A Ltd issued 10,000, 10% Debentures of Rs.100 each at a premium of 5% payable as follows:
Rs.10 on application, Rs.20 along with premium on allotment and balance on First and Final Call. Record necessary journal entries.
Journal Entries
DateParticularsLFAmt.(Dr)Amt.(Cr)(i)Bank A/c Dr1,00,000 To 10% Debenture Application A/c1,00,000(Application money received for10,000 10 % debentures application at Rs. 10 each) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––(ii)10 % Debenture Application A/c Dr1,00,000 To 10 % Debenture A/c1,00,000(Application money at Rs 10 eachtransferred to 10 % debentures account) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––(iii)Bank A/c Dr2,50,000 To 10% Debenture Allotment A/c2,50,000(Allotment money received onallotment at Rs 25 each for 10,000 10 % debentures) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––(iv)10 % Debenture Allotment A/c Dr2,50,000 To 10 % Debenture A/c2,00,000 To Securities Premium A/c50,000(Allotment due at Rs 25 each includingpremium Rs 5 on 10,000, 10 % debentures) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––(v)Bank A/c Dr7,00,000 To 10% Debenture First and Final Call A/c7,00,000(First and final call at Rs 70 eachon 10,000 10 % debentures due) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––(vi)10% Debenture First and Final Call A/c Dr7,00,000 To 10 % Debenture A/c7,00,000(Debenture first and final call receivedat Rs 70 each for 10,000, 10 % debentures)
Note : On allotment the term "Along with Premium" means premium in addition i.e, (20+5) Rs.25.