A cell phone tower has a safety light to warn airplanes of its location. It blinks once every 3.5 seconds. If f(m) gives the number of times the light blinks over the course of m minutes, which of the following equations defines f
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The correct option is Cf(m)=60m3.5 Cell phone tower blinks after every 3.5 seconds i.e after every 3.560minutes (1min=60sec).
Thus f(m) gives number of times light blinks after m minutes.
For first blink ,it takes 3.560 minutes
For Second blink, it takes 3.560+3.560 minutes
i.e 2×3.560
For Third blink it takes 3.560+3.560+3.560minutes i.e 3×3.560
So for t blinks, it take over a course of t×3.560 minutes
We need to find over given m minutes, how many times it will blink which will be given by total time divided by time taken for one blink.
So over a course of time m minutes it will blink m3.560=60m3.5