A car takes 4hrs to travel from Bangalore to Chennai whereas the flight takes only 30min to travel from Bangalore to Chennai. If the distance from Bangalore to Chennai by road is 400km and by air is 150km. Calculate the average speed and average velocity of flight and car.
The shortest distance between Banglore and Chennai is same as the distance by air.
Answer in the given order (in kmhr ):
Find the Average speed of Flight, the Average velocity of flight, the Average speed of the car, the Average velocity of the car.
300, 300, 100, 37.5
The displacement between Banglore and Chennai is same as the distance covered by flight = 150 km.
(Average Speed)flight = 1500.5 = 300 kmhr
(Average Velocity)flight = 1500.5 = 300 kmhr
(Average Speed)car= 4004 = 100 kmhr
(Average Velocity)car = 1504 = 37.5 kmhr