A ISDN circuit is of which category type.
A ISDN circuit is of Leased line category type.
Leased lines can be used for telephone, Internet, or other data services. ... It is also known as an ethernet leased line, dedicated line, data circuit or private line. For example, a T1 can be leased and provides a maximum transmission speed of 1.544 Mbit/s.
Leased line is a service contract between a provider & a customer whereby the provider agrees to deliver a symmetric or at least bidirectional telecommunications line that connect two or more business locations in exchange for a monthly, quarterly or yearly rent.
Both broadband and a leased line provide Internet access at a fixed subscription cost. The differences are: A leased line is a dedicated connection between your premises and the local exchange. It is fixed bandwidth and offers identical upload and download speeds and is not subject to contention with other users.