12. Discuss with your teacher and find out how to distinguish between:
(a) Plasmid DNA and Chromosomal DNA?
(b) RNA and DNA
(c) Exonuclease and endonuclease
S.NPlasmid DNAChromosomal DNA 1.A circular extra chromosomal DNA.Generally linear. 2.Not associated with histone proteins.Associated with histone proteins. 3.Contains very few genes but may notConsists of complete genomebe necessary for the cellvital for the cellular functions. 4.smaller in size.larger in size.
S.N.DNARNA 1.Double stranded nucleic acid.Is single stranded nucleic acids. 2.Has deoxyribose sugar component.Has ribose sugar component. 3.Has four nucleotides that act as itsHas uracil instead of thymine alongbuilding blocks−adenine, guanine,with adenine,guanine and cytosine.cytosine and thymine.Function it has genetic informationFunction it has information codedencoded in its base sequence.for building proteins.
S.N.ExonucleasesEndonucleases 1.remove nucleotides from the outerMake cuts at specific positionsends of the DNA.within the DNA.