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Byju's Answer
Standard X
Physical and Chemical Changes
A physical ch...
A physical change involves a change in the physical characteristics of the substance.
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Matter undergoes a change. The changes are of two types: Physical and chemical change.
A physical change is a change that involves only a change in the physical state of matter.
Its chemical properties remain the same. Usually increasing the temperature or applying pressure or both bring about a physical change. On reversing the condition, that is reducing the temperature or reducing the pressure or both, the original state of matter is restored. In other words, physical changes are reversible.
A chemical change is a change that involves a change in the chemical composition of matter. A new substance is formed. In a chemical change, new chemical and physical properties of the substance are formed. In a chemical change, the chemical and physical properties of the substance formed will be different from the original substance.
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Matter undergoes a change. The changes are of two types : Physical and chemical change. A physical change is a change that involves only a change in the physical state of matter.
Its chemical properties remain the same. Usually increasing the temperature of applying pressure or both brings about a physical change. On reversing the condition, i.e., reducing the temperature or reducing the pressure or both, the original state of matter is restored. In other words, physical changes are reversible. A chemical change is a change that involves a change in the chemical composition of matter. A new substance is formed. In a chemical change, the chemical and physical properties of the substance is formed. In a chemical change, the chemical and physical properties of the substance formed will be different from the original substance.
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