A cosmic body A moves to the Sun with velocity v0 (when far from the Sun) and aiming parameter l the arm of the vector →v0 relative to the centre of the Sun (figure shown above). Find the minimum distance by which this body will get to the Sun.
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At the minimum separation with the Sun, the cosmic body's velocity is perpendicular to its position vector relative to the Sun. If rmin be the sought minimum distance, from conservation of angular momentum about the Sun (C). mv0l=mvrmin or, v=v0lrmin (1) From conservation of mechanical energy of the system (sun + cosmic body), 12mv20=−γmsmrmin+12mv2 So, v202=−γmsrmin+v202r2min (using 1) or, v20r2min+2γmsrmin−v20l2=0 rmin=−2γms±√4γ2m2s+4v20v20l22v20=−γms±√γ2m2s+v40l2v20 Hence, taking positive root rmin=(γmsv20)⎡⎢⎣