Neutral Atom

What is Neutral Atom?

The number of protons in an atom’s nucleus distinguishes it from other atoms of the same element. A hydrogen atom is an atom with one proto. A carbon atom is an atom with six protons. And an oxygen atom is one with eight protons.

The number of electrons surrounding the nucleus determines whether an atom is electrically charged or neutral. The amount of charge on a single proton is the same as the amount of charge on an electron. A proton and an electron have the same amount of charge but opposite types of charge. Thus, an atom is said to be electrically neutral if it has an equal number of protons and electrons.

Table of Contents

What is an atom?

Atoms are described as “the fundamental building blocks of matter.”

It is the smallest constituent unit of matter that possesses chemical element properties. Atoms do not exist in isolation; instead, they combine to form ions and molecules, which then combine in large numbers to form the matter we see, feel, and touch.

Zero Charge on the Neutral Atom

Since each electron has a negative charge equal to the positive charge of a proton, electrons contribute significantly to the atom’s charge. The number of electrons orbiting the nucleus in an uncharged, neutral atom is equal to the number of protons inside the nucleus. The positive and negative charges cancel each other out in these atoms, resulting in an atom with no net charge.

Protons, Neutrons and Electrons
Charge Mass (amu) Location
Proton +1 1 nucleus
Neutron 0 1 nucleus
Electron -1 0 orbitals

Neutral Atom vs Charged Atom

Neutral atoms have a charge balance, which means that they have an equal number of protons and electrons. By removing one or more electrons, neutral atoms can be converted into positively charged ions.

  • Charged atoms are known as ions. They have an unequal number of protons and electrons. Charge imbalance exists in charged atoms, with either more negative electrons than positive protons or conversely.
  • Atoms with more electrons than protons are negatively charged and are known as anions.
  • Atoms with lesser electrons than protons are positively charged and are known as cations.

Read more: Ion

Size of Neutral Atom vs Ions

Anions are larger than neutral atoms because adding electrons increases the number of electron-electron repulsion interactions. Cations are smaller than neutral atoms because the valence electrons, which are the furthest away from the nucleus, are lost. Taking more electrons away from the cation reduces the radius of the ion even further.

Role of Neutrons in Neutral Atom

Neutrons are electrically neutral. Their presence (or absence) has no direct impact on whether an object is charged or uncharged. Their only function in the atom is to keep the nucleus stable.

Examples of Neutral Atom

When an atom has an equal number of electrons and protons, it has an equal number of negative (the electrons) and positive electric charges (the protons). As a result, the atom’s total electric charge is zero, and it is said to be neutral. Therefore, all the elements in the periodic table are neutral atoms.

Examples of Neutral Atom- 118 Elements of the Periodic Table
Element 1: H-Hydrogen

Element 2: He-Helium

Element 3: Li-Lithium

Element 4: Be-Beryllium

Element 5: B-Boron

Element 6: C-Carbon

Element 7: N-Nitrogen

Element 8: O-Oxygen

Element 9: F-Fluorine

Element 10: Ne-Neon

Element 11: Na-Sodium

Element 12: Mg-Magnesium

Element 13 : Al-Aluminum

Element 14 : Si-Silicon

Element 15 : P-Phosphorus

Element 16 : S-Sulfur

Element 17 : Cl-Chlorine

Element 18 : Ar-Argon

Element 19 : K-Potassium

Element 20 : Ca-Calcium

Element 21 : Sc-Scandium

Element 22 : Ti-Titanium

Element 23 : V-Vanadium

Element 24 : Cr-Chromium

Element 25 : Mn-Manganese

Element 26 : Fe-Iron

Element 27 : Co-Cobalt

Element 28 : Ni-Nickel

Element 29 : Cu-Copper

Element 30 : Zn-Zinc

Element 31 : Ga-Gallium

Element 32 : Ge-Germanium

Element 33 : As-Arsenic

Element 34 : Se-Selenium

Element 35 : Br-Bromine

Element 36 : Kr-Krypton

Element 37 : Rb-Rubidium

Element 38 : Sr-Strontium

Element 39 : Y-Yttrium

Element 40 : Zr-Zirconium

Element 41 : Nb-Niobium

Element 42 : Mo-Molybdenum

Element 43 : Tc-Technetium

Element 44 : Ru-Ruthenium

Element 45 : Rh-Rhodium

Element 46 : Pd-Palladium

Element 47 : Ag-Silver

Element 48 : Cd-Cadmium

Element 49 : In-Indium

Element 50 : Sn-Tin

Element 51 : Sb-Antimony

Element 52 : Te-Tellurium

Element 53 : I-Iodine

Element 54 : Xe-Xenon

Element 55 : Cs-Cesium

Element 56 : Ba-Barium

Element 57 : La-Lanthanum

Element 58 : Ce-Cerium

Element 59 : Pr-Praseodymium

Element 60 : Nd-Neodymium

Element 61 : Pm-Promethium

Element 62 : Sm-Samarium

Element 63 : Eu-Europium

Element 64 : Gd-Gadolinium

Element 65 : Tb-Terbium

Element 66 : Dy-Dysprosium

Element 67 : Ho-Holmium

Element 68 : Er-Erbium

Element 69 : Tm-Thulium

Element 70 : Yb-Ytterbium

Element 71 : Lu-Lutetium

Element 72 : Hf-Hafnium

Element 73 : Ta-Tantalum

Element 74 : W-Tungsten

Element 75 : Re-Rhenium

Element 76 : Os-Osmium

Element 77 : Ir-Iridium

Element 78 : Pt-Platinum

Element 79 : Au-Gold

Element 80 : Hg-Mercury

Element 81 : Tl-Thallium

Element 82 : Pb-Lead

Element 83 : Bi-Bismuth

Element 84 : Po-Polonium

Element 85 : At-Astatine

Element 86 : Rn-Radon

Element 87 : Fr-Francium

Element 88 : Ra-Radium

Element 89 : Ac-Actinium

Element 90 : Th-Thorium

Element 91 : Pa-Protactinium

Element 92 : U-Uranium

Element 93 : Np-Neptunium

Element 94 : Pu-Plutonium

Element 95 : Am-Americium

Element 96 : Cm-Curium

Element 97 : Bk-Berkelium

Element 98 : Cf-Californium

Element 99 : Es-Ensteinium

Element 100 : Fm-Fermium

Element 101 : Md-Mendelevium

Element 102 : No-Nobelium

Element 103 : Lr-Lawrencium

Element 104 : Rf-Rutherfordium

Element 105 : Db-Dubnium

Element 106 : Sg-Seaborgium

Element 107 : Bh-Bohrium

Element 108 : Hs-Hassium

Element 109 : Mt-Meitnerium

Element 110 : Ds-Darmstadtium

Element 111 : Rg-Roentgenium

Element 112 : Cn-Copernicium

Element 113 : Nh-Nihonium

Element 114 : Fl-Flerovium

Element 115 : Mc-Moscovium

Element 116 : Lv-Livermorium

Element 117 : Ts-Tennessine

Element 118 : Og-Oganesson

Frequently Asked Questions on Neutral Atom


Why is an atom said to be neutral?

An atom is said to be neutral because it has an equal number of electrons and protons in it.


How do you know if an atom is neutral?

When an atom contains an equal number of electrons and protons, then the atom will be neutral. If the number of electrons becomes more or less than neutrons then the atom acquires charge and becomes an ion.


Do neutrons have any role in the neutral atom?

No, neutrons only provide stability to the nucleus and have no role in making an atom neutral or charged.


Which element is responsible for an atom not being neutral?

The number of electrons present in an atom decides whether the atom will be charged or neutral.

  • When the number of electrons is more than protons, then the atom will acquire a negative charge and will be called anions.
  • When the number of electrons is lesser than protons, the atom will acquire a positive charge and will be called cations.

What happens if an atom isn’t neutral?

If an atom is not neutral, it will form an ion. The number of protons and electrons in this case is not equal.


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