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A frog jumps 3 steps at a time starting from 0.
• Count the jumps he takes to reach 27.
So, he has taken 27 ÷ 3 = _______ jumps.

• He has taken _________ jumps, if he is at 36.
• If he is at 42, he has taken _________ jumps.
Starting from 0, a rabbit jumps 5 steps at a time.
• In how many jumps does he reach 25? ____________
• He reaches ____________ after taking 8 jumps.
• He needs ____________ jumps to reach 55.

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  • Number of jumps taken by the frog to cover 3 steps = 1
Number of jumps taken by the frog to cover 27 steps = 27 ÷ 3
= 9
So, he has taken 27 ÷ 3 = 9 jumps.
  • Number of jumps taken by the frog to cover 3 steps = 1
Number of jumps taken by the frog to cover 36 steps = 36 ÷ 3
= 12
He has taken 12 jumps, if he is at 36.
  • Number of jumps taken by the frog to cover 3 steps = 1
Number of jumps taken by the frog to cover 42 steps = 42 ÷ 3
= 14
If he is at 42, he has taken 14 jumps.
  • Number of jumps taken by the rabbit to cover 5 steps = 1
Number of jumps taken by the frog to cover 25 steps = 25 ÷ 5
= 5
Thus, the rabbit will reach 25 in 5 jumps.
  • Number of steps covered in 1 jump = 5
Number of steps covered in 8 jumps = 5 × 8
= 40
He reaches 40 after taking 8 jumps.
  • Number of jumps taken by the rabbit to cover 5 steps = 1
Number of jumps taken by the frog to cover 55 steps = 55 ÷ 5
= 11
He needs 11 jumps to reach 55.

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