65. Choose the incorrect statement with regard to Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms.
65 Ans D
Explanation: The main provisions were the following:
1. The secretary of state would control affairs relating to Government of India
2. The Central Legislature would comprise two chambers- The Council of State and the Indian Legislative Assembly
3. The Central Legislature was empowered to enact laws on any matter for whole of India.
4. The Governor General was given powers to summon, prorogue, dissolve the Chambers, and to promulgate Ordinances.
5. The number of Indians in Viceroy's Executive Council would be three out of eight members.
6. Establishment of bicameral Provincial Legislative councils.
7. Dyarchy in the Provinces-
- Reserved subjects like Finance, Law and Order, Army, Police etc.
- Transferred subjects like Public Health, Education, Agriculture, Local Self-government etc.
8. There would henceforth be direct election and an extension of Communal franchise. "