(A) Distinguish between census method and sampling method.
(B) Distinguish between primary data and secondary data.
BasisCensus MethodSampling MethodNature of EnquiryExtensive enquiry is conducted asLimited enquiry is conducted aseach and every unit of theonly few units of the populationpopulation is studied.are studied.EconomyIt requires large amount ofRelatively less money, time, andmoney, time and labour.labour are required.SuitabilityIt is more suitable if population isIt is more suitable if populationheterogenous in nature.is homogeneous in nature.Reliability and Results are quite reliable andUnder sampling method, resultsaccuracyaccurate under census method.are less reliable and accurate.Nature of errorIn census method, the only errorSampling method gives rise tothat may arise in the collection oferror of sampling apart fromdata is error of bias.error of bias.
BasisPrimary DataSecondary DataOriginalityPrimary data are originalSecondary data are not original sincebecause they are collected byinvestigator makes use of the datainvestigator himself.collected by other agencies.SourcePrimary data are collected bySecondary data are already collected andsome agency or person byprocessed by some person or agency andusing the method of datais ready for use.collection.Time factorIt requires longer time for dataSecondary data requires less time.collection.