(a) Yes, I agree with the statement. [1.5]
India/Tropical RegionNorway/TemperateRegion(i) It is seasonal, more(i) More seasonal, lessconstant and moreconstant and lesspredicrable.predictable.(ii) Promote niche(ii)Does not promotespecialisation leadingniche specialisationto greater biodiversity.leading to lowbiodiversity.(iii)Species diversity(iii)Species diversityincreases as we movedecreases as we movetowards equator.away from equator.(iv)More number of(iv)Less number of speciesspecies exist.exist.
(b) [1.5]
Genetic BiodiverstiySpecies Biodiversity(a)Diversity withinDiversity at a species level.a species over itsdistributional range.(b)It is trait of the species.It is trait of the community.(c)It influences adaptabilityIt influences biotic interactionsand distribution of speciesand stability of thefound in an area.community.