Trending Questions
Which of the following organism has characters of both animals and plants -
Blue-green algae
Q. What is motile?
Q. Which of the following is the locomotary organ of paramecium?
- Pseudopodia
- Cilia
- Flagella
- Chitin
The organism in the image is an autotrophic protozoan. It moves in water with the help of _______.
The organism in the image is an autotrophic protozoan. It moves in water with the help of _______.
- flagella
- cilia
- pseudopodia
- tube feet
Q. What are planktons? Where is it located?
Q. Which among the following Kingdoms include organisms with cell wall?
- Animalia
- Monera
- Fungi
- Plantae
Who Coined the Term Protista?
What is protista kingdom?
What are the 5 types of protists?
Q. Describe briefly Kingdom Protista with examples.
Q. Which kingdom does Euglena belongs to?
- Plantae
- Animalia
- Protista
- Monera
Question 9
What is the need for a system of control and coordination in an organism?
Q. <!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->
Read the following statements and select the correct option.
Statement 1 : Colored leaves are known as variegated leaves.
Statement 2 : Variegated leaves do not perform photosynthesis as they don’t have chlorophyll.
Statement 1 : Colored leaves are known as variegated leaves.
Statement 2 : Variegated leaves do not perform photosynthesis as they don’t have chlorophyll.
- Both the statements are true
- Only statement 1 is true
- Both the statements are false
- Only statement 2 is true
Single-celled eukaryotes are included in the kingdom
Q. What is the mode of nutrition of organisms belonging to kingdom Fungi?
(A) Autotrophic
(B) Symbiotic
(C) Saprophytic
(D) Parasitic
(A) Autotrophic
(B) Symbiotic
(C) Saprophytic
(D) Parasitic
Q. Saprophytes use dead and decaying material as food.
- True
- False
Q. Why are protozoans regarded as primitive animals?
- They are unicellular and microscopic.
- Tissues, organs and organ systems are not developed in them.
- Both A and B.
- None of these.
Q. ___________ does not belong to kingdom Protista.
- Eubacteria
- Euglena
- Slime mould
- Amoeba
Q. Match the following protists.
- Protozoa
- Slime mould
- Algae
Q. Make a list of invertebrate phyla. Give one example of each.
Q. Invertebrate constitute percentage of animal kingdom
- 98%
- 75%
- 60%
- 30%
Q. Invertebrates are characterised by
- Absence of a true coelom
- Absence of endoskeleton
- Absence of pharyngeal gill slits
- Dorsally or laterally placed heart
Q. Which statement best explains why invertebrates regenerate lost tissue more readily than most vertebrates do?
- Invertebrates contain specialised cells that produce the hormones necessary for this process
- Invertebrate cells exhibit a higher degree of uncontrolled cell division than vertebrate cells do.
- Invertebrate animals reproduce asexually, but vertebrate 'animals reproduce sexually.
- Invertebrates animals have more undifferentiated cells than vertebrate animals have.
Q. .......... are called as moss animals.
- Acanthocephala
- Loricifera
- Ectoprocta
- Gastrotricha
Q. Larva occurs in
- Invertebrates
- Both A and B
- None of the above
- Vertebrates
Q. Which of the following are not the trends observed in the evolution of the central nervous system in invertebrates?
- Increased size of cerebral ganglia and formation of a 'brain'
- Reduction in the number of nerve cords
- Dominance of the ventral pair of nerve cords
- Replacement of nerve cords by nerve nets
Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of Annelids?
True body coelom is present
Closed blood vascular system
Open blood vascular system
Q. Cross section of body of an invertebrate is given. Identify the animal from the body plan
- Cockroach
- Planaria
- Round worm
- Earthworm