Addition of Decimals Using Conversion
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If you have to represent 25 rupees and 85 paise as decimals, how would you do it?
Rs 13.0900
Rs 13.9900
Rs 13.9000
Rs 13.0090
Q. Add the following "10 parts out of 25 " and "35 parts out of 50" .
- 5055
- 5550
- 4550
- 6550
Which fraction of is .
Write true or false for the following:
- True
- False
Q. Write these fractions appropriately as additions or subtractions:
Q. Add the following "6 parts out of 15 " and "35 parts out of 50".
- 5550
- 5055
- 4550
- 6550
Q. Add 3.64 and 2.81 by converting them into fractions.
- 6.45
- 6.25
- 6.555
- 6.54
Express cm without using decimal.
Q. Add the following "6 parts out of 15 " and "35 parts out of 50".
- 4550
- 5055
- 5550
- 6550
Q. Add 0.604 and 1.81 by converting them into fractions.
- 2.314
- 1.414
- 2.413
- 2.414
Q. Add 12.13 and 6.391 by converting them into fractions.
- 18.521
- 18.421
- 16.521
- 18.512
Q. Rajesh travelled 23.4 km by bus and 1.81 km by car. How much distance did he travel in all?
- 25.22 km
- 25.21 km
- 25.12 km
- 23.21 km
Q. Write these fractions appropriately as additions or subtractions.
Q. Add the following "6 parts out of 15 " and "35 parts out of 50".
- 6550
- 5550
- 4550
- 5055
Q. Add the following "10 parts out of 25 " and "35 parts out of 50" .
- 5055
- 5550
- 4550
- 6550
Q. Add the following "6 parts out of 15 " and "35 parts out of 50".
- 5055
- 6550
- 4550
- 5550
Q. Colour the part according to the given fraction.