A feasibility study
A feasibility study A list of alternative solution considered.
A feasibility study is an analysis used in measuring the ability and likelihood to complete a project successfully including all relevant factors. It must account for factors that affect it such as economic, technological, legal and scheduling factors. Project managers use feasibility studies to determine potential positive and negative outcomes of a project before investing a considerable amount of time and money into it.
Follow us: Investopedia on FacebookTypes of Feasibility. Various types of feasibility that are commonly considered include technical feasibility, operational feasibility, and economic feasibility. ... Technical feasibility also performs the following tasks.
A feasibility study is an analysis used in measuring the ability and likelihood to complete a project successfully including all relevant factors. ... Project managers use feasibility studies to determine potential positive and negative outcomes of a project before investing a considerable amount of time and money into it.
Technical feasibility study is the complete study of the project in terms of input, processes, output, fields, programs and procedures. It is a very effective tool for long term planning and trouble shooting. The technical feasibility study should most essentially support the financial information of an organization.
An analysis and evaluation of a proposed project to determine if it (1) is technically feasible, (2) is feasible within the estimated cost, and (3) will be profitable. Feasibility studies are almost always conducted where large sums are at stake. Also called feasibility analysis.