NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science – Download Free PDFs
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science is a highly essential study tool for CBSE students studying in Class 8. NCERT Science Solutions for Class 8 are framed by expert Science teachers to help students in their exam preparation and to clear doubts instantly. With BYJU’S study material and Solutions of NCERT Science Class 8 Book, students can get the answers to the questions provided in the textbook. Our solutions help students to understand the concepts in a much better way and to prepare well for the examinations.
NCERT Solutions of Science for Class 8, provided here, presents you with answers to the textbook questions along with extra questions, exemplary problems, worksheets, MCQs and short answering questions. Solving these questions will help you to prepare notes and to understand the concept thoroughly.
If you have trouble understanding a topic related to Science, you can verify the answers to the questions given at the end of each topic of the CBSE Class 8 Science book. BYJU’S provides CBSE Class 8 Science Solutions in PDF format, which can be accessed and downloaded easily from anywhere and at any time.
Chapter-wise NCERT Class 8 Science Solutions
The following chapters have been removed from the NCERT Class 8 Science textbook 2023-24.
Features of NCERT Solutions of Science for Class 8
- These solutions include chapter-wise & exercise-wise solutions to Class 8 Science textbook questions
- The solutions are easy to understand and are provided in simple words.
- Diagrams are included for better understanding.
- CBSE Class 8 Science Solutions are given in a step-by-step manner to help students understand each concept easily.
NCERT Class 8 Science Solutions Chapter Brief:
Chapter 1: Crop Production and Management
This chapter has been included to make students understand how food is being produced through agricultural practices. Further, this chapter elaborates that crops are mainly categorised into two types in India based on the season, i.e. Rabi and Kharif. The basic practices of crop production include the following points, which are explained in detail in this chapter.
- Preparation of soil
- Sowing
- Adding manure and fertilisers
- Irrigation
- Protecting from weeds
- Harvesting
- Storage
Moreover, the traditional and modern method of irrigation has been explained. In the end, a short brief on animal husbandry is described.
Also, access the following resources for Class 8 Chapter 1 Crop Production and Management, at BYJU’S:
- Crop Production and Management Class 8 Notes
- NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Science Solutions for Chapter 1 – Crop Production and Management
- Important Questions of Class 8 Science Chapter 1- Crop Production and Management
Chapter 2: Microorganisms – Friend and Foe
NCERT Class 8 Science Chapter 2 starts with the definition of microorganisms, and then its concepts have been explained with the help of 2 activities. After that, it has been explained how microorganism plays an important role in our lives through various examples:
- Making of curd and bread
- Commercial use of microorganisms
- Use of microorganisms in medicines
- Vaccine
- Increasing soil fertility
After this, it has also been explained that microorganism is harmful and can cause various diseases in humans, animals and plants. Food poisoning is caused due to these harmful microorganisms. Further in this chapter, different methods of food preservation have been explained. The chapter ended with the nitrogen fixation and nitrogen cycle which is described by a diagram.
Also, access the following resources for Class 8 Chapter 2 Microorganisms – Friend and Foe, at BYJU’S:
- Microorganisms Class 8 Notes
- NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Science Solutions for Chapter 2 – Microorganisms Friend and Foe
Chapter 3: Synthetic Fibres and Plastics
Chapter 3 of NCERT Class 8 Science book describes synthetic fibres and their types (rayon, nylon, polyester and acrylic). Along with this, the characteristics of synthetic fibres are explained in detail. Then, the chapter introduces students to plastics, their properties and effect on the environment.
Also, access the following resources for Class 8 Chapter 3 Synthetic Fibres and Plastics, at BYJU’S:
- Synthetic Fibres and Plastics Class 8 Notes
- Important Questions for Class 8 Science Chapter 3: Synthetic Fibres and Plastics
- NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Science Solutions for Chapter 3 – Synthetic Fibres and Plastics
Chapter 4: Materials – Metals and Non-Metals
NCERT Class 8 Science Chapter 4 describes the physical and chemical properties of metals and non-metals. To explain these properties in a better way, activities are included in the NCERT book. In the end, the uses of metals and non-metals are explained.
Also, access the following resources for Class 8 Chapter 4 Materials: Metals and Non-Metals, at BYJU’S:
- Materials Metals and Non-metals Class 8 Notes
- Important Questions for Class 8 Science Chapter 4 – Materials Metals and Non-Metals
- NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Science Solutions for Chapter 4 – Materials Metals and Non Metals
Chapter 5: Coal and Petroleum
This chapter talks about natural resources and their classification. It explains that coal, petroleum and natural gas are fossil fuels that are formed from the dead remains of living organisms millions of years ago. Then, it describes how coke, coal tar and coal gas are formed from coal. This chapter also describes the refining of petroleum. Further, the concept of natural gas is explained. The chapter ends by making students aware that natural resources are limited, so we should use them wisely.
Also, access the following resources for Class 8 Chapter 5 Coal and Petroleum, at BYJU’S:
- Coal and Petroleum Class 8 Notes – Chapter 5
- Important Questions for Class 8 Science Chapter 5 – Coal and Petroleum
- NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Science Solutions for Chapter 5 – Coal and Petroleum
Chapter 6: Combustion and Flame
In this chapter, students will study combustion and its different types. It has been beautifully explained with the help of activities. The measures to control the fire are mentioned. After this, the concept of flame and the structure of flame is explained. The chapter ends with the topic of fuel, fuel efficiency and the harmful effects of burning fuel.
Also, access the following resources for Class 8 Chapter 6 Combustion and Flame, at BYJU’S:
- Combustion and Flames Class 8 Notes – Chapter 6
- Important Questions for Class 8 Science Chapter 6 – Combustion and Flame
- NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Science Solutions for Chapter 6 – Combustion and Flame
Chapter 7: Conservation of Plants and Animals
This chapter puts emphasis on deforestation and its cause, the consequences of deforestation, and how to conserve forests and wildlife. Further, it explains about Biosphere reserve, flora and fauna, endemic species, wildlife sanctuary, national park, red data book, migration, recycling of paper and at the end, reforestation.
Also, access the following resources for Class 8 Chapter 7 Conservation of Plants and Animals, at BYJU’S:
- Conservation of Plants and Animals Class 8 Notes
- Important Questions for Class 8 Science Chapter 7 – Conservation of Plants and Animals
- NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Science Solutions for Chapter 7 – Conservation of Plants and Animals
Chapter 8: Cell – Structure and Functions
In Chapter 8, students will get to know that the cell is the smallest living part of an organism. They will learn that cells exhibit a variety of shapes and sizes and the number of cells varies from organism to organism. The cell structure and function are described. The different parts of the cell are explained in detail:
- Cell Membrane
- Cytoplasm
- Nucleus
The chapter ends with a comparison of plants and animal cells.
Also, access the following resources for Class 8 Chapter 8 Cell – Structure and Functions, at BYJU’S:
- Cell – Structure and Function Class 8 Notes
- NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Science Solutions for Chapter 8 – Cell Structure and Functions
Chapter 9: Reproduction in Animals
In this chapter, students will study that there are two modes of reproduction, i.e. sexual and asexual reproduction, through which animals reproduce. The topic of sexual reproduction is described in detail, where students will get familiar with the male reproductive organs, female reproductive organs, fertilisation, development of the embryo, and viviparous and oviparous animals. At the end of this chapter, asexual reproduction is explained.
Also, access the following resources for Class 8 Chapter 9 Reproduction in Animals, at BYJU’S:
- Reproduction in Animals Class 8 Notes – Chapter 9
- Important Questions for Class 8 Science Chapter 9 – Reproduction in Animals
- NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Science Solutions for Chapter 9 – Reproduction in Animals
Chapter 10: Reaching the Age of Adolescence
NCERT Class 8 Science Chapter 10, students will learn the role of hormones that bring change in the human body and transform a child into an adult. The chapter starts with an explanation of adolescence and puberty. Then, the changes introduced during puberty are explained:
- Increase in height
- Change in body shape
- Voice change
- Increased activity of sweat and sebaceous glands
- Development of sexual organs
- Reaching mental, intellectual and emotional maturity
The chapter further explains the topics of secondary sexual characters, the role of hormones in initiating reproductive function, the reproductive phase of life in humans, sex determination, other hormones except for sex hormones, the role of hormones in completing the life history of insects and frogs, and reproductive health.
Also, access the following resources for Class 8 Chapter 10 Reaching the Age of Adolescence, at BYJU’S:
- Reaching the Age of Adolescence Class 8 Notes- Chapter 10
- Important Questions for Class 8 Science Chapter 10 – Reaching the Age of Adolescence
- NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Science Solutions for Chapter 10 – Reaching the Age of Adolescence
Chapter 11: Force and Pressure
This chapter is an important part of Physics. Students will find this chapter interesting as lots of activities are given to explain the concepts. It explains how a force arises from the interaction of two objects. Then, it explains that force can be a push or a pull. It can change the state of motion or shape of an object. Then the topics such as contact forces, non-contact forces, pressure, the pressure exerted by liquids and gases, atmospheric pressure are elaborated in detail.
Also, access the following resources for Class 8 Chapter 11 Force and Pressure, at BYJU’S:
- Force and Pressure Class 8 Notes – Chapter 11
- Important Questions for Class 8 Science Chapter 11 – Force and Pressure
- NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Science Solutions for Chapter 11 – Force and Pressure
Chapter 12: Friction
This chapter talks about the force of friction, factors affecting friction, and how friction can be increased and reduced. At the end of this chapter, the topic of fluid friction is described.
Also, access the following resources for Class 8 Chapter 12 Friction, at BYJU’S:
- Friction Class 8 Notes – Chapter 12
- NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Science Solutions for Chapter 12 – Friction
Chapter 13: Sound
Sound plays an important role in human lives by helping us to communicate with each other. Here, in this chapter, students will get all answers related to sound, such as how sound produces, how it travels, how we hear the sound, and why some sounds are louder.
Also, access the following resources for Class 8 Chapter 13 Sound, at BYJU’S:
- Sound Class 8 Notes – Chapter 13
- Important Questions for Class 8 Science Chapter 13 – Sound
- NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Science Solutions for Chapter 13 – Sound
Chapter 14: Chemical Effects of Electric Current
This chapter explains that some liquids are good conductors of electricity, and some are poor conductors of electricity. Further, it elaborates on the topic of “chemical effects of electric current” and electroplating.
Also, access the following resources for Class 8 Chapter 14 Chemical Effects of Electric Current, at BYJU’S:
- Chapter 14 Chemical Effects of Electric Current Class 8 Notes
- Important Questions for Class 8 Science Chapter 14 – Chemical Effects of Electric Current
- NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Science Solutions for Chapter 14 – Chemicals Effects of Electric Current
Chapter 15: Some Natural Phenomena
This chapter discusses destructive natural phenomena, i.e. lighting and earthquakes. At the end of the chapter, steps to minimise the destruction from these natural phenomena are also explained. This chapter has been added so that students become aware of such natural phenomena and protect themselves from such situations.
Also, access the following resources for Class 8 Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena, at BYJU’S:
- Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 Notes – Chapter 15
- Important Questions for Class 8 Science Chapter 15 – Some Natural Phenomena
- NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Science Solutions for Chapter 15 – Some Natural Phenomena
Chapter 16: Light
The world is full of colours and beautiful things. This chapter will let us know that through the light, we are able to see the things around us. This chapter explains the law of reflection, regular and diffused reflection, and multiple reflections. It also describes that sunlight is known as white light, and it consists of 7 colours. The splitting of light into its constituent colours is known as dispersion. The human eye is explained with a diagram. In the end, the chapter explains how we should take care of our eyes and how visually impaired people can read and write.
Also, access the following resources for Class 8 Chapter 16 Light, at BYJU’S:
- Light Class 8 Notes – Chapter 16
- Important Questions for Class 8 Science Chapter 16 – Light
- NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Science Solutions for Chapter 16 – Light
Chapter 17: Stars and the Solar System
This chapter talks about celestial objects, the moon, stars and constellations. After this, the solar system was described along with the features of each planet included in the solar system. Then some other members of the solar system are also described, which includes asteroids, comets, meteors and meteorites, and artificial satellites.
Also, access the following resources for Class 8 Chapter 17 Stars and the Solar System, at BYJU’S:
- Stars and the Solar System Class 8 Notes – Chapter 17
- Important Questions for Class 8 Science Chapter 17 – Stars and the Solar System
- NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Science Solutions for Chapter 17 – Stars and the Solar System
Chapter 18: Pollution of Air and Water
This chapter makes us aware of the harmful changes that are taking place in our surroundings due to air and water pollution and its effect on human lives. The chapter starts with air pollution and how air gets polluted. Then it describes the impact of air pollution on the Taj Mahal. Further, the concept of the greenhouse effect and methods to reduce air pollution are explained. After this, the chapter discusses water pollution and how water gets polluted. In the end, it describes the method through which water is purified and water pollution can be controlled.
Also, access the following resources for Class 8 Chapter 18 Pollution of Air and Water, at BYJU’S:
- Pollution of Air And Water Class 8 Notes – Chapter 18
- Important Questions for Class 8 Science Chapter 18 – Pollution of Air and Water
- NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Science Solutions for Chapter 18 – Pollution of Air And Water
Tips to Ace CBSE Class 8 Exams
- Get well-versed with the syllabus before starting exam preparation
- Be aware of the test format, number and type of questions the exam includes.
- The daily assignments, notes, and hand-outs are indicators of the pattern of your teacher’s thinking. From there, you can analyse the important points and determine the question types.
- Study every day to understand the topic and to clear the doubts.
- While studying, break down big concepts into smaller chunks. Test yourself after studying each topic.
- Do not ignore easy concepts. This leads to errors in the examination, which result in losing marks.
- Before you take the test, do not forget to give yourself a quick review. This will give you confidence and ensure that the topics are fresh in your mind.
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BYJU’S is India’s largest K-12 learning app, with top-notch teachers from across the nation on its board. You can find notes and question papers for various subjects like Mathematics, Biology, and Chemistry, together with study materials for various competitive exams. Stay tuned to get more NCERT Solutions and preparation tips. To get complete assistance for exams, you can register with BYJU’S or download the BYJU’S App for simple and interesting content.
Frequently Asked Questions on NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science
What are the advantages of using NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science?
1. Both chapter-wise and exercise-wise solutions are available for the textbook questions.
2. The solutions are explained in simple language to help students understand the concepts.
3. Diagrams are provided for each solution to improve the visual learning skills of students.
4. NCERT Solutions are framed in a stepwise manner as per the CBSE exam pattern.
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