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A multiple choice question consists of the question, called the stem, and several answer choices. Common types of questions are true/false, odd one out, negative, best answer, and multiple and combined answer questions 234243423423423234234

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A multiple choice question consists of the question, called the stem, and several answer choices.

Right on! Give the BNAT exam to get a 100% scholarship for BYJUS courses
A multiple choice question consists of the question, called the stem, and several answer choices. Common types of questions are true/false, odd one out, negative, best answer, and multiple and combined answer questions.
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A multiple choice question consists of the question, called the stem, and several answer choices. Common types of questions are true/false, odd one out, negative, best answer, and multiple and combined answer questions.A multiple choice question consists of the question, called the stem, and several answer choices. Common types of questions are true/false, odd one out, negative, best answer, and multiple and combined answer questions.
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None of the above.
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The correct options are
A 123123321123123

B A multiple choice question consists of the question, called the stem, and several answer choices.

A multiple choice question consists of the question, called the stem, and several answer choices. Common types of questions are true/false, odd one out, negative, best answer, and multiple and combined answer questions.A multiple choice question consists of the question, called the stem, and several answer choices. Common types of questions are true/false, odd one out, negative, best answer, and multiple and combined answer questions.A multiple choice question consists of the question, called the stem, and several answer choices. Common types of questions are true/false, odd one out, negative, best answer, and multiple and combined answer questions.A multiple choice question consists of the question, called the stem, and several answer choices. Common types of questions are true/false, odd one out, negative, best answer, and multiple and combined answer questions.A multiple choice question consists of the question, called the stem, and several answer choices. Common types of questions are true/false, odd one out, negative, best answer, and multiple and combined answer questions.A multiple choice question consists of the question, called the stem, and several answer choices. Common types of questions are true/false, odd one out, negative, best answer, and multiple and combined answer questions.A multiple choice question consists of the question, called the stem, and several answer choices. Common types of questions are true/false, odd one out, negative, best answer, and multiple and combined answer questions.A multiple choice question consists of the question, called the stem, and several answer choices. Common types of questions are true/false, odd one out, negative, best answer, and multiple and combined answer questions.A multiple choice question consists of the question, called the stem, and several answer choices. Common types of questions are true/false, odd one out, negative, best answer, and multiple and combined answer questions.A multiple choice question consists of the question, called the stem, and several answer choices. Common types of questions are true/false, odd one out, negative, best answer, and multiple and combined answer questions.A multiple choice question consists of the question, called the stem, and several answer choices. Common types of questions are true/false, odd one out, negative, best answer, and multiple and combined answer questions. 2131231231231213213

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