MTP and Regulations
Trending Questions
Write full form of MTP.
One of the legal methods of birth control is:
A. abortion by taking an appropriate medicine
B. by abstaining from coitus from day 10 to 17 of the menstrual cycle
C. by having coitus at the time of daybreak
D. by a premature ejaculation during coitus
What is the result of reckless female foeticide?
Answer the following questions.
What is an abortion? Why do some people oppose it? In which case is abortion justified?
- Eight weeks
- Twelve weeks
- Eighteen weeks
- Six weeks
Which of the following statements is wrong regarding medical termination of pregnancy (MTP)?
In India it is legal up to the 20th week of pregnancy.
MTPs can’t be done without surgery.
MTPs are considered to be relatively safe during first trimester.
It needs the assistance of qualified medical practitioner.
(I) Medical termination of pregnancy (MTP) during the first trimester is generally safe.
(II) Generally chances of conception are nil until mother breast-feeds the infant upto two years.
(III) Intrauterine devices like copper-T are effective contraceptives.
(IV) Contraception pills should be taken upto one week only after coitus to prevent conception.
Which two of the above statements are correct?
- I, III
- I, II
- Rape
- Unwanted pregnancies
- Foetal disorders
- Unwanted girl child
What is correct about amniocentesis?
Intrauterine diagnosis.
Withdrawal of allantoic fluid from pregnant women.
Chemical analysis of fluids of pregnant women.
Culturing amniotic cells and study of metaphasic chromosomes to identify chromosomal abnormality.
Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) is legal upto