A distance of 1 unit on the map of a city represents an actual distance of 1 km. On the map, Sanjay’s house is located at (4, 3). To go to his school, he first goes to a nearby bus stand which is located at (4, 0).
If the school is located at the origin, then what is the total distance that Sanjay travels to reach his school from his house?
7 km
It is given that the school is located at (0, 0).
Accordingly, the coordinates (4, 3) and (4, 0) can be located on the map as
It is given that a distance of 1 unit on the map represents an actual distance of 1 km.
According to the map, the total distance Sanjay travels to go to his school is (3 + 4) km = 7 km.
The correct answer is A.