Nihonium (Ununtrium) - Nh

Symbol Nh
Atomic Number 113
Atomic Mass 286 g.mol-1
Discovered by Scientists from the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, Russia, and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California in 2003

What is Nihonium?

  • Nihonium, formerly known as Ununtrium (Uut), is a p-block transactinide element in the periodic table, with its group number being 13.
  • Nihonium is a highly radioactive metal and is represented by the symbol Nh. It was invented through the bombardment of atoms of Americium-243 with Calcium – 48 ions.

Chemical Properties of Nihonium

Group 13 Melting point Unknown
Period 7 Boiling point Unknown
Block p Density (g cm−3) Unknown
Atomic number 113 Relative atomic mass [286]
State at 20°C Solid Key isotopes 286Nh
Electron configuration [Rn] 5f16d17s7p1 CAS number 54084-70-7
ChemSpider ID ChemSpider is a free chemical structure database.

Uses of Nihonium

  • No specific uses have been reported to date for the element other than for scientific research.

Other Properties of Nihonium

  • It possesses properties similar to that of indium, boron, and aluminium and appears to be much denser than thallium which also consists of similar properties to that of Nihonium.
  • It is a synthetic element with an atomic number of 113, and it is not found in the natural environment.
  • It is located within a boron group, and it is a part of a 7th period.
  • Ununtrium has no naturally occurring isotopes. They are usually incorporated in laboratories.
  • Six isotopes have been noted so far consisting of atomic mass 278 and 282 to 286. They are produced by integrating two atoms. Monohydride is one of the simplest forms of a compound of Ununtrium.

To learn more about the isotopes of periodic table elements check out Periodic table isotope element.

Health Effects About Nihonium

  • There is no valid reason for considering harmful effects on the environment as they are unstable and possess short half-life.

Frequently asked questions

Is Nihonium toxic?

Yes. Nihonium is toxic due to its radioactivity.

In which year was Nihonium discovered?


Which is the most stable isotope of Nihonium?


What is the half-life of Nihonium-286?

10 seconds.

Element Nihonium belongs to which block in the periodic table?

It is a p-block element.

Related Elements
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Mendelevium Hassium Ununpentium Curium
Nobelium Meitnerium Livermorium Dysprosium
Lawrencium Darmstadtium
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