Cash Settlement with Retiring Partner
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Following are the Balance Sheets of X Ltd. for two years. Prepare a Cash Flow statement:
ParticularsNote31−03−201831−03−2017No.(I) Equity and Liabilities: (1) Shareholder's Fund: (a) Share Capital3, 00, 0002, 00, 000 (b) Reserve and surplus80, 00030, 000 (2) Non- Current Liabilities: Long term Borrowings1−75, 000 (3) Current Liabilities: (a) Short term Borrowings225, 00037, 000 (b) Trade Payables1, 50, 00096, 000 (c) Short term (Provision for Tax)15, 000––––––––12, 000–––––––– Total 5, 70, 000––––––––––4, 50, 000––––––––––II. Assets: (1) Non - Current Assets: Fixed Assets33, 40, 0003, 00, 000 (2) Current Assets (a) Current Investments (Short-term Investments)30, 00020, 000 (b) Inventory90, 00060, 000 (c) Trade Receivables97, 00065, 000 (d) Cash and Cash Equivalents13, 000––––––––5, 000–––––– Total5, 70, 000––––––––––4, 50, 000––––––––––
(1) Long - term Borrowings:31−03−201831−03−201715% Loan- 75, 000(2)Short-term Borrowings:Bank Overdraft25, 000––––––––37, 000––––––––(3)Fixed Assets:Plant and Machinery4, 00, 0003, 50, 000(−)Accumulated Depreciation60, 000––––––––50, 000––––––––3, 40, 000––––––––––3, 00, 000––––––––––
Additional Information:
(1) 31−03−201831−03−2017Rs.Rs.Contingent Liability:Proposed Dividend30, 00020, 000
(2) Loan was repaid on 1st April, 2017