Define the term solution. How many types of solutions are formed? Write briefly about each type with an example.
Solution: A solution is a homogeneous mixture of two or more pure substances. It means their composition and properties are uniform throughout the solution. Solute and solvent are two components of a solution.
Types of solutions: On the basis of different states of solute and solvent solutions are of three types mainly, which are further categorized into three.
These are listed in the following table with examples.
Types of solutionsSolute Solvent Examples1.Gaseous solutions(a)Gas GasMixture of oxygen andnitrogen gases(b)Liquid GasChloroform mixed withnitrogen gas(c)SolidGasCamphor in nitrogengas.2.Liquid solutions(a)GasLiquidOxygen dissolved inwater(b)Liquid LiquidEthanol dissolved inwater.(c)SolidLiquidGlucose dissolved inwater3.Solid solutions(a)GasSolidSolution of hydrogen inpalladium(b)Liquid SolidAmalgam of mercurywith sodium(c)SolidSolidCopper dissolved ingold