A bulb is rated 100W-240V. What is the magnitude of current drawn by the bulb?
Step 1: Given
Voltage(V)=240VLet I be the current in the circuit.
Step 2: Finding the current
We know that, P=I×V
Hence, the magnitude of current drawn by the bulb is 0.416A.
An electric bulb is rated 220V, 100 W (a) What is its resistance ? (b) What safe current can be passed through it?
A bulb is rated100W-240V. What information does the marking convey?
An electric bulb is rated 60W,240V. Calculate its resistance.If the voltage drops to 192V, calculate the power consumed and the current drawn by the bulb. (ASSUMETHATTHERESISTANCE OFTHEBULBREMAINSCHANGED)