A rod is formed by joining two cylinders each having a length ℓ and cross sectional area S. The densities of cylinders are ρ and 2ρ respectively. The rod is now horizontally suspended in a liquid of density 4ρ with help of two string as shown in the figure. The entire setup is kept inside a lift. For the quantities given in List I, select the correct value from those mentioned in List II.
List IList II(P) Tension in string 1 if the lift is moving upwards(1)118ρSℓgwith constant velocity.(Q) Tension in string 2 if the lift is moving upwards(2)98ρSℓgwith constant velocity.(R) Tension in string 1 if the lift is moving downwards(3)114ρSℓgwith an acceleration ofg2(S) Tension in string 2 if the lift is moving downwards(3)94ρSℓgwith an acceleration ofg2