questions will be asked from the 10th & 12th Std syllabus.

For General science preparation, it is important for candidates to have a firm knowledge of the basic concepts of all the sciences i.e. Physics, Chemistry and Life science, Hence, the best way to brush up the basics of all the three sciences is to go through the NCERT Notes, visit the link for the notes.

Other tips to keep in mind while preparing for General Science are as follows:

  • Thoroughly understanding the RRB Syllabus of the General Science section will help in dividing the strong and weak sections for the candidates.
  • Attempting the mock tests of the RRB Exams every day will help in getting a fair understanding of the exam pattern for the same.

Candidates can check RRB NTPC Preparation in detail in the given link.

Relevant links for NTPC exam is given for candidates convenience, check the links for detailed information:

RRB NTPC Apply Online RRB NTPC Exam Dates
RRB NTPC Admit Card RRB NTPC Cut Off

RRB Preparation | Basics of Computer and Application

For the uninitiated, the realm of computers can be a challenging field to traverse, but with good books, such a process can be made accessible. Basics of Computer and Application is one of those subjects where candidates need to be continuously revised. While also ensuring that practical knowledge will be enough to get them through the exam.

Aspirants can check the links given below for assistance in RRB preparation of computer application:

It is important for candidates to check their preparation level from time to time. Hence, they should take free Online Quizzes regularly.

Check out important tips books and study materials for RRB JE Preparation in the given link. Also, aspirants can go through the related links of RRB JE for important information.

RRB JE Eligibility RRB JE Recruitment RRB JE Salary
RRB JE Result RRB JE Admit Card RRB JE Exam Dates

RRB Preparation Books

To prepare adequately for the RRB exam, one must have a lot of reference books handy. These books will help the candidates focus better on the subject matter at hand and thus, ultimately scoring high marks in the exam.

The section-wise reference books are:

RRB Books for General Awareness

  1. Lucent’s General Knowledge
  2. Manorama Yearbook
  3. Arihant General Knowledge
  4. NCERT Books – Class X, XII
  5. Pratiyogita Darpan

RRB Books for Mathematics

  1. Quantitative Aptitude by RS Aggarwal
  2. Fast Track by Rajesh Verma
  3. NCERT Maths from Grade 6 to Grade 11
  4. Magical Books on Quicker Maths by M Tyra
  5. Advance Maths by Rakesh Yadav
  6. Basic Maths and Pre-Algebra for Beginners by Mark Zegarelli

RRB Books for Logical Reasoning

  1. Analytical Reasoning by MK Pandey
  2. Test of Reasoning by Edgar Thorpe
  3. A Modern Approach to Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning by RS Aggarwal
  4. New Approach to Reasoning Verbal, Non-Verbal and Analytical by BS Sijwali and Indu Sijwali.
  5. Lucent’s General Intelligence and Reasoning
  6. General Intelligence and Test of Reasoning by Vikas Publishing House

RRB Books for Basics of Computer and Application

  1. JE CBT I & II – Computer Science and Information Technology by GKP
  2. Objective Computer Science & Information Technology by G.K Mithal

RRB Books List 2021:-Download PDF Here

With a sound preparation strategy, along with a clear understanding of basic concepts, a candidate can crack this competitive exam with relative ease.

Candidates preparing for any examinations conducted by the Railway Recruitment Board can go through the given links for relevant information:

RRB Preparation Related Links
RRB Eligibility RRB Notification
RRB Exam Admit Card RRB Apply Online
RRB Recruitment RRB Exam Calendar

Also, aspirants preparing for other government exams can check the given links for reference:

Frequently Asked Question about RRB Preparation


Is the RRB exam tough?

Each year, thousands and lakhs of students from all over India appear for the RRB exam with the aim of getting a secure and stable job in the railways. However, the RRB exam is one of the toughest exams to crack. Despite all the competitive exam preparation, many candidates experience failure in the initial attempt.

What is the RRB exam syllabus?

RRB Group D exam comprises three stages of selection, Computer-Based Test (CBT), Physical Efficiency Test (PET), Document Verification and Medical exam. RRB Group D syllabus for CBT comprises topics from General Science, Mathematics, General Intelligence and Reasoning, and General Awareness and Current Affairs.

How can I crack the RRB exam?

Practicing previous year question papers from Railway Study Material in a time bound session will always benefit you to appear in the main examination. Practicing previous year question papers in a time bound session creates an environment like the main exam.

For more preparation, related topics and study materials look no further than BYJU’S.