The UPSC Notification 2023 will was released on February, 2023. The notification will contain the exam dates, how to apply information, exam plan and scheme, UPSC CSE syllabus, and general instructions to candidates about the do’s and don’ts of the IAS Exam – Prelims stage. The Prelims exam is scheduled on 28th May 2023 about which aspirants need to know a few instructions to sit for the exam.
This article talks about the special instructions to candidates regarding the UPSC prelims exam.
General Instructions for UPSC Prelims
The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) gives certain instructions for the Preliminary stage which has two papers:
- General Studies
- Aptitude Test
The instructions are explained below:
- The answer sheet should be filled only with a black ballpoint pen.
- Before starting to answer, you should fill in the details like centre, subject, subject code, roll number, and test booklet series (which will be printed on the test booklet/question paper booklet) with a black ballpoint pen.
- You should also encode the test booklet series, subject code and your roll number in the space provided as shown below. Please note that everything should be written and marked in the answer sheet only using a black ballpoint pen.
Candidates may also read the Instructions to Fill Answer Booklet of UPSC Prelims Exam in the linked article.
- Candidates should also fill in the required details in the Scannable Attendance List.
- Unfair means in the exam are absolutely not allowed and the UPSC may take disciplinary action against candidates proven to have used unfair means.
- Candidates are also required to display good conduct in the exam hall.
Articles permitted inside the exam hall
- Clipboard or hardboard on which nothing is marked or written.
- A black ballpoint pen for marking in the OMR.
Answer sheet and a rough sheet will be provided by the invigilator in the exam hall.
Articles not permitted inside the exam hall
- Books, notes, loose sheets, mathematical or drawing instruments, electronic or other kinds of calculators, log tables, slide rules, maps stencils, test booklets or rough sheets of other sessions of exam.
- Mobile phones, BlueTooth, pagers or any communication device are not allowed.
- Candidates are advised not to bring any of the banned items otherwise disciplinary action can be taken against them.
- Candidates are also advised not to bring any of the banned items into the venue as their safekeeping cannot be guaranteed.
Penalty for incorrect answers
- There will be negative marking for incorrect answers.
- For every wrong answer, 1/3rd of marks assigned to that question will be deducted.
- If a candidate marks more than one answer, it will be treated as a wrong answer even if one of the marked options happens to be the right answer.
- If a question is left without any marking, there will not be any negative mark.
Prohibition of unfair means
Candidates should not copy answers from other candidates’ answer sheet. They should also not permit their own answers to be copied by others.
Conduct inside the exam hall
Any misconduct by the candidates inside the exam hall will invite severe penalty against them. Misconduct means:
- Misbehaving in any manner.
- Creating a disorderly scene in the hall.
- Harassing the staff employed by the UPSC for the conduct of the exam.
Special Instructions for UPSC Prelims Exam:- Download PDF Here
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Tips To Avoid Negative Marks in UPSC Civil Services Prelims |
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UPSC 2023 |