The correct option is
B 1330Fire a volley means that
A,BandC all try to hit the target simultaneously.
Two shots
hit the target in one of the following ways:
(1) A and B hit and C fails to hit.
(2) A and C hit and B fails to hit.
(3) B and C hit and A fails to hit.
The chance of hitting by A,P(A)=45 and of not hitting by him P(A′)=1−45=15.
The chance of hitting by B,P(B)=34 and of not hitting by him P(B′)=1−34=14.
The chance of hitting by C,P(C)=23 and of not hitting by him P(C′)=1−23=13.
The probability of (1) is P(ABC′)=45×34×13=15.
The probability of (2) is P(ACB′)=45×23×14=215.
The probability of (3) is P(BCA′)=34×23×15=110.
Thus the probability that two shots hit the target is 15+215+110=1330.