A perfect square number has four digits, none of which is zero. The digits from left to right have values, that are even, even, odd, even. Find the number.
Suppose abcd is a perfect square
where, a = even number
b = even number
c = odd number
d = even number
The square root of the smallest four digit number is 32×32=1024 and largest four digit number is 99×99=9801, so the number is any where between 32 and 99. The unit place number is even, so it will be the square an even number.
So, it can be 32, 34 etc. the left digit has to be 2, 4, 6, 8.
Again the squares will be in the range 42 to 98 as 32, 34 etc are not satisfies the given conditions.
Hence, 94×94=8836 is one of the number which satisfies the given condition.