The Union Public Service Commission conducts the prestigious Civil Services Exam every year. These NCERT notes are prepared by the subject-matter experts and are recommended for both, UPSC Prelims 2023 and the UPSC Mains 2023.
While these notes are as per the UPSC Prelims syllabus and the UPSC Mains syllabus, IAS aspirants should remember that style of revision has to adapt depending on the objective (Prelims) or the subjective (Mains) nature of questions.
For the ease of IAS aspirants, we have also sorted and categorised these NCERT notes into the following categories:
- NCERT Notes: Ancient Indian History Notes For UPSC
- NCERT Notes: Medieval Indian History Notes For UPSC
- NCERT Notes: Modern Indian History Notes For UPSC
- NCERT Notes: Art And Culture For UPSC
- NCERT Notes: Geography Notes For UPSC
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Importance of NCERT notes in UPSC Preparation
The NCERT Notes are important for UPSC 2022 because of the following factors:
- NCERTs contain reliable and authentic information
- NCERT books explain the subject matter in a simple language
- NCERT notes are a must-read because they contain the important gist of facts and concepts in a crisp and point-wise manner
- All the important concepts are covered in our NCERT Notes for IAS segment comprising topics from History, Geography and Art & Culture
- Our NCERT Notes are ready-to-study and students can rely on them especially during revision time
- The NCERT Notes for Art & Culture also contain illustrations and diagrams that enable students to understand and internalise concepts better and faster
- NCERT History notes for UPSC make the subject crisp and concise especially for those students who find it difficult to read history textbooks
- NCERT History for UPSC is very important as this subject is very important from the GS point of view and also helps to understand the concepts of IR, polity, etc. in a better manner
Ancient Indian History notes you should not miss!
- NCERT Notes: Harshavardhana [Ancient Indian History Notes For UPSC]
- NCERT Notes: Gupta Empire [Ancient Indian History Notes For UPSC]
- NCERT Notes: The Pallavas [Ancient Indian History Notes For UPSC]
- NCERT Notes: Magadha Empire [Ancient History Of India Notes For UPSC]
- NCERT Notes: The Edicts Of Ashoka [Ancient Indian History Notes For UPSC]
- NCERT Notes: Jainism – Vardhaman Mahavira [Ancient Indian History Notes For UPSC]
Medieval Indian History notes you should not miss!
- NCERT Notes: Vijayanagara Empire [Medieval Indian History Notes For UPSC]
- NCERT Notes: Administration Under Delhi Sultanate [Medieval Indian History For UPSC]
- NCERT Notes: India Under The Mughals [Medieval Indian History Notes For UPSC]
- NCERT Notes: Bhakti Movement – Origin, Saints, Timeline [Medieval Indian History Notes For UPSC]
Modern Indian History notes you should not miss!
- NCERT Notes: Education System In India During British Rule [Modern Indian History For UPSC]
- NCERT Notes: Permanent Settlement [Modern Indian History Notes For UPSC]
- NCERT Notes: Land Revenue Systems In British India – Ryotwari, Mahalwari [Modern Indian History For UPSC]
- NCERT Notes: Doctrine Of Lapse [Modern Indian History Notes For UPSC]
- NCERT Notes: Anglo-Mysore Wars – I, II [Modern Indian History Notes For UPSC]
- NCERT Notes: Revolutionary Movement In India [Modern Indian History Notes For UPSC]
- NCERT Notes: Dr BR Ambedkar [Modern Indian History For UPSC]
Geography notes you should not miss!
- NCERT Notes: Earth – Origin & Evolution [Geography Notes For UPSC]
- NCERT Notes: Earthquake – Body Waves, Causes & Types [Geography Notes For UPSC]
- NCERT Notes: Continental Drift [Geography Notes For UPSC]
- NCERT Notes: Geography As A Discipline [Geography Notes For UPSC]
UPSC Preparation
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UPSC Exam Pattern | UPSC 2023 |
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UPSC Prelims | Daily Video Analysis: The Hindu |
NCERT notes on important topics for the UPSC Civil Services Exam preparation. These notes will also be useful for other competitive exams like...
NCERT notes on important topics for the UPSC Civil Services Exam preparation. These notes will also be useful for other competitive exams like...
Lord Mountbatten (India's last viceroy) proposed a plan in May 1947 according to which provinces were to be declared independent successor states...
NCERT notes on important topics for the UPSC Civil Services Exam preparation. These notes will also be useful for other competitive exams like...
NCERT notes on important topics for the UPSC Civil Services Exam preparation. These notes will also be useful for other competitive exams like...
NCERT notes on important topics for the UPSC Civil Services Exam. These notes will also be useful for other competitive exams like banking PO,...
NCERT notes on important topics for the UPSC Civil Services Exam. These notes will also be useful for other competitive exams like Bank PO, SSC,...
NCERT notes on important topics for UPSC Civil Services Exam preparation. These notes will also be useful for other competitive exams like Bank...
The Nehru Report had the primary motive of assigning Dominion status to India within the British Commonwealth. The major components of the Nehru...
NCERT notes on important topics for the UPSC Civil Services Exam. These notes will also be useful for other competitive exams like banking PO,...
NCERT notes on important topics for the UPSC Civil Services Exam. These notes will also be useful for other competitive exams like banking PO,...
NCERT notes on important topics for the UPSC Civil Services Exam preparation. These notes will also be useful for other competitive exams like...
NCERT notes on important topics for the UPSC Civil Services Exam. These notes will also be useful for other competitive exams like Bank PO, SSC,...
NCERT notes on important topics for the UPSC Civil Services Exam. These notes will also be useful for other competitive exams like banking PO,...
The Indian Councils Act 1909 was an act of the British Parliament that introduced a few reforms in the legislative councils and increased the...
Subsidiary Alliance was basically a treaty between the British East India Company and the Indian princely states, by virtue of which the Indian...
NCERT Notes: Pitt’s India Act 1784 – Features & Drawbacks [Modern Indian History Notes For UPSC]
The Pitt's India Act, 1784 also called the East India Company Act, 1784 was passed by the British Parliament to correct the defects of the...
NCERT notes on important topics for the UPSC Civil Services Exam. These notes will also be useful for other competitive exams like bank PO, SSC,...
NCERT notes on important topics for the UPSC Civil Services Exam. These notes will also be useful for competitive exams like IAS Exam, banking...
NCERT notes on important topics for the UPSC civil services exam. These notes will also be useful for other competitive exams like banking PO,...