Trending Questions
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- 1
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Which of the following has a definite length?
A line
A line segment
A ray
None of these
- Line Segment
- Line
- Ray
- Angle
Question 48
Name the points and then the line segments in each of the following figures.
(i) Point
(ii) Line
(iii) Line segment
(iv) Ray
(v) Angle
(vii) Parallel Line
(viii) Intersecting Lines
(ix) Vertex

- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
Question 61
State whether the statements are true or false:
Infinitely many perpendicular bisectors can be drawn to a given ray.
- 1 point
- 2 points
- 3 points
- Null
Question 1: Use the figure to name:
(a) Four rays

- −−→OP
- −−→OS
- −−→OQ
- −−→OR

- Line
- Line segment
- Point
- Ray
- ray
- line
- line segment
- curve
- ray
- line Segment
- line
- angle
- Ray
- Line
- Line segment
- Angle
A ray is a part of a line that has two endpoints. State True or False.
- True
- False
Number of rays that can be drawn with a given initial point are
A ray is a part of a line that has two endpoints.
- True
- False
Are angles only made of rays? Or are they even made of line segments?
- one direction
- both directions
- no direction
- it varies from one ray to the other
Question 6: Consider the following figure of line ←−→MN. Say whether following statement is true or false in the context of the given figure:
(a) Ray −−→OM is not opposite to ray −−→OP.
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯RS
- −−→RS
- ←−−RS
- ←→RS
If one end of a line segment is extended endlessly then the obtained geometrical figure will be a
(a) A line segment
(b) A ray
(c) A line
(d) none of these
Question 6: Consider the following figure of line ←−→MN. Say whether following statement is true or false in the context of the given figure
(a) M is point on ray −−→OP.
- points
- lines
- rays
- line Segments
State whether the following statements are true or false:
A ray has no endpoint.
- True
- False
- no
- three
- one
- two