ICSE Class 10 English Language Question Paper 2019 With Solution

ICSE class 10 students have two papers for English subjects. Here, students can find the answers of ICSE Class 10 English Language Question Paper 2019. By going through the ICSE Class 10 English Language Question Paper Solution 2019 students will get an insight into the answer writing skills and it will help them in scoring high marks in the exam.

The ICSE Class 10 English Language 2019 Paper 1 exam was conducted on 22nd February 2019. The exam started at 11 am, and students were allotted 2 hours of time duration to finish the paper. Students can download the ICSE Class 10 English Language Question Paper Solution 2019 PDF from the link below.

ICSE Class 10 English Language Question Paper 2019

Download ICSE Class 10 English Language Question Paper 2019 Solution PDF

Students can have a look at the ICSE Class 10 English Question Paper Solution 2019 below:


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ICSE Class 10 English Language Paper 1 Question Paper 2019 With Solution

Question 1: Write a composition (300 – 350 words) on any one of the following:

(a) Write an original short story in which two children and their Grandfather are the main characters.

Answer: Original Short Story: The story must be original. The Grandfather and the two Grandchildren form the main characters. All three characters must be part of the plot. The story may be in first or the third person and could take any form – i.e. comic, tragic, dramatic or a mystery.

(b) Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) must be installed in every classroom. Give your views either for or against this statement.

Answer: Argumentative Composition: Views for or against the motion are to be accepted. Credit is to be given for a cohesive, well-constructed, logical argument and ideas and reasoning based on personal experience. Candidates must establish why CCTV cameras are necessary or not in the Classrooms / schools of today. Candidates must take a clear stand and give valid reasons for the stand taken.

(c) Your class had to conduct a Morning Assembly. Write an account of how you prepared for it, what your role was and what you gained from the experience.

Answer: Narrative Composition: This is a personal account of a 15-year-old child of the Morning Assembly in each School. The composition must include planning, motivation and the role played by the students. The composition should also indicate what lessons are learnt through this exercise and why these lessons are so important.

(d) Summers are becoming hotter with each passing year. Write a description of one such very hot day. What did you see and hear as you walked outside? How were birds and animals affected?

Answer: Descriptive Composition: The candidate must give a detailed description of a hot summer day. The heat, rising temperatures, humidity or aridity must be included. Images of animals and birds seeking shade and water should make up a part of this composition.

(e) Study the picture given below. Write a story or a description or an account of what it suggests to you. Your composition may be about the subject of the picture or you may take suggestions from it; however, there must be a clear connection between the picture and your composition.

ICSE Class 10 English Qs Paper 2019 Solution-1

Answer: Picture Composition: Accept a wide interpretation. Any relevant ideas taken from the picture should be accepted. However, a mere itemization / listing / description of the picture is to be penalized.

Question 2: Select any one of the following:

(a) You want to start a new club in your school.

Write a letter to your Principal requesting permission to start the club, explain your role in it and give reasons to prove that the club will be beneficial for the school.


Formal Letter

From address


To address


Name + surname/ initial

Formal Letter: Format, Content, Expression


Kind of club

Your role/ Your duty (Any 1) Head / President / leader/ Plan / organize / carry out activity / motivate

Reasons – Why do you want a club? (Any 2)

Give skills / Spot new talent / exposure / team building / extra activity / improve campus / help others / All-round development

(b) Your friend has not fared well in the recent examinations. Write a letter to him / her

expressing your concern. Give him / her some advice on how to score better marks and offer to help him / her to improve his / her performance.


Informal Letter





First name

Expressing concern (Any 1)

Sorry / worried / upset / anxious / concerned Advice -(Any 2)

Plan proper study timetable / use study notes / seek teachers’ help / pay attention in class / practice frequently / proper food / rest / relaxation.

Help -(Any 2)

Take my notes / I shall sit with you / I shall help you / I shall take up your work – “I” must be there.

Question 3:

(a) Your school is hosting an Inter-School Quiz Competition.

Write out a notice to be displayed in your school giving all details for the event.

Answer: Creative Title – e.g. Question Hour, Quizzitica!, Brain Storm etc.[ English words only] Inter-School Quiz – e.g. Annual Inter school Quiz, Bradley Memorial Inter-School Quiz etc. Date – any date after 22nd February and before 28th March.

Time – accept any time – a.m./am/A.M.

Venue – smaller place to larger.

Invite participation, to whom to apply to, etc.

(b) Write an e-mail to the Principal of a neighbouring school requesting him / her to

send a team of three members to participate in the Quiz Competition.

Answer: E-mail id



Opening sentence

Closing sentence



Question 4: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

Billy Weaver had travelled down from London and by the time he arrived it was nine o’clock in the night and the moon was coming up.

“Excuse me,” he asked a porter. “but is there a cheap hotel nearby?” “Try The Bell Hotel,” the porter answered, pointing down the road.

Billy thanked him, picked up his suitcase and set out to walk the distance to The Bell Hotel. He had never been to Richmond before. But the man at the Office had told him it was a splendid city.

Billy was seventeen years old. He was wearing a new navy-blue overcoat, a new brown hat, and a new brown suit, and he was feeling fine. He walked briskly down the street. He was trying to do everything briskly these days. The big shots up at the Head Office were fantastically brisk all the time. They were amazing. The road was lonely and dark with a few scattered houses. Suddenly, in a downstairs window Billy saw a printed notice propped up against the window glass. It said Bed and Breakfast.

He moved a bit closer and peered through the window into the room, and the first thing he saw was a bright fire burning in the hearth. On the carpet in front of the fire, a little dog was curled up asleep with its nose tucked into its belly. The room in half-darkness was filled with pleasant furniture. There was a piano and a big sofa and several plump armchairs; and in one corner he spotted a large parrot in a cage.

Animals were usually a good sign in a place like this, Billy told himself and it looked to him as though it would be a pretty decent house to stay in. Then a queer thing happened to him. He was in the act of stepping back and going away from the window when he felt a strange urge to ring the bell!

He pressed the bell. He heard it ringing, and then at once the door swung open and a woman was standing there.

She gave him a warm welcoming smile.

“Please come in,” she said pleasantly. Billy found himself automatically moving 30

forward into the house.

“I saw the notice in the window,” he said, holding himself back. “Yes, I know.”

“I was wondering about a room.”

“It’s all ready for you, my dear,” she said. She had a round pink face and very gentle blue eyes.

“How much do your charge?”

“Five dollars a night, including breakfast.”

It was fantastically cheap. He could easily afford it.

(a) Give the meaning of the following words as used in the passage: One-word answers or short phrases will be accepted.

(i) Splendid (line 7)

(ii) Spotted (line 20)

(iii) Automatically (line 29)

Answer: Give the meaning of the following words as used in the passage. One word answers or short phrases will be accepted.

(i) Splendid – very good, wonderful, majestic, magnificent, impressive.

(ii) Spotted – saw, sighted, noticed, caught sight of.

(iii) Automatically – by himself, mechanically, with no outward force, instinctively, involuntarily, spontaneously,

(b) Answer the following questions briefly in your own words.

(i) How did the porter assist Billy?

(ii) Why did Billy want to do everything briskly?

(iii) Why did Billy think animals were a good sign in a place like this?

(iv) Which sentence tells you that something strange happened to Billy?

(v) How much did the room cost?


(i) Gave him information / about the Bell Hotel/ (cheap, nearby)

(ii) Wanted to become / (like the big shots in the office, they were fantastically brisk/ they were amazing) anyone from within the brackets.

(iii) Proof that the people were good / they loved and cared for animals. (anything that implies love and care)

(iv) “Then a queer thing happened to him.” (Quote exactly the entire sentence).

(v) Five dollars a night with breakfast.

(c) In not more than 50 words, give a brief account of what Billy saw as he looked through the window of the room.


Points to look for:

1. Bright fire in the hearth

2. Little dog (on the carpet)

3. Pleasant furniture

4. Piano

5. Sofa and stuffed armchairs

6. Parrot in a cage

All Nouns. Implied meaning / the words may be placed in any order / only a description of the room is required. (six things in the room + expression)

Question 5:

Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the word given in brackets. Do not copy the passage, but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate to the blank space.


(0) roamed

Once upon a time, in the days when genies and giants (0) (roam) the land, there (1) (live) a farmer (2) (name) Baba Ayub. He lived with his family in a little village by the name of Maidan Sabz. Because he had a large family to feed, Baba Ayub (3) (see) his days (4) (consume) by hard work. Every day, he

(5) (labour) from dawn to sundown, (6) (plow) his field and (7) (turn) the soil and (8) (tend) to his meagre pistachio trees.

Answer: Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the word given in brackets. Do not copy the passage but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate to the blank space.

1. roamed

2. lived

3. named

4. saw

5. consumed

6. laboured

7. plowing/ploughing

8. turning

9. tending

(b) Fill in each blank with an appropriate word:

(i) The puppy was hiding the sofa.

(ii) Stop worrying your future.

(iii) When I stepped the lift, I found it had stopped working.

(iv) We had to use a bridge to go the river.

(v) I have lived in this town ten years.

(vi) Please switch all lights and fans when you leave the room.

(vii) Ronnie is married my cousin.

(viii) The gift came a birthday card.

Answer: Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word:

(i) under / behind/beside

(ii) about

(iii) into

(iv) across

(v) for

(vi) off

(vii) to

(viii) with

(c) Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but

or so:

(i) He was very ill. He did not take any medicine.

(ii) You come back from your holiday. We will discuss the problem.

(iii) He remained absent on Friday. It was foolish of him.

(iv) Rahul ran all the way to the bus stop. He missed the bus.

Answer: Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but or so:

(i) Although / though/ even though he was very ill, he did not take any medicine. In spite of being / Despite being/ very ill, he did not take any medicine

He was very ill, yet/still/ he did not take any medicine. (if the words- ‘very’ ‘any’ missing – no penalty)

(ii) After you come back from your holiday we will discuss the problem.

We will discuss the problem after/ when /you come back from your holiday. (After/ when can be in the beginning or in the middle of the sentence.)

(iii) It was foolish of him to remain absent on Friday.

(iv) In spite of /Despite/ running all the way to the bus stop, Rahul missed the bus. Although/ though/ even though Rahul ran all the way to the bus stop, he missed the bus. Rahul ran all the way to the bus stop yet/still he missed the bus.

(d) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each.

Make other changes that may be necessary, but do not change the meaning of each sentence.

(i) The old woman said to Arun, “Can you help me to cross the street?” (Begin: The old woman asked Arun……….)

(ii) As soon as the sun rose over the hills, the fog disappeared. (Begin: No sooner……..)

(iii) It rained so heavily that they could not go for the picnic. (Rewrite: Using ‘too………to’)

(iv) If your friends get here before 7 o’clock we can take them out for dinner. (Rewrite: Using ‘unless’.)

(v) The school captain was elected by the students of classes XI and XII. (Begin: The students………….)

(vi) Greenland is the largest island in the world. (Rewrite: Using ‘larger’.)

(vii) How cruel Shylock was to demand his pound of flesh! (Begin: It was cruel…………..)

(viii) Arun was asked by his mother to explain the missing buttons on his shirt.

(Rewrite: Using ‘explanation’)

Answer: Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. Make other changes that may be necessary, but do not change the meaning of each sentence.

(i) The old woman asked Arun if he could help her (to) cross the street.

(ii) No sooner did the sun rise over the hills than the fog disappeared / No sooner had the sun risen over the hills than the fog disappeared.

(iii) It rained too heavily for them to go for the picnic

(iv) Unless your friends get here before 7 o’clock we cannot take them out for dinner. We cannot take your friends out for dinner unless they get here before 7o’clock.

(v) The students of Classes XI and XII elected the school captain.

(vi) Greenland is larger than any other island/all other islands in the world.

(vii) It was cruel of Shylock to demand his pound of flesh.

(viii) Arun was asked by his mother to give an explanation for/about the missing buttons on his shirt / Arun’s mother asked him for an explanation about the missing buttons on his shirt.

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  1. Very informative