Terminating Decimals on Number Line
Trending Questions
Between which two whole numbers on the number line lie? Which whole number is nearer to it?
Q. Which of the figures reflects the number 5.3¯¯¯7 on a number line up to 5 decimal places, i.e. , 5.37777?
Between which numbers on the tenths on the number line does lie?
Q. Represent −95 on a number line.
Is it correct to represent 6.444… till 3 decimal places on a number line in the ways depicted in the given picture?
Is it correct to represent 6.444… till 3 decimal places on a number line in the ways depicted in the given picture?
- No
- Yes
Between which numbers on the tenths on the number line does lie?
What is the numeral for one-thousandths.
Between which two whole numbers on the number line lie? Which whole number is nearer to it?
Q. Express the given terminating decimal 6.65 on number line.
Q. The average of two numbers 4 and 72 is represented on a number line. Select the appropriate statement from the given options.
- The average is 3.75. It will lie to the right of 0 on number line.
- The average is 3.75. It will lie to the left of 0 on number line.
- The average is 2.75. It will lie to the right of 0 on number line.
- The average is 2.75. It will lieto the left of 0 on number line.
Q. Pop the bubbles that have non-terminating decimals.
- 2.7182818...
- 13.0666...
- 13.66
- 3.1415926...
- 1.7320508...
- 0.7320508...
- 0.141414...
- 2.666...
- 7.36565
- 0.35555...
Q. In a maths test, a question is asked to locate −2710 on a number line. Rebecca, a student located it and got full marks on that question. Identify which of the following did she make?
- None of the above
Q. The girl starts at 0 and needs to get to 2.5 on a number line. How can you assist her in reaching her destination successfully?
- Should walk right, reach at middle of -2 and -3
- Should walk left, reach at middle of 2 and 3
- Should walk right, reach at middle of 2 and 3
- Should walk left, reach at middle of -2 and -3